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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I got two new games for my XBox 360 today. Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4. Now I get some sleep before work tonight. CHEERS!
  2. I liked the Wing Commander series, especially 3, 4, and 5. For both the story and the gameplay. Freelancer was cool to.
  3. Oh, they are making significant changes but they are making changes for the sake of making changes and not really improving the game.
  4. Have you tried to manually delete the drivers and the edit the registry?
  5. Krezy, what I am saying is that 4e is not needed. There is no good reason to reinvent the wheel. There is an old saying that needs to applied here. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e is not broken. It works and it gets the job done very very very well. There is no need for a DnD 4e. Its been only a few short years since the last edition release of 3.5e. 4e is nothing but a money grab for WotC. They cannot think of anything new so they are trying to rehash what's there, add in a few worthless bells and whistles, make characters more uber, and throw it out for the public. No real innovation. Nothing new or improved. Just the same old crap in a different form.
  6. Ace Combat 6. http://www.acecombatsix.com/
  7. Yes it is. Magic Missile, at will, unlimited times a day. When you go up in levels that becomes Fireball, at will, unlimited times a day. Whoa, when you become really high level... Wish, at will, unlimited times per day. Yeah, that isn't making characters more powerful. REALLY! Oh, don't forget your wand +6!
  8. Dark Shadows? I just got an image of a overly melodramatic soap opera about vampires done in Avellone styled stick figures. Ugh...
  9. You don't need a new edition to make characters uber powerful. Just play a monty haul campaign and go against enemies 5 CR levels behind. There's your 4e.
  10. Its not for some enigmatic purpose. The purpose is quite clear. Its purpose is to find out a way to brew the most perfect cup of tea.
  11. Sand attempts to get back on topic... AGAIN! I wonder if they will make an external Blu-Ray player if its popularity keeps going.
  12. Hey, we have a Mario CRPG so we might as well get a Sonic CRPG. What I am waiting for is a Crash Bandicoot CRPG! That would rock!
  13. However it does sound like something out of a Bethesda game. Hmmmmmmm...
  14. Western Develper... Obsidian! The Aliens thing was just a smokescreen. REALLY!
  15. This sort of thing is one of the many reasons why I am not going to get 4e and why I am sticking to 3.5e. I just think that the chaotic nature of combat should be unpredictable and make allowances for lucky strikes that can bring about an unforeseen character death. Such is the dangers of being an adventurer. Overcoming such dangers, even by the skin of the teeth, is what makes the game fun for me. WotC is taking that fun away with 4e.
  16. Instantly killed. Using my wizard as an example, he has a 14 Constitution and thusly 6 hit points at 1st level. Even with the goblin critical hitting and doing max damage my wizard would only be at -6, thusly still alive. Next round I would use an action point to automatically stabilize, and no doubt the fighter of our group would smack the goblin dead.
  17. Well, given that a typical goblin does about 12 points of damage with a crit when using a morningstar or 8 points of damage when using a javelin, with a 1 and 20 chance of having a critical threat, then needing to hit the AC with their low BAB I don't see how it would be instant death for most PCs. Even a Wizard or Sorcerer with no Constitution bonus would not be instantly killed by a critical from a goblin.
  18. I have been a player and DM of Dungeons and Dragons (in its many versions) for over 25 years, Cant. Though I do contemplate character builds, especially when I am bored at work, I do play the game. I am currently in a Eberron campaign, which is going quite well and has been quite challenging. I am playing a fighter (2)/wizard (5) which I am building to craft and dual wield wands. Imagine unleashing 2 fireballs in a given round at once. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The feat progression is: Two Weapon Fighting (PHB) Craft Wand (PHB) Double Wand Wielder (CA) Wand Mastery (ECS) Reckless Wand Wielder (CA) Wandstrike (CA)
  19. I wonder if they will make an external Blu-Ray player if its popularity keeps going.
  20. Damn it. I need CoD4! Grrrr...
  21. Lucky (or unlucky) strikes happen in combat. May it be on the table top or in real life. Take that away from the game and you take away the uncertainty factor when it comes with adventuring. Even goblins should get lucky sometimes.
  22. Why not let him use my Xbox? It is hooked up to both our computers so that I can have access to his files and he has access to mine. Also he has been a good friend of mine for over 10 years and we have been roommates for about 8 of those years. I have always been willing to share my stuff with people I consider friends and that I can trust. Of course, the number of people like that I can count on one hand.
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