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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Calax which server you on?
  2. I joined a heavy populated server, are the ques that bad at peak times?
  3. Just got this game for xmas, which server is the best to play on?
  4. Yeah this game is pretty much toast...actually I will finish the thieves guild first and then it's toast
  5. I thought people complaining about the new meme were even more annoying, but then I took an arrow in the
  7. The fxaa post process mod uses the exact same .dll as the widescreen plugin, can't use both at once unfortunately.
  8. Just make sure you know what your house/apartment can support and which plug connects to which amp. My old 1200w was causing brown-outs during christmas time when triple SLI was enabled, the new one is more efficient but i'm still cautious during this time of year
  9. lol I'm on my second 1200w psu
  10. This forum section is over 5 years old now lol
  11. I keep most everything on my 4tb of hitachi drives, but I have a small 40gb ssd where I keep games like skyrim installed
  12. I just played her first segment with poison ivy and thought everything flowed good, I guess in her later segments it gets frustrating?
  13. They need to make a game about just being catwoman, she's so agile and after playing as her it's hard to go back to clunky batman
  14. Arkham City - diggin it
  15. White Robes Mod Macho-Warrior Some Dead Dude
  16. Anyway I didn't know that the trees were supposed to be swaying in the wind (they were all frozen in my game) but I found this tweak that fixed it and that's when you go to SkyrimPrefs.ini and change fTreesMidLODSwitchDist= to be 15000. If anyone else has that problem with the trees then try it out
  17. How are you supposed to level up in this game? I finished the main quest, put 40 hours in, and I'm still like lvl 13 lol
  18. I did a huge chunk of the main quest today, so now I'm much further along than I ever was in Oblivion
  19. 30 hours in and not much done lol
  20. Here's a good guide for skyrim if you have an nvidia card: http://www.geforce.com/Optimize/Guides/fiv...ook-even-better The Ambient Occlusion tweak makes a huge difference
  21. Okay...maybe not real-real but more like hq renderings
  22. Been playing around with a bunch of Skyrim graphics mods. The extra shadows, texture sharpening, and post-processing really make it almost photo-realistic in some areas. And I won't dare try running this in triple screen for risk that my comp will explode (it makes my system run really hot with only one screen!)
  23. Assassins Creed 4
  24. Fall in Skyrim
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