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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. I would suggest Mindhunters,, Stranger Things is on the second season, so clear Mindhunters first, then get stuck into Stranger Things.
  2. I loved that book, not scary but really creepy I thought! Did you read Fireman? If no it's worth checking out, I didn't really like Horns though.
  3. When you're in a rock band...indulge yourself once in awhile
  4. Now for something completely different, a black bald man playing heavy metal https://youtu.be/JjQJe2yB3R0
  5. Watched 2 episodes last night. I liked the first season, but I'm not feeling this one yet. I'm thinking Wynona is particularly bad so far.
  6. I would never have watched Orville, the name sucks and I thought it was just some fan fiction parody. Ive only seen 3 episodes so far, but, I think It's probably closer to real ST than Discovery which I absolutely hate.
  7. Geostorm and Jigsaw. Neither were as bad as I thought they would be, both start off well but fizzle out over the last act.
  8. No pictures at all. Ok thanks for the heads up.
  9. That looks cool, is there much art work? Dunno if I should get it for Kindle or a real book. You might like this : https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Search-Jerusalem-Tim-Severin-ebook/dp/B00HGIC08O/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1509011501&sr=1-1&keywords=Tim+severin+crusader Dunno if you know Tim, but his books are great as he re-enacts historic achievements. In Crusader, he buys a big knight size horse as he follows the footsteps of 11th century crusaders from Belgium to Jerusalem on horseback
  10. Supposed to have started it all
  11. Cardboard Gangsters, it's about teenagers in Dublin that resort to dealing drugs to make some fast money and run afoul of the local drug dealer. It's pretty gory so, be aware of that.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5156274/
  12. Looking back through the thread, I'm seeing great bands I've never heard of and never would have if it wasn't for this thread! Thanks to all the metal heads!
  13. Watching Nashville. Great show, politics, drama and great music! If you are into guitars, it's like wall to wall with vintage Gibson guitar porn! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2281375/
  14. https://youtu.be/14r7y6rM6zA https://youtu.be/pBZs_Py-1_0
  15. That Kammarheit track is freaking SCARY!
  16. I'm guessing with the oi vey heading, it's an orthodox new who is picking up a small coin and his yarmulke (hat) falls off. I get the context but can understand people not getting the point.
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