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Everything posted by peardox

  1. Hi You prob don't read the Mod forum If you go HERE you'll find that we've only got translators available for a few languages. The thing is that if you want to use a Mod in your own language. One of my contacts, for example, completely re-did the Russian - he tells me it was lousy In fact the majority of Modders I talk to don't use English as their first language The act of creating a translation is remarkably easy and very quick if you're fluent in more than one language. Should anyone want to help us out I'll write some simple instructions on how you change the files and send them back to the author. The languages POE2 is available is as follows (de) German (es) Spanisn (en) English (fr) French (it) Italian (pl) Polish (pt) Portugese (ru) Russian (zn) Simplified Chinese
  2. Just had a PM or two from the devs Basically the info I have is they're gonna fix the issues we raised - bear in mind though that it might take a while The things I've personally requested are... Override for converstions Override for icons Override for sounds Fix the exported directory There are a few other issues but these ones are the headlines As NexusMods is expected to be built in to 1.2.0 they've obviously taking more notice of us now I notice we've had some Dev replies at last so this is encouraging. Obviously they're also working on the updates as well but if we get a little time out of them it's a 'good thing' If you know a Dev's handle - drop them a PM - in the PM if you their in their handle it'll show up marked as a Dev. Don't use this for community Qs we can answer, use it for something that don't work (as per my above list for example). Asking a Dev how to write a Mod will put them off us, pointing out a feature that aids us will make them love us. e.g. - no 'How do I...' that's what the group is for (I am quite tempted to pose TT1's attach an attack though - that's a valid one IMHO)
  3. The annoying thing is even though I've extracted all the functions hardly any work as expected Yeah, we're working with a completely undocumented system Yesterday I spotted the Teleport functions - a good target for a "Magic Carpet" item that always screws up - nothing worked I also tried the Hostility one on Dead Parrot to answer one of TT1's Qs (no luck) GiveItem works great as does Rest (modified Waenglith to try out scripting)
  4. Obviously this is just a list to experiment with. I ran a regex over 15,450 files (10Gb of the stuff) using a regex to extract them all. I looked not just in exported/* but also level* and assetbundles/* which are binary End result is 619 functions that may or may not helpfunction list.txt
  5. Just spotted this a LOT of times in output_log.txt ParseScriptCallData read unexpected property 'Flags'. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
  6. Yep - changed it to PrefabTeam (and he went neutral) Options... "TeamType": "JoinParty", "TeamType": "JoinTeam", "TeamType": "PrefabTeam",
  7. There are five that are spawned from other quests / items etc The list comes from reverse-engineering the data files and tying things together
  8. Had a quick go Switching some flags on Dead Parrot picked a fight with some innocent then in combat did a summon He showed up and stood around looking stupid until I attacked him then he went red and fought back Then, of course, went poof a little later as I didn't change the timer on him. Switching off IsCombatOnly was a bust too as he just fizzled. The thing, of course, is that Summon is meant to help you.
  9. OK - one quick shoddy website later here are all the repaired files https://poe2.peardox.com/exported/ design.* are the original files while json.* are prettified version with '.json' added to the filename
  10. Sure I've branched them to exported/json skipping fogofwag (which don't compress well) I've applied json_pretty_print to them all and tagged a .json extension to them so e.g. items.gamedatabundle -> items.gamadatabundle.json Basically they're easy to read now - some files were already legible but others had no formatting They're about 5.5M if I RAR them, 10M for ZIP or TGZ They expand to 319M You can have the json ones or just the fixed un-processed gamedatabundle etc set Gimme a little while to set up a subdomain on my server to house them all and I'll bung them up
  11. Nope I made a copy of exported on my local Linux box. I wrote a PHP script to check out the JSON 1,147 files in exported/data skipping exported/design/fogofwar/* as they're some format I can't identify. There are all easily and quickly fixable with notepad++ using search & replace for the SYNTAX ones, for the CTRL ones simply make everything one line in notepad++ and they're fixed. Analysis All files marked JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR have line breaks in the middle of a value exported-1.1.1/design/chatter/chatter.chatterbundle JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Ends in },]} should be }]} exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/ai.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/audio.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/global.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/items.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Multiple cases of [, should be [ exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/progressiontables.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR exported-1.1.1/design/gamedata/statuseffects.gamedatabundle (BOM) JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Multiple cases of [,, should be [
  12. He's going to look into the Flags situation and my Cached Data in Saves issues He told me I was welcome to PM him when required - silly of him, I immediately PMed him another Despite being documented at the top of our one and only Sticky (How to structure a mod) the conversationbundle instructions don't work (tried many variants of the theme) The only way is still to modify the version in exported - I'll get to that in a moment... He's said he'll meet the devs on Monday to discuss these concerns I was doing the convo mod to try to turn a non-vendor into a vendor - sorta worked but you can only sell stuff available from other vendors in the area so a useless concept. Have asked if we can have an OpenStore that works with a LootList ID I did have one rather useful experiment though I was playing with TT1's Dead Parrot (don't think he's released it yet) this morning so added a GiveItem with the DeadParrot's ID and I've now got an unending supply of Dead Parrots This is a useful trick as there are way more named NPCs than vendors as it allows a non-vendor method of doing something like the "Chest of Consumables" req It'll be a lot better when they fix / tell us how to convo mod properly
  13. The described solution is not working with 1.1 / 1.1.1
  14. Was just fixing someone else's item mod - I'll give it a go in the next day or so Got something else planned today
  15. Grep works fine Yeah, I just brute search-and-replaced WHILE making sure the proper amount of tabs were put in. If only so the code still looks (somewhat) pretty. Did mean I had to do a few of them to make sure the indentation level was the same, but pretty sure I got all of them on the few things I've modded locally. So, the JSON's still broken... At least this time I know which ones are broken this time so should be quicker
  16. I have friends who speak multiple languages fluently I've got willing translators for de + it ATM - got more friends but not gone searching for any as I don't need them yet I know es, fr ppl but not done them yet I've actually got someone who can even do zh (not ever explored that one) I'm missing pl, pt, ru but there will be ppl who will help
  17. Just google "youtube pillars of eternity gdc" I've watched a load of GDCs this week but just bumped into my first POE one This is the developers giving us design tips Worth a look and if you like them do the series
  18. Do any devs read the MODs forum? We're got some serious issues ATM The bugs forum is locked (so we can't report them)
  19. It's worse than it looks design/ai/ design/conversations/ design/gamedata/ design/globalscripts/ design/chatter/ design/quests/ I can only find "Flags": "", IMHO this is holding-space for 1.2 or later they bunged into 1.1.1 It don't look like a boolean though as they use true / false rather than "true" / "false"
  20. Nope - that just resets the available quantities
  21. Just loaded up an earlier save before I'd gone to Sātahuzi Went there again and she had the kit so it appears that it caches on a new-area enter - not perfect but it appears to allow a work-around for development I'll give it another go soon with a Sātahuzi non-vendor named NPC
  22. It appears that savegames cache area state Spent all day working with conversationbundles and couldn't get any change at all (then I accidentally deleted my override directory - eek) I grabbed @TT1's latest Wild Mare shop pack loadaed it up and checked it out, saved, then changed it's location to Serpent's Crown (Unas Luxuries) and reloaded. Nothing there, still in Wild Mare (confused as hell by now) I sailed to Port Maje and went ashore then sailed back to Neketaka and it'd finally moved. Final test I moved it again to Eofania in Sātahuzi, Post Maje as I had some savegames based on earlier tests Restart everything and load up the Eofania save - she's not got TT1's Wild Mare stuff Load up a Neketaka save of same character and sail back to Eofania and she's got the stuff This explains why my conversationbundle tests didn't work, I tried a major change to Waenglith and a minor one to Savia in an attempt to work out was wrong. Of course I was reloading what appears cached data so mods not taking effect.
  23. A new Obsidian post in the Announce forum confirms what the text I discovered implies. Patch 1.2 intends to include in-Game mod support Cool, eh? Read about it there - https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102735-update-50-new-patch-and-whats-coming-in-july/
  24. Yeah That appears likely I was looking for something completely diffo (new difficulty level) so found this one by accident as it occurs at the very end of gui.stringtable Looking on the bright side, we may get more MOD downloads (for which we get a bit of cash) I took (most of) the day off but tomoz my todo list in concentrated on new vendors (this one will require lots of tests if possible)
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