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Everything posted by Typhinius

  1. I actually got the best time twice on citadel, but it said I didn't complete the race...man was I pissed off. I noticed the "dead pad" thing too, but it really only seemed to happen if I had just "switched gears" so to speak.
  2. Are you actually knocking anime...on a game forum? Anime has value...not all anime, but some of it is good on surprising levels (not an anime fanboy, though I do rather enjoy some of it, but I dislike people knocking things without experiencing them) Anyway, while I don't think the Odyssey is the basis of Kotorii, drabek did a decent job of tying them together and making comparisons. Anyway, I'm sure Kotor2 has elements of many literary references, as most works of fiction are simply rehashes anyway.
  3. That is one possible path. Maybe if you let mandalore recruit enuff Madalorians during the game you could have gotten a differen't ending. So are you saying that the best out come you can get is a slow 1000 year death compared to some shorter time line? I am just curious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't actually *know*, but I'm pretty sure that would have been a constant. You really can't change what happens in the films after all. (in case u were wondering what the hell im talking about, jango fett was a mandalorian, the last one i *think*) And it wasn't 1000years...she said millenia, as in plural, so thousands of years. EDIT: I don't remember where i heard this...but im relatively confident that it is the case, someone verify for me if they know for sure please.
  4. Shoddy plot...what? An unfinished plot in many regards, sure, but shoddy? Yes there are a lot things that aren't spelled out well at the end, but almost all of those could have been simply time constraints. But I disagree with shoddy. I was enthralled throughout...and that is important. Yes it took me out of the game some because there were points where I had to go "how the heck did i get here, did i miss something?" But the plot tied everything together. I continue to look at the game as if it was unfinished, because it certainly looks that way.
  5. Oh that drove me insane...especially in the couple of instances where you had to respond to something that you couldn't even see...yuck. EDIT:lol i had to fix a spelling error go figure.
  6. Wow, someone praising Obsidian...that's been rare lately. I agree, though I can't help but feel sad, because what had the potential to be one of the best games I have ever played fell into the role of a good game because of bugs and unfullfilled side plots.
  7. Yet another thing cut/unfinished due to time constraints. It's rather sad.
  8. I voted revan simply because revan was a leader, vader was a follower. It's pretty simple. In a direct confrontation, vader is more powerful. But if it came to a war, vader would lose, plain and simple. There weren't any real stipulations on the voting criteria, so I went with who I thought would be stronger. Revan would be smart enough to not fight vader directly, as he would know that was vader's strength.
  9. I haven't really seen her in anything in a long time...she may or may not be good, she doesn't really look the part(the handmaiden has really aristocratic features) but if she can act the part, it makes up of a lot. (and ur right, she isn't too skinny, which is a plus...most younger actresses are way too skinny...there are a few exceptions, but not many. By younger, I mean under 25)
  10. Wait, you've managed to get PS:T running on a modern machine? Tell me how, I haven't been able to play that game for years.
  11. That's why it would be funny, a ton of people would run out and pay for a game...a game they should have gotten the first time, but are willing to pay extra for to get.
  12. It would be funny that if in a couple months they came out with a "director's cut" like movies are doing now.
  13. Exile: Clive Owen (depends on how the role was written) Kreia: Sara Kestelman (this is the actually voice actress, I looked her up, she totally looks the part) though Judi Dench would be cool too Mira: Hillary Swank Atton: Ryan Reynolds Handmaiden: Milla Jovovich (maybe, she's getting a little old for the part though) Mandalore: Kurt Russel HK47: Steve Buscemi G0T0: original voice actor i guess Visas: Kelly Hu One thing I've noticed is that people keep selecting people whose faces look the part, and whose voices match the part, but for these roles, you need people whose bodies match the part too. A ridiculously skinny person as the Handmaiden wouldn't work, she is a hand-to-hand fighter. Same thing goes for a lot of them, these people are all experienced warriors, you aren't going make zach braff or Shannyn Sossamon convincing as fighters.
  14. I'm not going to say that it isn't Obsidian's fault...because I don't know...but keep in mind Obsidian is a fledgeling company, and LA is a monster publisher. It could have just been LA saying, we want this game out in February, and Obsidian says that they need another couple of months...LA says no, what do you do? You can't exactly default on the contract. It could have been Obsidian screwing up too, but I don't suggest you give up on a developer simply because they have a shaky start and don't make a sequel that is as good as the 'game of the year' in many publications. Granted, there are a lot of things that could use fixing, but all of the problems (the ones I noticed anyway) are simply things that show they needed more time. The base of a "knock-your-socks-off" game is there. In fact, up until the end game, I was totally enthralled, even with the bugs. This company made a decent game on their first shot. I think with another couple months for development they could have made a game that would have blown the original out of the water. Think about how cool the game would have been with fewer bugs (and remember Kotor1 had some HORRIBLE bugs when it came out...without the patch, Taris was totally unplayable for me...i couldn't even move) and a better endgame. If they fixed those two problems, this game would have been awesome. It bugs me when people say, "well, they did a good job for 90%, but they choked on that last 10%, so I won't play their games anymore". These are smart guys, give them the benefit of the doubt that they will learn from their mistakes, budget their time better, and get more QA people to test their game.
  15. People keep saying things like "a jedi is married to his/her lightsaber", but you aren't a jedi...ur an exile. I RPed the whole thing to the end that I wasn't a jedi...the jedi had cast me out. I wasn't sith either...I was simply a light side force user who was trying to help the galaxy. Granted, you don't have to RP that the whole time, but at the beginning of the game, u are not a jedi, pretty much anyway you RP it, and if your character thinks he/she is, then the character is deluding his/herself.
  16. That's a good question....this is a totally random guess...but perhaps the exile learned to control his force bonds...and u might want to throw up a spoiler warning.
  17. I wonder what problems got fixed...how big is the patch? NM, they aren't for us domestics. So it isn't the patch we've all been waiting for...bleh.
  18. Id be impressed if it wasn't the only game you had purchased by Obsidian.;p
  19. But why? I thought the Sith would kill rather than exile. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Killing her would have been mercy...exiling a sith without the force would be much more painful. And it was...it ate her up.
  20. I was under the understanding that she killed the three jedi by simply showing them first hand the weight you were carrying on your soul from Malachor. It wasn't a force power so much as opening them up to the vacuum you created. And since they weren't as strong in the soul as you, they perished. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is how I read it. I liked them all pretty well. I agree that Nihilus should have had a little development though...they could have done it all through Visas in some interesting flashbacks/personal insights. The problem with the Sith Lords wasn't so much that they were lacking something, it is that there was a ton of potential in the characters that was never really used. Nihilus was under-developed...Sion wasn't nearly tragic enough. He in essence played the part of Traya's forgotten son. They could have made his death truly tragic. And Traya...well she was great as Kreia and decent at the end...so I have no comments there.
  21. He murdered/captured jedi for revan...it was his job. In particular, he FEELS like a murderer because he killed a jedi who was trying to save him because he was force sensitive, and the sith would have tortured him until he became a sith apprentice. He still killed her, but he felt regret over, unlike his previous jedi kills. That's why kreia calls him a murderer...after killing that jedi, he felt like one.
  22. Watch the video where she gets deposed again...she talks about how "they" (sion and nihilus) cut her off from the force and exiled her.
  23. A couple things to say. I agree the ending was really lacking...however the structure for a good ending was there, it just never fell together. Also, for the person who said that Obsidian just couldn't come up with a good ending, I totally disagree. The storyline up until the end was spectacular, so I suspect it was rushed (I won't speculate on whose fault it is, Obsidian's or LAs, because, honestly there's no way to know) Another point on the weak ending, it is quite possible that LA said "Well hell, we made a ton of money on kotor1, and kotor2 looks like it will make a ton of money, so let's tell Obsidian that the end has to be VERY open-ended for future installments" As for the bugs...everyone keep in mind that this is a new company. Yes, there are some real veterans involved, but they were more on the other end of things from trouble-shooting. Perhaps they just underestimated the staff they would need. And before you say that they could just add people at the end...keep in mind that it has been shown that adding people deep into a development cycle is more likely to make things take longer than shorter. Overall I think it was a good game for a first shot. If not for the bugs and the unraveling at the end, it would have been a GREAT game. I hope for their next game, Obsidian says "We'll release it when it is done". I know that this is hard, as they can only keep the funding up for so long, but another couple of months would have made a huge difference.
  24. Oddly, I have no memory of ever picking up the lens. But it was quite a ways into the game. I *think* i got it on onderon, which was my first planet after telos (though it might have been on nar shadaa, which was my 2nd)
  25. I know that NWN was built for modding, but I really never got into the mods for NWN, i played several of the highly rated ones, and I got bored. Whereas in Morrowind, there were some absolutely spectacular mods that gripped me and never let me go like Suran Underground. Plus, even though it was similar to the interface of the IE games, NWN in general seemed awfully sparse. I just didn't connect with my character at all.
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