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Everything posted by Stardusk78

  1. I have heard some variation of Monk+Fighter? Maybe Fighter+Ranger? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. even if you turn the console off? I have crafted different potions as well as scrolls but nothing happens. I really want those Berath's blessings for the 2nd playthrough. Is there anyway to turn on the achievements again?
  3. No, it does not. It also says Chameleon's TouchVersatile but it is not listed in the bottom.
  4. My character has a Might bonus that is derived from something called Versatile. Does anyone know where this bonus comes from? It say Chameleon's Touch next to it as well.
  5. I was curious if such a thing exists already? Any websites?
  6. Problem is I do not want to play a Rogue/Cipher on my first playthrough just to have high mechanics. I was thinking going Beastmaster (Stalker/Shifter) high survival/maybe stealth? Who could take the mechanics slot though? kind of a pain.
  7. It seems like Mechanics is king again but I don't want to force myself to play a class/classes that have Mechanics bonuses. Survival? Alchemy? what else is important? Any ideas?
  8. I had not considered this. I imagine the new Nature Godlike Bonuses would come in handy? Which race would you recommend?
  9. I wallow in my ignorance as I did not really want to play too much of the Beta and now I suffer for it. I originally thought a Beastmaster (Stalker+Shifter) would be best but I am unsure. Are there any recommendations someone could make to me for a good build making full use of Shifter abilities, including stat allocation, etc? Many thanks in advance!
  10. It does seem unlikely that they would introduce a new subclass. It does not fit their style but one can still hope.
  11. Err...not really. I REALLY LIKE Rymrgand's portfolio. It is the one that most interests me. I would pay extra now for access to a Priest of Rymrgand. No other god stirs me as much as it/he does.
  12. And/or the possibility of being able to play his priest as an additional subclass? It seems at the very least it would involve him with that name? Any thoughts?
  13. As in you can choose the decisions you theoretically made in the first game even if you had never played the first one?
  14. Will these portraits be available for people when the game is released?
  15. Do you think the actual game will vastly deviate from the beta or will it be more or less be the same thing? I have been reluctant to play the beta because of fear of too many changes in the real product. Any thoughts on this?
  16. From an RPG perspective I was thinking about doing this themed set-up of a Priest of Skaen/Rogue (Assassin), having played very little of the Beta and being reluctant to play until the full game is released, what do the veterans think about this set-up?
  17. I have not played much of the beta because I would prefer to play a finished product but according to some people, Nerd Commando included, the current iteration has rendered the balance between multiclass and single class somewhat broken. If you have any experience and have been following the beta closely, do let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.
  18. I decided to take her along for RPG reasons and/or high Mechanics but I really am clueless as to how to best build her? Any ideas?
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