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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. The Russians moved to safety awhile ago, they took it seriously enough. It seems to be confined to chemical installations, hopefully that will continue.
  2. Neither did I mate, it's not available here, so I had to use nefarious means to indulge. But it was a cheap way to re watch and get up to speed again. If your a fan, the special features are a real treat, with insight into each scene.
  3. Picked up True Blood Blu Ray 2nd hand for 30 €, lots of cool special features. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0844441/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  4. Lost in Space reboot, managed to get through about ten minutes of it before turning it off, anybody else fare any better?
  5. Went to Rampage last night, really good fun.
  6. Chaney and Katja were on their way home from the night club one night and Chaney got pulled over by the traffic police. The officer told Chaney that he was stopped because his tail light was burned out. Chaney said, “I’m very sorry officer, I didn’t realize it was out, I’ll get it fixed right away.” Just then Katja said, “I knew this would happen when I told you three days ago to get that light fixed.” So the officer asked for Chaney’s driving license and after looking at it said, “Sir your license has expired.” And again Chaney apologized and mentioned that he didn’t realize that it had expired and would take care of it first thing in the morning. Katja said, “I told you two weeks ago that the transport authorities sent you a letter telling you that your license had expired.” Well by this time, Chaney is a bit upset with his wife contradicting him in front of the officer, and he said in a rather loud voice, “Katja, shut your mouth!” The officer then leaned over toward Katja and asked. “Does your husband always talk to you like that?” Katja answered, “Only when he’s drunk.”
  7. Is he getting a full back piece? Whats the subject? It's his forearm, he doesn't seem to have a theme, I hope the artist will marry the images together in some way. He had his own design, which I thought was rather good, but the artist said he doesn't want to copy another person's work, so, he will use it s a base for his idea. It started on the drawing board as a mixture of skull, roses, lion and a ribbon of Roman numerals, as if the face of a grandfather clock was cut out and elongated, so far it's a skull and a sodding wolf....so....I don't know
  8. Brought my son in for his tattoo session, 8 hours on the table....ouchi Killed some time, eating and buying some movies, checking out some guitar stores in Dublin, while waiting.
  9. Deliver us from Evil http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2377322/ Good take on the exorcism genre. Some US Special Forces enter a tomb in Iraq, get possessed and on return to America get on the radar of 2 cops, one of whom is kind of clairvoyant...ish. Decent take on the genre, excellent director commentary (Blu-ray).
  10. Thet kan be arranged, Mr Sands...... Ummmm... Sounded better with the threatening russian voice in my head I'll keep those in mind, cheers mate!
  11. Looked up a recipe for that, it looks scrumptious, gonna have that next week, cheers! https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/member/views/cottage-cheese-enchiladas-1202551
  12. Shepherd's Pie.... Don't worry, no shepherd's were hurt for this recipe.... Ingredients 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 2-3 medium carrots 1 small turnip, cubed 500g pack lamb mince (or beef) 2 tbsp tomato purée large splash Worcestershire sauce 500ml beef stock However many potatoes, the diners would normally consume with a dinner.....you could substitute finely grated cauliflower if trying to avoid carbs, but after grating , wrap it in a tea towel and squeeze the water out of it. Butter and milk to taste. 1 tin of processed peas. Salt/Pepper/Herbs to taste. Cooking Saute the onions, add meat and brown, theen add peas. Put the cubed carrots and turnip in a pan with a little oil and herbs, salt, pepper to taste, cover and fry>simmer for 10 minutes, add stock, Worcester Saucec and tomato puree, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, then remove lid, add the meat/onion/peas mix well and simmer until it reaches your desired consistency, about 20 minutes. Boil the potatoes until soft, mash the potatoes and add butter and milk, mash further until creamy and of a consistency that will allow you to spread it on top of the meat and vegetables. Add the veg, meat and stock to an oven proof dish, cover with a layer of the mashed potatoes...some people add some grated cheese to decorate the top... Put in a preheated oven 200c/400f for about 30 minutes, or until there is a light delicate golden crisping on top. Bon appetite.
  13. Well, just finished seasoning a leg of lamb for Easter Sunday dinner, it's sizzling away merrily in the oven, now I have to sort out the intonation on a guitaI r that's become a bit problematic after changing the string guage. Later we will go down country to visit my wife's parents, who have a sheep farm and watch the kids pigging out on Easter eggs donated by their doting grandparents, then contend with the aftermath of a glorious sugar high all the way home, where I will sooth my sorrows with a bottle of Barossa Shiraz. Happy Easter all!
  14. The Terror, very aptly named. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2708480/ Fascinating insight into the travails of Victorian arctic exploration, with a seasoning of the eponymous Terror . Really enjoyed the story, acting and atmosphere.
  15. Two couples, Karla and Marcel versus Elisa and Thierry were playing cards. Marcel accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick them up, he realized that Thierry’s wife, Elisa, was not wearing panties! Shocked by this, Marcel hit his head on the table and emerged red-faced. Later when Marcel went to the kitchen to get some refreshments Elisa followed him and asked, “Did you see anything under the table that you liked?” Marcel admitted, “Well, yes I did.” She said “you can have it, but it will cost you 150 dollars.” After thirty seconds of thought, Marcel indicates that he is interested. She tells him that since Thierry works Saturday afternoons and Marcel doesn’t, that Marcel should come to their house around 2:30 PM on Saturday. Saturday came and Marcel went to her house at 2:30 PM. After paying her the 150 dollars, they went to the bedroom, had sex for a few hours and then Marcel left. Thierry came home about 7:00 PM and asked his wife, “Did Marcel come by this afternoon?” Totally shocked, Elisa replied, “Yes, he did stop by for a few minutes.” Thierry asked, “Did Marcel give you 150 dollars ?” Elisa thought, ‘Oh my God, he knows what we did!’ She said dreadingly, “Yes, he gave me 150 dollars. “Very well,” Thierry says. “Marcel came to my office this morning and borrowed the 150 dollars from me and said that he’d stop by our house on his way home and pay me back. It’s so great to have a fellow you can trust.”
  16. Didn't know you were a kiwi https://youtu.be/UHh8egL0KVU
  17. Siren, small fishing boat catches a mermaid, special ops team board the boat and take it away. Now another mermaid isnsearching for her. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5615700/
  18. Roseanne is back! It's as funny as hell, broke all tv viewing records and it's as political as phuq, finally a funny American comedy show, funniest since Big Bang Theory!
  19. I would highly recommend this book, Does the noise in my head bother you, by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, it's very well written and it's as if Steven is in the room talking to you, his style is very conversational. https://www.amazon.com/Does-Noise-Head-Bother-You/dp/0061767913 I couldn't read Joe Perry's, I got about a quarter of the way the, but it's so annoying to read, try and sample the first chapter or so if you have Kindle.
  20. He could have signed it, vetoed it, whichever he chose. It would be unusual for the President to veto a bill passed by a Congress controlled by his own party. But hardly unheard of. Obama did it once and George W Bush did it a number of times. And if it shuts the government down then shut it down. Better to do nothing than the wrong thing. Cutting taxes cuts revenue in the short term but raises it in the long term. That may sound paradoxical but it is absolutely true. The reason is capital in the hands of consumers and investors gets used. The citizens want widgets. If they have more money they buy more widgets. The means revenue growth for the people who sell widgets, make widgets, deliver widgets, make the parts to make widgets. Revenue growth means re-investment, expansion, hiring, which means more taxes. More people with jobs means more taxpayers. More revenue means business pay more. The effect is exponential becoming larger the further down the road you get from the cuts. Ultimately the government has more money even though it cut taxes. Buuuuuut, it DOES mean less revenue in the short term. So if you are earning a little less you need to spend a little less right? Not here. The spending is utterly and completely out of control. And no one is even suggesting cutting it any more. Now it's a race to see who can spend the most. So when you or I run out of money that's just tough tittie for us. Break out the Ramen noodles for dinner. Governments don't run out of money. They create deficits by spending money that does not actually exist. That can lead to currency devaluation due to inflation and other bad things. Cool, thanks for the insight Guard Dog
  21. It's my understanding that Trump had to pass the bill and had no choice. If not passed there would be a shut down? Is this because of lack of support from the Republican Party, he couldn't veto it? I don't know enough about it tbh. Any insight would be appreciated.
  22. How weird, I too was in a charity shop at the weekend and had a similar dilemma, LNS or The two Thing movies as a Blu-ray boxset, went for the Thing instead, as it's something I would watch with my son's, as I'd seen LNS and my kids wouldn't be into it imo. Josh Harnett I a very underrated actor, The Faculty, BHD, Sin City 30 days of Night are all personal favourites for me.
  23. Well the movie is based on the 2013 game, iirc, it starts with Lara tied and bound suspended from a ceiling, so anything could have happened pre-suspension I guess. Either way, not enough wildlife were pushed to hear extinction , to make the movie anything like the Full Croft Experience
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