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MortyTheGobbo last won the day on June 18 2017

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About MortyTheGobbo

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  1. Looks like it might have been possible to do on my original run, since I gave the soul to Galawain back then. I can't remember if I empowered the wilds then. Something to try next time, maybe.
  2. I ended up fighting Whehami, which seems like it'll lead to the less-bad ending, but Galawain still sics his giant lizard at me for some reason. I guess he's just even more of a jackass than the rest of the gods.
  3. Interesting. Perhaps I wasn't giving the game enough credit. I'll definitely spec her this way and see how it goes.
  4. Automating buffs is something I've struggled with a lot, but maybe it will be easier if I get started on it on low level instead of jumping into the deep end of level 18-20 as I did recently.
  5. I've been considering making Fassina a wizard/druid in one of my too many playthroughs. Just for a change of pace, really. But I'm honestly wondering if it's worth doing it for any reason other than the novelty of it. Seems to me like multiclassing two main casting classes just lands you with more spells than you'll be able to cast in any given fight, while losing out on the most impactful ones. Is that about right or am I missing some way to make it sing?
  6. I've finally reached the end of Seeker, Slayer Survivor again and... I'm honestly a bit confused as to what to do next. It seems there are several paths I'm locked out of because I don't have the right skills and didn't use the souls to empower Muātu. Which I had no idea what it would even accomplish. So now my two choices are either to have Whehami possess the giant reptile, which seems to lead to its terrorizing the archipelago later, or fighting my way out. But I'm not sure what happens in the latter case. It all seems muddied and reliant on players making choices without knowing what they'll lead to. The first time I played this DLC, which was a while ago, I did it after finishing the main storyline so I didn't see the ending slides. And I don't remember what I did. Now it seems like I locked myself out of all good endings unknowingly.
  7. One concrete problem I've run into - I want to set my ranger's AI to use Play Dead when her companion's health drops to 25%. But I don't see this ability on the list. Is it because it's technically the companion that uses it?
  8. I have no programming experience whatsoever. I'm trying to copy and alter existing scripts but there's just so many abilities in them, and in general, that I give up quickly.
  9. I'm returning to Deadfire after a period of not playing, once more. I keep bouncing off high-level gameplay. I've been trying to use the AI scripts to help my companions use their abilities, so they don't just auto-attack, but... the default scripts keep using the wrong abilities and wasting resources. And trying to set up my own scripts seems really overwhelming to the point where I don't even know where to start. How do other people do it? Is there a simple way to set up scripts that automate some tasks without spamming useless abilities and wasting them?
  10. Mind Blades are just an example here - any offensive power could do. I generally find it increasingly difficult to micromanage everyone on high levels, but AI scripting seems very impenetrable and unfriendly so I have no idea how to set it up.
  11. Serafen as a witch is something I'm struggling with myself right now. He's dual-wielding axes but I feel like I'm not using him to his full potential and he generates more focus than he can spend. Then again, this might just be insufficient micro on my part. Or I should set his AI to spam mind blades a lot.
  12. Looks like I've got quite a few options. I'll have to consider which one I'll take, but I'm leaning towards a Furyshaper/Ancient. I've played a ranger and a ranged chanter most recently so I'll make a melee character this time.
  13. I figured Corpse Eater might be more trouble than it's worth. It feels fiddly. I'm not married to the subclass, so I might do something else instead. Both the Furyshaper/Ancient CC/DoT machine and a Berserker/Shifter sound interesting.
  14. I was inspired recently to try out a new character once I returned to Deadfire. A barbarian/druid. It sounds cool, but I don't know how to play it effectively. Mixing full casters with non-casters is tricky. I've been thinking about going Shifter/Corpse Eater. It's kind of thematic, what with eating corpses in animal form, but I don't know how effective it'd be. I'm not married to the idea, either. Has anyone played a barbarian/druid and made the combination work?
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