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Everything posted by Spherical

  1. A follow up question: would it maybe possible to add a few new icons then? Simple shapes would be nice but just having all available icons in black and white would go a long way. It shouldn't take too long to do, right?
  2. https://youtu.be/nFTRwD85AQ4?t=21 Thanks for the quick reply BMac! I'll keep my fingers crossed it might be possible to add new icons in the future
  3. Using the technique described in #1 is it possible to create icons that can be referenced in .stringtable files using the <sprite> element or is it limited to item/ability icons for now? Edit: Using the Inline atlas (found in the game files) as a template didn't work - i.e. naming the new atlas Inline.png/Inline.txt - so I'm guessing it's not supported at the moment.
  4. That's a shame but thank you so much for checking it out to see if it was even possible to do. You guys are awesome and I'm enjoying Deadfire a ton (also your modding support is truly outstanding)! Thank you guys!
  5. Could you be more specific? What part of the reputation screen do you have trouble understanding?
  6. Huh, TIL I guess! I had no idea you could spell it like that - then again I'm not a native speaker.
  7. Ahhh done by terminology. I automatically translated skill points into ability points in my mind without thinking. You can add specific skills per levels via progressiontable but I couldn't see an obvious way to alter skillpoints per level (either in the documentation or gamedatabundles). I can think of a possible workaround but it's messy on all fronts. You could add a custom category to abilitiy points and have a choice of passive custom skills available that add a point to each respective skill via a corresponding permanent status effect but that's so messy it'd probably break the UI. So many icons. So much text. Another way might be a scripted NPC that gifts skillpoints per level. This isn't as messy on the GUI but it's a lot of modding. You could check peardox's conversation modding (when it's finished) and when it's properly implemented (I thought it would be this patch) if you're really keen on adding this in a cleaner way. If another method occurs to me I'll drop back in but I can't see an easy way out (except for the hardcoded skillchoices which is supereasy modding but gives no real options to the player). Yeah those are the ways I've figured as well. Not something I'd like to jump into as it's currently a lot easier to just add skillpoints via console commands every time my party levels up. That's why I was hoping for BMac to expose the code governing the skill-points-per-level in a future patch. One can hope
  8. Basically the title. It's very hard to read the text "(Concentration)" and - especially! - the text "+20 Max". Not sure if it's a bug or a "feature". Anyway, this is without any mods installed:
  9. Are you talking about this line of code? Example#1 - Ciphers { "$type": "Game.GameData.ClassProgressionTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "CategoryNames": [{ "Category": "General", "DisplayName": 2935 <= Initial Abilities (gui.stringtable) } ], "AbilityPointUnlocks": [{ "Level": 1, "CategoryObsolete": "General", "Categories": "257", "Points": 1, "UnlockDescription": 2925 <= Choose One Initial Ability (gui.stringtable) } ] } Example#2 - Chanters { "$type": "Game.GameData.ClassProgressionTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "CategoryNames": [{ "Category": "General", "DisplayName": 1435 <= Invocations (gui.stringtable) }, { "Category": "Custom1", "DisplayName": 1434 <= Phrases (gui.stringtable) } ], "AbilityPointUnlocks": [{ "Level": 1, "CategoryObsolete": "General", "Categories": "257", "Points": 1, "UnlockDescription": 3332 <= Choose One Initial Invocation (gui.stringtable) }, { "Level": 1, "CategoryObsolete": "Custom1", "Categories": "8", "Points": 1, "UnlockDescription": 3331 <= Choose One Initial Phrase (gui.stringtable) } ] } Because that code doesn't do what I'm asking about. I'm asking for control over how many Skill Points you get per level, not Ability Points.
  10. A temporary work around is using the console command AdvanceTimeByHours 45090 Which should put you right where you should be canonically (apparently there are 27 hours per day - NOT 26 as said in the wiki!!) This will likely break all kinds of fun things in the game though so use at your own peril.
  11. Would be really cool if we could adjust the amount of skill points you get each level in the same way we can for Super Charges Weapon Proficiency inter alia. I was hoping for something like this: "SuperChargeCountByCharacterLevel": ["0", "3", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"], "WeaponProficiencyPointsByCharacterLevel": ["2", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1"], But for Skills instead of Super Charges Weapon Proficiency. Edit: Changed Super Chargers to Weapon Proficiency to avoid any confusion.
  12. This fix is not applied to already started games. The fix is only applied when starting a new game.
  13. Yeah, it probably got the wrong reference call, this is from re_si_city_dawnstar_laetharn.conversationbundle: { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.Conversations.PlayerResponseNode, OEIFormats", "NotSkippable": false, "IsQuestionNode": false, "HideSpeaker": false, "IsTempText": false, "PlayVOAs3DSound": false, "PlayType": 0, "Persistence": 3, "NoPlayRandomWeight": 0, "VOPositioning": 0, "DisplayType": 1, "NodeID": 70, "ContainerNodeID": -1, "Links": [ { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.Conversations.DialogueLink, OEIFormats", "RandomWeight": 1, "PlayQuestionNodeVO": true, "QuestionNodeTextDisplay": 0, "FromNodeID": 70, "ToNodeID": 71, "PointsToGhost": false, "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ClassExtender": { "ExtendedProperties": [] } } ], "ClassExtender": { "ExtendedProperties": [ "SpeakerAnimation,0", "ListenerAnimation,0", "DoNotClearText,False", "FocusedSpeaker,", "VOEventOverride,None" ] }, "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "OnEnterScripts": [ { "Data": { "FullName": "Void DispositionAddPoints(Guid, Guid)", "Parameters": [ "6d4a08e8-3b00-4abc-b786-ec051f0f3b8a", "54772c0d-cf3f-4589-8cab-9f3601d575c2" ], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1769062230, "ParameterHash": -1500557251 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } } ], "OnExitScripts": [], "OnUpdateScripts": [] } The 6d4a08e8-3b00-4abc-b786-ec051f0f3b8a ID leads to: { "$type": "Game.GameData.DispositionGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "BenevolentDisposition", "ID": "6d4a08e8-3b00-4abc-b786-ec051f0f3b8a", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.DispositionComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 37, "Description": -1, "Ranks": ["4", "12", "25", "45"], "Icon": "gui/icons/gamesystems/benevolent_l.png", "CircularIcon": "gui/icons/gamesystems/repicon_benevolent.png" } ] } Also, there's a spelling error in ID 5 (re_si_city_dawnstar_laetharn.stringtable): <Entry> <ID>5</ID> <DefaultText>"You. You're the one what saw the miracle. When Eothas rose at Caed Nua." Awe and conviction quiver in his voice.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> > "You're the one what saw the miracle." I think that "w" should be a "t", no?
  14. This is awesome! Thanks for putting the guide together Xaratas! The only thing I'd like to add is that you can add icons to text entries by using this tag: <sprite="Inline" name="[icon name]" tint=1> It's also possible to colorize the icons using the color tag mentioned in the guide.
  15. What does this mod do? This mod colorizes Afflictions and Inspirations so that they will be easier to identify and understand. It only works on the tooltips but should make it easier to see what affliction belong to what "category" so that you can buff/debuff your party with a bit moreclarity. You can download the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/32 --- It looks like this in game: Hope you like the mod and if I missed anything please let me know and I'll try to correct it ASAP. --- Please note that this mod only works on the English version of the game
  16. Anyone knows if this is possible? I haven't seen any table that modify runspeed per class yet but I might have missed something. Only one I've seen is the global function to raise "walking speed" but nothing for stealth. Any insights would be greatly appreciated
  17. Has anyone had a look at progressiontables.gamedatabundle and global.gamedatabundle to see if something gone awry with the level scaling? What I've found so far is this in the progressiontables file: "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CL-DefaultScalingRules", "ID": "311137d5-67c2-40ec-b21a-cf8dbd64ae1f", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.CharacterLevelScalingTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ExpectedCharacterLevelAdjustments": [{ "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -50, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": -2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": -1 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -1, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 1, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 0 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 2, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 1 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 3, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 50, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 2 } ] } ] } But I dunno what those numbers mean, perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge in JSON can shed some light on that? --- Edit: Might as well add a screenshot of what I mean by scaling not working: Top box is my accuracy and the bottom box is my enemies deflection (which should be up-scaled to my level). If scaling would work then my enemy would have +45 deflection not +24 (I'm level 15 so 3x15=45).
  18. Probably should be added to the list: level scaling doesn't work. It's kind of a major one.
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