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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Picked up teh lunch box edition, but I can't play until tonight
  2. I want to tell the playette girl to piss-off!
  3. This is like when Jags got Kotor 2 before everyone else
  4. I'll probably end up getting Gears 2, meh
  5. Why cheesy?? I mean in one instance I got a necro on the floor after cutting off its legs, and then I repeatedly stomped on it until it died
  6. Well mouse is decent for me, then again it's a 4000dpi laser so I dunno
  7. This game pisses all over doom 3, go buy it already. it's my current GOTY so far
  8. Kaftan hates every game lol The reason you have to drudge back and fourth is because you are a space engineer, and it's your job to get the ship working again, but your survival now depends on it as well. I love the concept! You hate and want to escape from the ship because it's infested with horrible things, yet you have to fix and take care of the ship and defend it from asteroids, because if the ship goes down, you die with it. The story of the ship is scattered in audio logs that YOU have to find and collect, there's some basic puzzles and I hear there's a twist on the characters of something (I'm only on chapter 5) Overall it's an awesomely atmospheric game that sucks you in (it doesn't even have a HUD) As for scares, the monsters get more and more grotesque and it got me to the point of being cautious and hesitating if I should enter that dark room or not. This game is what Doom 3 should have been.
  9. I think I'm just gonna get the standard edition, gotta save some money for the other games coming in november. It's raining games wooo!
  10. All I see is the standard collectors edition, what's going on?
  11. Jag doeS this gAMe have CO-OP
  12. Gears of War is the Halo of 360
  13. Should I get the collector's lunch box or the standard edition?
  14. I found the multiplayer both in FEAR and HL2 pretty weak. I do wholeheartily recommend the singleplayer FEAR though! FEAR MP seriously owned so I don't know what you're talking about
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