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Everything posted by GonkRaider

  1. I'm a tard, i double posted.
  2. watching that trailer has just guaranteed that i Play as a light guardian first time through.
  3. http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sit...eenshots/12.jpg Revans fighting style to the right of the jedi hag
  4. Darth revans fighting style will appear in kotor 2
  5. If i had my way i would have chopped mission up in to little pieces so i could make use of the storage bins that resided in the ebon hawks cargo bay
  6. Saber...whips? I didnt know Georgey porgey Lucas was on the board. You had us all fooled untill your all too notable nack for bad ideas began to shine
  7. While were at it; the big boss of the game should be called kilty oneal Dark lord of the dance
  8. Shucks, i was hoping episode 3 would be titled "GUN OR GUNGAN"
  9. 30 levels is enough!!
  10. Yeah, i know you're a ****.
  11. The pc version of kotor has 'soft shadows" shoft shadows include swords and pistols
  12. Yes, the korriban puzzle was very irritating my first time around. As i look back I now realize that the only reason i had such a tough time with it was because before desiding to take on the ancient sith puzzle, I put back 6 shots of jack daniels
  13. well, my trick was using master force speed so i could keep going up and down the ramps..preventing the guardian malak to score any jump attacks on me. I basicaly just hit and faded the dark lord to death
  14. It took forever to beat the game originaly, I was a scoundrel who had horrible stats. To top off the whole disaster i desided to go down the jedi path of a guardian. I had to kill malak with mines and saber throw, I only came out the victor because of the horrible pathing malak has to work with
  15. I bet the armored fellow is a Body guard . Yes; the tin can standing next to the old hag is as important as the red shirted officers that die on every episode on the original Star Trek series
  16. Yes, and as we all know only revan would wear a mask and sith cloak... If Darth mask ends up being revan I swear i'll sneak some retards in to a sperm bank
  17. Yeah, leave the game modable.. that not like dropping pandora's box in the hands of a moron or anything Once lucas arts stops creating starwars rpgs..then sure Its a smart move not to make the game more modable
  18. How about Darth INCOGNITO
  19. The masked sith has man hands, ITS A MAN BABY. So, that rules out it being revan
  20. Why should we bad mouth tubby? http://www.campchaos.com/show.php?iID=140 Does such a great job
  21. Yes, lets have Tomagochies (SP) Or how about neo pets. However, if that is implimented in to teh game i also ask for a shotgun SO I CAN SHOOT MY MAIN CHARACTERS FRIGGIN HEAD OFF
  22. Double posted, I R THE SUX
  23. Yes, my thoughts exactly. Perhaps the main characters banishment ties in strongly with why darth meatbag looked like a mass of groundbeef thats been out in the sun for too long.
  24. Also, the taris undercity was a weak. No drug dealers? I wanted to crush some death stick toting hippies head in.
  25. Heres another "i've always wondered" Where are the toliets? In any lucasarts game.
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