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Everything posted by Whitewolfsp

  1. I came here to ask the same , i cant play in first person for more than 10 min. my head start to hurt , i really hope we have a option to put the game in third person , thats how i paly Fallout 4 and Skyrim , i walk around and explore in 3rd person and only enter 1st person in combat. Anyway , amazing trailer , hope the game is a masterpiece.
  2. Great News !! I just hope the Cipher subclass is something good.
  3. Just a minor bug , but sometimes the characters weapons just turn invisible , if you unequip and equip again they show up normal , but its pretty fun seeing my dual blunderbuss watcher shooting and reloading his hands , like a kid pretending to have a gun ....
  4. Yeah i know , i have a post on the Technical fórum about this bug , named Hasongo , you can post there too so the devs will know more players are getting these bugs.
  5. I have the same problem with the naga in Hasongo , the text show he give you something but the neck never show , what you can do to get the neck and end the quest without violence is steal the neck from him before Interact with the adra pillar , just need someone with Sleight of Hand.
  6. If i make a ranger Ghost Heart / Chanter my pet summon interfere on my chanter summons ? Because i know you can only have one summon at time. Sorry for the very basic question , i never tried this combo before.
  7. Yeah so far im getting bugs i never have before , like the blade of endless paths not showing , losing Money on reload and this Hosongo bug ...
  8. In Hasongo , in the Adra Pillar if you take the non violence option Sugaan was supposed to give you Strand of Favor as a reward , you get the text saying he press something into your hands but the neck never show in your bag.
  9. I have the same problem , i tried very very hard to like this games , i have 1 &2 but i just can't get into it , o dont know why , old style rpgs are so rare , really sad i can't like DoS , with POE 1 & 2 was so natural , i just start playing and get invested in the game in the first 2 minutes ....
  10. Im having the same problem and im using a import save , the fragments dont show on my cabin , only the shards of yenwood ...
  11. Sometimes when you reload the game you lost all or almost all your Money , for some reason the game take your daily wages hundred of times and just drain your pockets.
  12. I have the same problem , if you quick save and quick load in front of Eld , she just appear.
  13. Maybe i get it wrong , but the way is described : Loaded Pockets - NPC pockets are filled with more and rarer items ...
  14. So i just got back to the game and there is this new Berath Blessing , Loaded Pockets , i always love to play a thief char , before they rename it to rogue , and i really like pick pocket , sadly in most games is very bad implemented , my question is , this blessing really change something ? It is worth it ? Thanks in Advance.
  15. Before i stop playing some classes and sub-classes are really bad , and Ciphers only have the domination spells for show , my question is , they manage to achieve some kind of balance on the classes ? Not that they are all equal , just not so big of gap ...
  16. I stop playing before Beast of Winter , so how is the game now ? Still have many bugs ? And the classes ? How are Ciphers ? Thanks in Advance.
  17. If you think Eder is bad , wait until you get Aloth , i dont even want to talk about ......
  18. Funny. People can't get "really" happy with content that is almost useless, doesn't mean that people can't be happy with anything. We just got different criteria, and please save those stupid cases for yourself. Ok , thanks , keep complaining about Free content , im sure alot of people here have the same criteria as you !!!
  19. Some people cant be happy with anything , it's free , go buy some new dog skin or some new arrows on Bethesda games , or some new outfit on Bioware games and i dont even want to talk about EA boxes ... It's free , it's there if you want to use , if not you dont lose nothing .... I like it , and i want more , more FREE stuff Obisidian , Thank you ....
  20. New free DLC on steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/821990/ Thank You Obsidian !!!
  21. I love FREE dlcs , i need more !!!
  22. What you guys recomend , Multiclass or Single ? My main was a Cipher in POE1 and in POE2 i made one , but they look really boring right now , i dont like the other classes to much , but fury druid looks promising , what you guys think ?
  23. You misread my post friend , im not complaining about the difficulty , i think they overnerfed many things yes , but im ok , what i was saying is that they are spending more time balancing the difficulty because people complain to no end that the game is easy and to me they should focus more on story , companions and gameplay bugs , because this is a rpg ... Yeah now the game is harder but you still lose points when you respec , yeah now PoTD have harder fights but Aloth dispositions still mess up , and so on .... Im not saying they dont need to balance the game , im just saying i think , in a RPG game , story , companions and quests bugs need to be the priority , thats the reason for the Dark Souls isometric edition joke , because in Dark Souls the priority is combat and difficulty.
  24. What do you guys really expect ? When you have 90% of the official fóruns crying the game is too easy , even now there are people saying the game is too easy , when i got this game i was sure i was buying a RPG , but looks like i was wrong and i end up with some type of Dark Souls isometric edition ... Jokes aside , i wish the Devs focus more on Bugs , companions and story ajustments , but people keep complaining about difficulty , so ....
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