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Constentin Lévine

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Everything posted by Constentin Lévine

  1. Yes but only Physicals inspirations, and contrarly to the +30% damage from Together...River of Red' charm effect, removing the charm after being afflicted (switching for modwyr after the spell hit) dont clear the inspirations!
  2. This is like the Avenging storm from the Heaven Cacophony, dont stack with the original spell, contrarly to the scroll and the Vouge one! Potentially 3 avenging storm in same time.
  3. Well, the Bubbling Chalice dont stack with the Flame Shield spell, but the one from the Dozen armor stack, for 4 Flame Shields in the same time. They dont deal so much damages together but the Benediction of Magran one, as weapon ability, have some advantages (I read that in the past on one of your post if I'm remember correctely). And reliatation itself also give a great advantage!
  4. Does a kill from Ninagauth's Killing Bolt on your ending-life current summon proc the Slippers of the Assassin invisibility And the ghost? That sound great to do an infinite Shadow loop, although in reality the ghost should be die too fast by ennemies.
  5. I agree, that is a very well find! Using "simply" the alt key insteed of items-abuse, it is "simply" brilliant !
  6. Yes but only when the first Flame Shield is over, you cant get two same versions in the same time (but between Fire Godlike shield, wizard or paladin or priest shield and the Calice from the last DLC, you can get 4 differents ones even if I dont really know if the Calice is or nor applied on top).
  7. I'm really confuse with this ability, according to the description the effect on the target should be a "spirit-frenzy-like" confusing effect, then targetting an ennemy or an other party member should make him as a Berserker-like which confuse on attack. I looked in the statuseffects.gamedatabundle, for beeing more disapointed than before : {"$type":"Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp","DebugName":"Perplexing_Sap_SE_ApplyOnEvent","ID":"899f944c-bbf6-4d12-aad8-1cc374b7cc58","Components":[{"$type":"Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp","StatusEffectType":"ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEvent","OverrideDescriptionString":-1,"OverrideDescriptionStringTactical":-1,"UseStatusEffectValueAs":"None","BaseValue":0,"DynamicValue":{"Stat":"None","SkillDataID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","ClassID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","MultiplyBy":1,"Operator":"Add"},"KeywordsIDs":[],"DurationType":"UseDurationTime","Duration":30,"MaxStackQuantity":0,"ApplicationBehavior":"UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied","ApplicationType":"ApplyOnStart","IntervalRateID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","StackedChildrenApplyEffects":"false","InclusionConditions":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]},"ApplicationPrerequisites":{"Conditional":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]}},"TriggerAdjustment":{"TriggerOnEvent":"None","TriggerOffEvent":"None","ValidateWithAttackFilter":"false","ParamValue":0,"ValueAdjustment":0,"DurationAdjustment":0,"ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout":"false","MaxTriggerCount":0,"IgnoreMaxTriggerCount":"false","RemoveEffectAtMax":"false","ChanceToTrigger":1},"PowerLevelScaling":{"UseCharacterLevel":"false","BaseLevel":0,"LevelIncrement":1,"MaxLevel":0,"ValueAdjustment":0,"DurationAdjustment":0},"IsHostile":"true","ClearOnCombatEnd":"false","ClearOnRest":"false","ClearOnFoodRest":"false","ClearWhenAttacks":"false","ClearOnDeath":"false","HideFromCombatTooltip":"false","HideFromCombatLog":"false","HideFromUI":"false","HideIfNoValue":"false","VisualEffects":[],"MaterialReplacementID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AttackFilter":{"KeywordsIDs":[],"KeywordLogic":"Or","Race":"None","IsKith":"false","HealthPercentage":0,"HealthOperator":"EqualTo","Range":"None","ClassTypeID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","Source":"None","DefendedBy":"None","Empowered":"false","Disengagement":"false","Stealthed":"false","UseStealthLinger":"false","PowerLevel":0,"PowerLevelOperator":"EqualTo","ChanceToApply":1,"AttackHostility":"Default","TargetType":"None"},"AttackTargetFilter":{"KeywordsIDs":[],"KeywordLogic":"Or","Race":"None","IsKith":"false","HealthPercentage":0,"HealthOperator":"EqualTo","Distance":0,"DistanceOperator":"EqualTo","HasDOT":"false","IsMarked":"false","TargetHostility":"Default"},"ExtraValue":0,"OverridePenetration":0,"DamageTypeValue":"All","KeywordValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","RaceValue":"None","StatusEffectTypeValue":"None","ItemValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AfflictionTypeValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","StatusEffectsValueIDs":["41e68710-7a5b-41d9-96aa-14ebd0c86aa6"],"AttackValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AttackOverrideValue":"None","EventValue":"OnScoringGrazeHitOrCriticalHit","ClassValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","WeaponTypeValue":"None","AttackHitType":"None","SkillValueID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AudioEventListID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","BedRestDaysMinimum":0,"BedRestDaysMaximum":0}]}, In regular white color, I can see that is exactely the same text than for the Community Patch Extra spirit frenzy "Spirit_Tornado_SE_AttacksCauseStagger", and in blue, the part of the text edited in the Balance Polishing Mod : there is here a difference, the "TargetHostility": "Hostile". I tried with this change to apply on one other of my characters, that didnt work as expected : the applyonevent never happened, except when his Unstable Coil trigger on death. Then everyone in the AoE turned to confuse. I try after that to change the Perplexing_Sap_SE_EnemyConfused Event value with OnScoringGrazeHitOrCriticalHit insteed of OnApply. The only in game change was the Unstable Coil proc that didnt apply anymore confuse. Then, does someone can help me to fix it? Edit : This is finally close to fine, I change the DamageTypeValue to None in addition to the EventValue to OnScoringGrazeHitOrCriticalHit in the Perplexing_Sap_SE_EnemyConfused chapter. After some reflexions, it appears the "Perplexing_Sap_SE_ApplyOnEvent" is the Rogue status attack wich turn the target on Perplexing_Sap_SE_EnemyConfused, the frenzy-like status effect that apply a regular confused status to their targets. The problem I meet is the Perplexing_Sap_SE_EnemyConfused character is supposed to confuse on attack for the whole duration of the effect, but that work just for some hits (in my test, the perplexing sapped character (from my party) is able to confuse everyone else Out of Combat. But one enemy in combat. After that, he keep the hostile effect but that's all). It is the first time I try to deal with the game code, this is why I ask some help. Edit : It is finally done, see in comment
  8. I just noticed one thing that can be useful for strategic purpose, every weapons and shields that have a "when the combat start" condition for an ability (Flame shield from Benediction of Magran, Quick to the Slaughter from Marux Amanth, Drawing cut or parry from Duskfall) applies this ability when the weapon is handed for the first time in combat. With two Benedictions of Magran, it is possible to get a second Flame shield during the fight (same effects dont stack).
  9. Thelee is right, if the weapon isnt soulbinded,then the weapon is just a base-type weapon (maybe with the quality enchantment). Only Modwyr can be used for clear an intellect effect just by sitchwing the weapons without class restriction (but for the watcher). Once she become Unique, for everyone, same potential effect with Effort or Bardatto's Luxurury.
  10. Even without the hard CC spells part, as long as the Entropy last, you constantly interrupt on "hit" with chant or whatever else, with the Energized condition.
  11. I think it is possible to prevent the Hauani O Whe to split when crit him with the Essence interruptor, doesnt it?
  12. Yes, they however are a damaging way without the risk of removing the Entropy! I edited the post.
  13. I think it is 5% chance, the wiki have the pre-1.1 description of the weapon!
  14. According to the Entropy description: Tears at the target's defenses, shifting attack results against the target from Hits to Critical Hits. After receiving a certain number of strikes, this effect will fade. A certain number of strikes intimely stand for 3 strikes, wich includes criticals hits from rolls and others conversions bonus. For a Tiers 8 spell, this is disappointing. But in reality, it is not totally true ! I said approximately the same comment about the Call to Slumber asleep effect, and I think it is appropriate : Indeed, like for Call to Slumber and Charm, the entropy effect fade only on Damage hits. Not with debuffs, or pure DoTs spells (since they are Status effects that deal damages and besides, graze or crit only affect the duration of the status). Upon you give 3 crits from damages rolls, every debuff or DoTs spells that hits are shifted to crits, and contrarily to Asleep or Charm, without time limit. On top, the spell can be casted out of fight, for starting it and directely criticaly disabling the target in despit of their opening defenses maybe. The spell is not Foe only, that mean you can cast it on a charmed ennemy or a neutral PNJ without being confused. This spell is against fortitude. Then, in addtion to every Debuffing spells, I made a non-exhaustive list of DoTs spells to completely turn off the ennemy with the satisfaction of a full-crit combat log. Cipher Soul Ignition Recall Agony Disintegrate Death of 1.000 Cuts Druid Insect Swarm (scroll) Infestation of Maggots Plague of Insects (scroll) Chanter Winds of Death The Dragon Trashed ...and Evil Turned Away from the Sun Wizard Concelhault's Corrosive Siphon Combusting Wounds Concelhault's Corrosive Skin Priest Shining Beacon (scroll) Cleansing Flame (scroll) Blessed Harvest (damages are not affected by crit or graze ; however that dont break the Entropy) Martials Brand Enemy (Paladin) (auto-hit) Garrote ( Paladin) Pernicious Cloud (Rogue) Blood and Storm Frenzy (Barbarian) (work on casting this list of spell including scrolls, also on debuffing spells) * Most of abilities with weapon that deal not damage, if the ennemy is immune of the weapon damage type ---> Soul annihilation itself doesnt count as damage, is a status effect that deal damage, dont break the Entropy. Miscellaneous Death in life (Blackened Plate Armor) (auto-hit) Blood Frenzy (Crimson Panoplie) Garrote (Woedica's Strangling Grasp) From weapons, Carnage and Gore (Amra) doesnt break the Entropy *every of these spell gain a +100% damage from Takedown combo. Same with the Community Patch's Cleansing Flame. This list is also working on Asleep and Charmed target without removing these effects. Too bad a debonaire cant double-crit. DoT from Attack (Autumns decay etc...) doesnt count as an attack when applied before Entropy. * DoT from Blood Frenzy are like usuals status effects, they dont stack from the same source, the effect is ajusted for the duration. But the new Blood Frenzy DoT is applied directely when it proc (crit), that's mean if you cast a debuff spell every 1 s and crit each time (entropy), the tick is applied every 1s. It is easy with some non-damaging pulses-spells lightly delayed. Finally, Entropy seems to be one of the bests high PL spells, especially against lonely ennemy like some bosses. In the post about Asleep, I spoke to the Soft Wind chant that break the asleep effect ; but that did not, the damage roll was from my MC chanter monk' Rooting Pain.
  15. Absolutely, as a SC Bellower, with end-game stuffs, a little preparation at the begining of the fight and a Salvation of Time priest (to keep the effects), you can reach the PL34. I explain how I made in the topic about Transcendant suffering Scaling if you want to see the screenshot of Eld Nary invocation at PL32 The Bellower is really interesting even multiclassed, but that depend of how you want to use the chanter part of your build
  16. Bellower PL bonus is a class passive, stacking with everything including Empower. If you get a +7 PL when casting an invocation, then the invocation get the +7PL bonus for the duration (this point is important like explained before). The bonus is still +7 for the duration, whatever if you cast a lowest PL spell (it profit to the +7). An empowered spell gain for exemple +7 and +5 PL bonus.
  17. Today I tried with Burden' Culpability since many summons are "Party" members. But for the same reason they cant "reset" with the eponym ring (because they dont die, just disapears when 0 health) they dont proc the Burden effect (+5% beneficial effects). Switching this weapon clear the effect, and consequently the max stack of 4, and because the %beneficial effect affect any currents durations, find a way to kill quickly and infinitly a party member will cause the effect of the SoF switch, but during combat. I dont know how to deal with that.
  18. Oh yes, that is from BPM , I didnt take care of that because, before this week, I never used this Enchantment. Then, paradoxically, I'm removing this input from the mod for balancing purpose The weapon-bonus effect is inexpected I think, it is normaly working only when the "with spells" is wrote in the description (like for the Third Eye Amulet)
  19. And about the Citzal's Great Sword, the 100% misses-to-graze is not restricted to the great sword! The conversion work also on the other handed weapon, then also these abilities or spells (if they are considered as weapon). Not work with regulars spells. The ogre fist' interruption-on-crit is restricted to the fist.
  20. I have many very specialized characters, this mod is the only thing I needed! Thank you
  21. Actually I try without succes to cast on myself this form to get (maybe) the Citzal armor!
  22. Yes but they count as an attack. Stuffs like pure DoT spells are Status effects, not really the same.
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