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Everything posted by Stardusk78

  1. I wanted to do a Cruel/Shady anti-religious playthrough with Xoti on my team. I already have started to piss her off so I was wondering if she will leave. Thanks in advance.
  2. White March added many new abilities and a cap of 16 but this time it seems like Obsidian was preemptive and really wants a limit of 20. Any thoughts?
  3. ...that they are man-made, artificial constructs? Is there any conversation where this is revealed to her?
  4. I really find it hard to justify going the whole mile with Priests. The incarnates really are kind of weak sauce.
  5. Problem with Skaen is that his special spells are not that useful on a single class priest, multiclass rogue, yes but single class not so sure.
  6. I just consoled up Vatnir to 20 and went on a rampage in Neketaka. The Scourge Incarnate looks beefy but is very slow and does not last very long. Similar experience with others. Am I missing out on something? They seem cool but not really worth using, thoughts?
  7. Thanks! I was hoping to caputure it ingame as I was at the point of recruiting her in my current playthrough, but my Paladin/barbarian is better in smashing and intimidating than in metaphysics. SO, she IS a Fampyr. I missed that. I guess that confirms it or is she speculating on a future state? She has no abilities...hmm.
  8. There is a super cheesy way to get him early, as early as level 6-7, even on POTD with level scaling. Combine rogue raw damage over time from Gouge Eye (think it is called that) with Sworn enemy DOT. Wait, drink tea, make sure to to kill the Risen Champion, profit.
  9. I wanted to try a playthrough like this. Are there any options for this?
  10. I think it simply is not clear if she is a Fampyr or not. I lack the expertise in the lore to figure it out.
  11. It strikes me as literally the most important stat in the game, especially for spellcasters, yet it is not officially suggested. Any thoughts?
  12. There is the Magran one and I heard the DLC has a new one. What is that one like? It is a 2H, is it not?
  13. For example, if my Trickster wears the Whitewitch Mask, will the illusion abilities be boosted by the +2 illusion levle?
  14. I am not sure if this is a mistake I made or something else but I told the harbingers that Vatnir was a fraud and he just left.
  15. where does he run off to? I exposed him as a fraud and now it says I need to locate him in Harbinger's Retreat.
  16. Since she has removed her soul from the Wheel, is she not officially a Fampyr and if so, why does she not have any abilities? Did the writers just never finish her story? Is anyone in the know?
  17. I have yet to proc that special ability. Does anyone know how it works? Many thanks in advance.
  18. You don’t need to be a really high level to even attempt the fight. I felt it was possible with a level 15-16 party with proper micro and item use.I mean much earlier, as in level 7-9? I really want Vatnir with me for most of the game. Maybe there is some way to cheese it...? If you wish with all your heart, you can win Hmm....guess some ultra cheese something will be required then.
  19. Do you think these techniques would work for a level 8 party?
  20. You don’t need to be a really high level to even attempt the fight. I felt it was possible with a level 15-16 party with proper micro and item use. I mean much earlier, as in level 7-9? I really want Vatnir with me for most of the game. Maybe there is some way to cheese it...?
  21. You really need to be high level in order to even attempt it right? and it is required to beat him to get Vatnir....now that is a shame.
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