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Everything posted by Stardusk78

  1. This is not my mod but I wanted to share it with everyone since I have wanted to play a Priest of Ryrmgand forever. Abilities are awesome in terms of spells and the reputation (honest+rational) is also interesting. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/179?tab=files
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  2. Might be a suggestion to make to the devs (maybe in the Tech Support forum??), as that's an interesting idea. === Not to make poor Stardusk78 suffer anymore than they already are, but I am LOVING Vatnir's personality in his initial set of conversations post Messenger defeat. The guy is just the right shade of disreputable to be charming. At least to me. His personality is also completely ringing true and is a welcome contrast to most of the other yahoos in Harbinger's Watch. Not at all what I was expecting and very very welcome. What special abilities does Vatnir have as a Priest of Ryrmgand?
  3. TBH, to add a companion/sidekick that is only possible to acquire for the last 25% of the game seems silly to me. There must be a way around it. If anyone knows, please let me know, thanks!
  4. Got the intro letter immediately after getting my crashed ship fixed and off of Port Maje. Proceeded to get my ass kicked when facing The Messenger. Even on Story Mode. Miiiiiiiight be possible to deal with him at a lower level. Wouldn't be surprised if folks figure out builds which can as there are clever boffins out there. But one has to defeat/drive off Ol' Chatty and his friends first (i.e. The Messenger and the critters who join during the fight) which is a formidable fight to say the least. Unless one thinks that a critter which can fire off power level 8/9 abilities is a pushover, that is. So, afraid Obsidian means it when they say this is for higher level characters. One might be surprised at EXACTLY how one 'recruits' Vanti once the fight is over though. So basically you have to spend most of the game without Vatnir? That sucks.
  5. As I just said in the Beast of Winter DLC thread, I was able to get the invite when I loaded up a Level 6 character extremely early in Act One. They had just started to explore Neketaka and had done a handful of post-Port Maje quests. Got it immediately when I transitioned to the World Map. Exactly how early one can get it is yet to be seen. Please let us know how early you can recruit him.
  6. On steam? because mine has the boxes ticked but is not.
  7. I see it in my DLC but I cannot install it. Anyone know?
  8. If I take both of them with me and I want to side with the Valians, will Maia leave and is there any way to make her stay? Alternatively, if I wish to side with the Royal Deadfire Company, is there anyway Pallegina can stay? Feel free to post spoilers. I don't mind at all and thanks.
  9. I would just like to do do a evilish playthrough and have a priest who is not Xoti with me, early on.
  10. Yes, but in the Forgotten Realms the Grand DM decreed that every God requires worshippers in order to survive. The Drow God of necromancy faded from existence after some bull**** occurred where everyone forgot her existence. A more apt comparison for the PoE gods would be with Dragonlance, where the Gods exist and repeatedly **** over the world because they're constantly fighting each other. Hell, the God of Goodness Paladine destroyed an entire civilization because he didn't like its leader. He wiped them out by throwing a mountain at them, clearly Ondra was inspired by him. Not sure if Paladine is as fickle as Ondra. Ondra has a very different character.
  11. In the Forgotten Realms, Torm the True was once a mortal Paladin who was raised to demi-godhood by Tyr, later then to the status of Lesser God and eventually to Greater God. Is he a real god? Bane, Myrkul and Bhaal, the same. Kelemvor and the list goes on and on. I think in this context, power is the main criterion, not much else.
  12. So, if they had always been around but fundamentally not been different, they would be ok?
  13. The gods are obviously powerful, if artificial, far more powerful than mortals are and so, in case I have missed it, what specific process did the Engwithans use to create them? Did they sacrifice millions of souls, thousands? It seems that that would be the minimal requirement to create sentient, god-like beings. Also, has there ever been a clue as to what might have existed prior to the creation of the gods?
  14. Could you possibly link the dev stream? I could not find it.
  15. Somewhere in the last 3-4 minutes they confirmed that he is a sidekick 3-4 minutes of what?
  16. Are we 100% sure Vatnir is not a proper companion?
  17. Only disappointing aspect is the lack of companion aspect. Are we certain that Vatnir is not a companion?
  18. I'd be surprised if that was actually available to the player, but we may be able to recruit this dude here. Is that taken from Beast of Winter? Yeah I imagine Priest of Rmyrgand would not be available.
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