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Everything posted by MalaksBane
why do people on this forum hate swtor
MalaksBane replied to pvs0101's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
First what I didn't like, the 'return' of Revan. It's just cheap rehashing that can only mutilate the Revan we knew, and played. Revan and The Exile are Player Characters, they are our characters and whatever the storywriters did to them can only degrade them. Unless you do it like Obsidian did in KotOR-2. That said, I do get the impression that Bioware was trying to undo some of the damage done to Revan's character after KotOR. As far as I've been playing SWToR I am having a very good time with it. After dabbling a bit with a Jedi Knight, which wasn't very good, I made an Inquistor and was hooked. It's fun, a delight, the story is what you'd expect for an Imperial scholar, you're steering your way through all the scheming and backstabbing Sith, plotting the downfall of everyone around them. All of this through excellent voice acting and convincing facial animations. It may be full of stereotypes, there are plenty of different stereotypes. The side-quests may be running around, killing mobs, and getting itmes or clicking things, as they were in KotOR, they are always given a different twist. -
Yeah, good point. Iirc it didn't like being alt-tabbed away from, like some other games, and Windows 7 actually improved it in a way. Still, to screen-switching is annoying, more so then the game freezing when alt-tabbing away from it. But I suppose you are trying to say Windows 7 broke Securom? Can you play it without physical disk now?
I can't uninstall Kotor2...
MalaksBane replied to Jedimaster Dan's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Are you logged in as Administrator or are you unistalling from user and providing the admin password when asked? I'd log in as admin. If it still fails, leave it installed, it just uses up a little bit of harddisk space, no big deal. -
I got the impression disabling movies helps a bit.
Saves are not appearing on my damned PC!
MalaksBane replied to Jedimaster Dan's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
When on Win 7 a program under a non-admin user attempts to write in restricted folders, like 'Program Folders' the system creates a copy of the file in user-space. The game will see this new file as if it were where it attempted to write it, but for other users this file is invisible. This 'Virtual store' is located under your userfolder (presumable something like C:\Users\ThatsMe\ ). On my system it looks like: C:\Users\MalaksBane\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Saves -
It's not a simple matter of age or OS, it runs fine for me, that is on a recent AMD E-350 dual-core netbook, 4GB Windows 7, 32 bit. I did nothing special to make it run. It is not flawless though, in particular with movies enabled there's lots of screen-switching and blanking and I experience 'weird' behaviour, that is, black screens and loss of input-focus, which can usually be bypassed with ALT-TABbing and task-switching around. But I can ALT-TAB freely, which, iirc, wasn't the case under W2K - and I can run it as user rather then Admin, without doing anything to make that work. I'd try updating drivers, disabling movies, that sort of thing. Let the config-tool set it up and then later tweak the settings.
No, not much. There's a bug with handmaiden where you can not proceed with the Telos Academy when you follow a specific dialogue-path in your first encounter with her. Don't know if this is related but it has some similarities. edit: found this on gamefaqs-forum, some talk about bugs in a blog's comments, one saying "When trying to get off telos, just go to party selection menu and deselect the other two". Dunno if any of that helps or that you've seen them before.
Star wars KotOR 2 Problem please help!
MalaksBane replied to Cell1214's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Glad I could help, enjoy the game! -
Star wars KotOR 2 Problem please help!
MalaksBane replied to Cell1214's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think you can 'bash' it with your lightsaber. -
Question about feats for my character...
MalaksBane replied to AsILayDying's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Indeed, it reduces lightsabe damage - and blaster damage. There aren't many lightsaber wielding opponents, but the few that you do encounter are the more serious apponents in the game. Keep in mind that even if it's just 20 per hit, (a) you may get hit often and (b) 20 DR will make most blasters useless against you. I think you get Force Deflect for free, later on. I wouldn't worry too much, you get so many levels, so many powers and feats that you can afford to experiment or 'waste' a few. -
Question about feats for my character...
MalaksBane replied to AsILayDying's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Everyone plays it differently I guess. Finesse, only take it when your dexterity is higher then your strength and if you're using a doublebladed saber I'd recommend going strength - you get a rather large strength related damage bonus with those. Your choice of fighting feats depends a bit on weapon choice. Power Attack is usually meh, for critical strike you do not want a double bladed - which has a smaller chance to get a critical. Flurry works with just about anything. Fighting a room full of Dark Jedi isn't hard with saber oriented build - but AoE spells are fun nevertheless. The prospect leads me to point out Force Immunity - nothing more annoying then getting stunned in a room full of Dark Jedi and Immunity helps. Energy resistance is good, especially against lightsaber wielding opponents - 20 points damage reduction on every hit is quite substantial - and less damage taken is less time spend healing. It's also - I think - one of the few that can be cast in armor. Force Barrier does the same thing with physical damage - and many opponents use blades. Need it? No. But do you need 5 different offensice force powers? No. But take what seems fun, the only 'must have' power my book is Master Speed, it gives you two extra attacks per round. There is Light Armor that doesn't restrict the use of Force Powers, I don't know about medium / heavy armor. -
Question about feats for my character...
MalaksBane replied to AsILayDying's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I'd focus on lightsabers - maybe blasters for RP reasons - but not both, and get the whole specializeation feat series for that weapon. Sticking to one weapon also means you don't need to take fighting feat trees (and they need to be maxed) for two weapons. Btw, if Guardians still get Force Jump you will not need ranged weapons. I think you get Jedi Defense for free. Heavy armor may hamper your use of force powers - though you might be lucky and find some that don't - check which powers are not restricted or have very long durations. I never use Armor much, Master Speed rocks but you can't cast it in armor. Don't forget Barrier, Battle Medidation and Valor - in longer/harder fights they can make livng a lot easier. -
With 14 base constitution, you need to spend 3 hard points in constitution with a LS character (HK gives +1 con to a total of 18). You get +1 CON from HK? I don't know that path, but I suppose it's going to take you more then a few DS options to gain enough influence for it. With 10 base, 4 more points are reuired to get it to 14 first. You don't need more then 10 CON for hitpoints, only for the implants, so that leaves 7 points to invest, not 3 (if you manage to get the CON from HK). If you get 3 for free, I am still counting 5 points, but that at least might be worth it. Not really, +2 in all attribs, but the points in INT are fairly useless (doesn't count when leveling up and the dialogue options are few and far between), as is the bonus to CON. Depending on play style - fighter or caster - either the bonus to WIS or STR is going to be less effective - which essentially leaves you with a +2 boost in 3 stats, which is only 6 useful points. The +3 implant suffers a similar defect, either the CON or the INT boost is wasted, with -again- only 6 usefull bonus attribute point. So, at least for lightsiders, you spend more attribute points then you get back. But the OP is planning a DS-er so that might be enough - provided you're lucky enough to find the implants that make it worthwhile.
d20 single player KotOR 3
MalaksBane replied to DarthCovenant's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
They are different beasts, with different types of players, as witnessed by this discussion. I wouldn't mind a story-driven, instanced Star Wars MMO a la Guildwars (with a one time fee like Guildwars), but anything that involves paying every month to be able to mindlessly grind for more levels as is the hallmark of regular MMO is wasted on me. But $100 per year per player with minimal investmenst is probably too good to pass up for LA. Sounds good. Lets hope, afterall it's Bioware developping it. Keeping an ongoing game interesting is far more challenging then creating one with fix starting and ending points. Can you make an MMO interesting enough to warrant the Oh, lets ask it timely, "Can we have heroes? Better yet, all hero parties?" The problem with PuGs is that diferent people have (a) different goals and motivations and (b) different ways of going for them. Get everyone aligned, or at least informed and problems are far less. Playing with real players rather then AI henchman can be far more rewarding and/or far more frustrating. -
Why did the Exile return from her Exile?
MalaksBane replied to Scarletguard's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The Harbinger was redirected from it's assignment at Onderon, so it must have been important to the Republic to pick up The Exile and bring her to Telos. Might have been for Carth's wish to hear about Revan - but he might have tracked and asked her earlier, she'd been a general in the republic army and it's unlikely they didn't have identifiying information on her. Another possibility is that they picked up the Exile for her own safety, since Atris just released information that could id her and the sith assassins would be after her, soon. -
Having picked it up recently - but played plenty of KotOR and NWN. I found CON mostly pointless - never got hurt enough to need the extra vitality and never died even on my first play - except possibly for the flexibility the implants might offer (but keep in mind that the 6-8 points spend in con will never be returned). The Weapon Master prestige class might have helped me out a bit by giving enough feats to be able to spend some in the toughness line - but even for other classes this might be preferable to (over) spending points in constitution.
Very few enemies actually resist force powers, but they may throw a successfull saving roll. The chance on your opponent doing a successfull saving throw depends on the save-DC your character throws up. This DC is increased by modifiers from your Wisdom and Charisma attributes, putting some attribute points into Wisdom and Charisma should help.
Testing software and fixing the problems that are found, the effort and skill for this required is frequently underestimated. Just think that every time a (major) bug is found and fix, a whole bunch of tests has to be run again to insure that the fix did not cause any new bugs.
That is because the smarter Sith stay out of your way and therefore you never meet them. Only the fools try to attack you, which gives you the impression that there are only foolish Sith. Yuthura says something like this: "Those who are weak return home, those who are weak and foolish die."
Is a bit difficult for those who killed her. And if the game asks about it at the start... well that would give it away. I suppose that is the same with most partymembers; Juhani, Jolee, Bastila, Zaalbar, Mission, Carth. I think they all get killed in one version or another. That would leave only Canderous, T3 (confirmed I think) and HK-47 for cameos/partymembers.
Old threads would probably be more worthwhile to read if there wasn't so much (off-topic) noise in them Mhh, and now I've added some noise myself. Again.
Obsidian: PLEASE PLEASE fix these...
MalaksBane replied to RaulVic's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Irrelevant, sure I can get through (most of) the game without partymembers at all, but that is not the point, I want to have the choice of how a fight is fought. I was rather annoyed to find that the game forced me to dash through the Star Forge, that was not the way I wanted to fight that battle. It's no big deal, just annoying. And annoyances are bad for fun. -
Obsidian: PLEASE PLEASE fix these...
MalaksBane replied to RaulVic's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
In your opinion, what would be the best way to get NPCs to flee with you when you turn to run? How do you distinguish between running away or just moving back to give yourself some room? Have a disengage that is really a disengage - and keeps them disengaged for x seconds or until the leader attacks. Or, if changing the AI that determines when partymembers start/join a fight is too tricky, have a non-combat mode, like there are solo- and stealth modes. -
So, drop transit-heal and Froce Heal all together, or at least make it's effects dependant on some skill level. And drop the ability to use medpacks from the inventory screen.
After rewatching the new TSL trailer....
MalaksBane replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The blue 'robes' near the end don't have the same style (or cut or whatever it's called) as the jedi robes in KotOR-1, they are longer, no boots, different pants.... (they also appear at 0:59)