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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. ESPN got stung a bunch of times by their employees mixing politics with sports, so, that might have been part of it, or the whole reason.
  2. Only problem is that saying religious freedom and morals is too broad and could be used for literally anything, besides, it's clearly aimed at Christians only. The issue with allowing people to not perform for example certain medical procedures on religious view is where do we draw the line? Would we allow a doctor to not treat a person of another religious faith purely because that person could honestly believe that person is a heretic and going to burn in the fires of hell....so why treat them in a medicinal way ? Exactly.
  3. It's pretty obviously aimed at abortion and 'religious freedom' in general, but yay religous freedom police /sarcasm The use of a muslim woman in headscarf seems at odds with the adminstrations general attitude towards muslims because it doesn't seem like you can have that attitude while at the same time appearing to support religious freedom for all faiths and not just christians which it's clearly aimed at.
  4. Your point being....?
  5. Maybe it's just a southern thing, not gonna hound him over it or anything.
  6. 'my woman'? That's a wierd way to speak of your wife or fiance.
  7. @sharp_one re wages: I'd say inconclusive, needs to be given time to actually happen and show up. A few companies announcing wage increases and one-time bonuses doesn't equal overall wage increase.
  8. I meant more that because local (like city level) are more susceptible due to the smaller number of votes actually taking place, ~100 fraudulent votes is much more likely to have an affect on local voting rather than national scale. Of course though, it would matter when it's a close election. What would you consider a comprehensive and objective study? Theres a whole ton of studies out there.
  9. If it's from PoE1, how come you're posting it in the Deadfire section?
  10. If you're some famous person, especially so! Unless you're some sort of business megadonor or banker or powerful businessperson of course.
  11. Other, older, physicals have him at 6'2". Just in case you didn't know, its happened seven times before. I know it's not the first time, or the first time it's gotten close I just mean the latest showdown
  12. Or the looming government shutdown even.
  13. More that they're not believing him, while comparing Trump to muscular athletes (in one case I saw) as far as height and weight, thus completely not getting the difference between muscle mass and fat mass XD Personally, if the doctor and the results say that he is generally healthy for his age, then fine. He does apparently have a bit of heart disease (which the WH denies anyway), but it's not in the danger zone, just in the 'lets get this down a bit' range.
  14. I've seen a reference or two to that 'girther' thing, which I think is ridiculous.
  15. It's pretty blantantly a split between Democrat and Republican areas and rural/small town/small city vs urban/suburban. Also, one problem with the seccession idea is that they'd need the okay of the state legislature and of Congress. I don't see the state legislature going through with it and congressional Democrats certainly wouldn't go through with it. Actually, I don't think Republicans would neccesarily want to embrace it because it could further legitimatize separatist movements in other states, both red and blue. Plus the fact that the last time any state has split into one or more parts (not counting moving territory borders around) was the Civil War.
  16. Isn't that the same guy who tried to do the independence stuff last year? He's been doing it since 2014. Also, it's a pretty obvious splitting of more rural/Republican areas from Democrat areas. If we had to split the state, I'd rather it be decided among voters rather than one guy saying this is how we should split the state, no ifs, ands, or buts.
  17. In both cases though, it was the civillian alert system screwing up, not the military/government screwing up. That article doesn't say why, but the NYT article does: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/16/world/asia/japan-hawaii-alert.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fworld&action=click&contentCollection=world&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront Like Hawaii, that case was someone 'accidentially operated the equipment', or in other words, 'pressed the wrong button'. Stuff like military screwups or near-misses that you hear happened in the Cold War don't usually get revealed until years or decades later.
  18. You know the false missile alert in Hawaii? Japan got hit with thier instance of it, and within days of the Hawaii one. http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/16/asia/japan-false-missile-alarm-intl/index.html Unlike Hawaii, which took over a half hour to be corrected, this one got corrected within minutes.
  19. Nice troll.....
  20. Thank you! It means alot :D I think 'Do you like Ogres' would have been better because trolls are apparently non-sapient in PoE and in PoE+WM, there is definite racism at Ogres, theres even an item called Ogre blood. +1 for pun though
  21. Reform with voting machines actually started not long after, but I just remember Florida being the main focal point. To answer your question, you seemed to be making the distinction between 'dirty tricks' like reducing the number of polling places vs actual fraud, so, I was clarifying. The pros and cons of various failsafes/safeguards and their effectiveness can be debated, sure, but the thing is that studies and records have shown voting fraud to be very low (a hundred or so, or less) for national, not in the rampant territory that Republicans claim. Obviously when you get down to the local election level, things are more susceptiblle to being messed with, but on the scale of national elections, it's negligible.
  22. It is foolish to think that election fraud is a partisan issue. I'm going to give you some benefit of doubt and assume you're young for a moment, and don't vividly recall the cries of election fraud following the 2000 Presidential election by oodles of people, primarily democrats. Indeed, if you look into it, there is ample evidence that election fraud occurred in that election on numerous levels and in numerous places, ultimately in favor of the Republicans that time around. People within both parties play the evil game, and often turn a blind eye to it, as they're both greatly invested in the broken system. There's a number of good documentaries on the subject, particularly many made in the wake of the 2000 election . One I especially suggest finding is 'Hacking Democracy', watching it, and thinking. Also, next time you go to the ballot box, take a good look around and ponder how easy it is for the results of your polling station to be tampered with. If you come up with anything but easy as an answer you either vote in a polling station with fail-safes I've never seen or heard of, or you lack imagination. Again, it is foolish to think that voter fraud is a partisan issue. I'm 34, don't know if that's young to you. But to answer your question, yes, there was the debacle with 'hanging chads' and problems with the butterfly ballot in Florida. Democrats definetly weren't happy and they were protesting about irregularities and problems in Florida and wanted to continue the count but it got stopped. Don't remember about problems outside of Florida in 2000 though, the problems in Florida were the dominant complaint. As for both parties playing the game, yeah, the Republicans do it all the time like fewer polling places, etc. I know it's not a partisan issue, but I was making a distinction between dirty tricks/voter suppression election fraud which aren't illegal vs actual breaking of the law election fraud. The partisan bit is the Republicans crying election fraud numbering in the millions or tens of thousands without showing proof for stuff on that scale.
  23. True, the effectiveness of it can be debated. Also, I see Padilla said that we could see millions this year. So, we'll have to see just how huge it is in the midterms and especially the 2020 Presidential. @Val: Well, I know that Republicans have been crying election fraud with little evidence to show for it. If Trump cries election fraud or rigged election in November (although he is completely aware of the challenge Republicans have) of this year or in 2020, then he'd better show the proof. +1 to that. The Republicans aren't even trying to adapt and compete. Californias top-two Jungle Primary doesn't help the Republicans though, that's for sure. Although, California may be a poor example of how competitive the top-two system would actually be since the Republicans barely compete here.
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