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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. It's real time fast paced action, classic 90's style tank controls The thing about strategy is that you have to be careful not to undershoot or overshoot enemies, conserve anmo and there's a trade-off with the vehichles you choose because if you choose a Fallout style suit or a a hovercraft or a full sized mech. Fallout style suits take a long time to destroy something but can hide well within the city, hovercrafts can travel quick and swiftly but are weaker, full sized mechs are high armor and destroy everything fadt but can be spotted from a mile away. Ammo and shield management are also crucial, you can refill at a Depot but if enemies are shooting at you, the explosion will kill your vehicle (everything in the game is destructible) Of course there are other vehichles too... Tanks, Gyros, Minivans with guns, etc. There's even a roll-cage lol
  2. Brigador is on sale on Steam and GoG for $13.99 from $19.99. It has just re-launched, meaning that it's recieved a huge content update. Yup yup, that's a biggun! http://store.steampowered.com/app/274500 https://www.gog.com/game/brigador It is the most strategic mech game will ever play. Good luck :D
  3. Francis making fun of Far Cry 5 whiners: Francis making good points:
  4. They love bad publicity don't they? Sometimes I think they purposely want people to hate them lol Lawbreakers is looking better than Quake Champions but both are looking better than Overwatch. Is anyone going here excited to play either of them?
  5. Me too. Their 8 hour games have more depth than a 40 hour game. Love their art style and unique sense of stories. I'm looking forward to Pyre, will definitely pre-purchase.
  6. It brang a tear to my eye, simply beautiful :'-)
  7. I'm betting there will be a way to beat the game in 15 minutes like in Far Cry 4. I would love a horror element, even though the first one was by Crytek, it had those creepy mutant things and dark environments so it's pretty much un the dna anyway. Can't wait to see Francis do a YouTube video on the petition lol
  8. Neither game is accurate though, and the devs never intended them to be. However, the cult in Outlast 2 was based off a real cult while the one in Far Cry 5 was not. I'm not sure if you're the good or bad guy on this one, I don't think we'll know til the game is out
  9. Speaking of... Ubisoft released a new trailer today to stir the pot even further by saying "We actually went to Montana and what we met alot of people that didn't want to be bothered, they just wanted to be left alone" and "We don't trust the government, we'll do it ourselves." And goes on to saying at the end of the trailer: "I think that bar is actually in Montana" impyling that bars like the one in the game exists, where the owner openly pulls guns on customers and such. What I really want to know is what exactly did he mean when he said: "Each character has their own opinions, you'll see that they're just not a.i. they have personalities" ... Will they be as good as the townfolk will be in Deadfire I wonder? https://youtu.be/dTW-fMr24d8
  10. FC5 has character creation this time though, so that means no more frat boy I guess. I honestly thought the protagonist for this one was going to be a high school girl who runs away from home, then the main antagonist, the leader of the cult would fall instantly in love with her at first sight and try to force her to be his bride but the girl refuses so the cult gets mad and imprisons her, and she escapes so they hunt her down. I thought that premise would be logical since this is type of situation is not uncommon in cults and yet it would make the game even more controversial. Which would only be good for sales as controversy only would drive up the sales. I cant wait to see the newest addition to animals.... the cow
  11. Hmmm... so it's going to be soon!
  12. Oh right... it's by Obsidian :D Now if only someone could just remake New Vegas in the new engine, it would be perfect!
  13. I know right? Ever since Fallout went 3D..... :/
  14. One thing I have learned is... No Fallout game is truly "better" than another. I have a love/hate relationship with each one, as each one has it's strengths and weaknesses. FO4 seems to capatalize on graphics, personalization, shooting, crafting and base building. And fails at storytelling, choices, immersion and involvement. While some may say "Those are all the things that matter", I'm kinda glad to walk around without seeing the same two colors and I also like the changes that were made to Vats in FO4. I might get wrecked on the forum for saying this lol
  15. It's a great game and the main chracter is great. Soma is also a great horror game
  16. Lol What about the brontosaurus necks in FO3, New Vegas, Skyrim and FO4? I loved playing with them in character creation tbh...
  17. As thin people tend to have I suppose. Here's something else... https://youtu.be/ZGrF9kp3ixY I'm betting this is true.
  18. I thought that was weird too... especially with the fact that he emphasized on power-status by saying "No, I was at my full power". At the same time, Melissa Benoist does look great wet! :D Ahhh okay, that makes sense. Gotham and Arrow are my favorite shows to date. I always loved the Batman universe as a kid. I knew nothing of Green Arrow as a character until I was introduces to Smallville. Good ole times I came in late to watch the Arrow season, my first episode was when the first appearance of Cupid (everyone on facebook was saying how hot she was lol) then I went back to episode one and just caught up. Great shows, even if not 100% accurate - I wouldn't know since I do not follow the comics or anything like that. I felt super-old when I ran into this video and was like who is that?! https://youtu.be/Vpu5i0EYZbg And because I like Tatyana as Wonder Woman more than Gal Gadot, I'll post this as well https://youtu.be/aR0pREAUzaQ
  19. Was just being playful lol. I usually prefer pre-made/forced character in Far Cry games but I think this will be nice. I will finally be able to be a female character in a Far Cry game which makes me happy hopefully it has alot of options like Saints Row!
  20. I have to be honest, when I first saw Pagan, I thought he was going to he the worst antogonist ever but played through the game and loved how different the story and characters were from Far Cry 3. It took me awhile to like Pagan as an antogonist while Vaas made me laugh and is a BA from the start. Thr main difference being how Vaas from Far Cry 3 was a "bad guy" who's sole purpose was to hunt you down and make your life a living hell, while Pagan Min was a "misunderstood" guy who played pychological games with the protagonist, not making his true intentions clear. I think it's those differences that ultimately create a totally different experience despite the open world mechanics remaining very much the same. The "Welcome to the family" or "religeous cult" premise is being used in gaming more .. Outlast 2, Resident Evil VII and overused in cinema... Rob Zombie movies and so on. We have probably hundreds of them but I'm looking forward to what this will bring to the table. I'm just unsure why Ubi is getting hate for this type of thing when others have been already doing it the last few years. Maybe because it isn't horror? Or maybe this new Far Cry will have horror elements and we just don't know? It's got me oveethinking alot on the possibilities of where they want to go. I expect to be surprised and if I'm not, it will be underwhelming as someone who wants Far Cry to do well. I want to know more technical things about the game like map size, weapons, if hunting animals and skinning them will remain or if crafting will go another way, if upgrading is the same, ect. Visuals don't look much improved over FC4 or Primal. From the trailer, looks like the same old Dunia engine with not as great optimization as FC4. Edit: Uggghhh. Announcement for customizable character here... Now all we need is base building and slow-mo anti-targeting
  21. Even better if they are from another country and English is their second language. It would definitely make things more interesting lol
  22. ABZU... it's so beautiful and calming but there's so much more:
  23. DOUBLE POST ALERT!!! So I got gifted a copy of a pretty sweet game today called "Geneshift", it's basically GTA2 with rpg elements like Diablo type skill-tree and then add some Hotline Miami. It's cyber-punkish/mutant-esque so you can get powers and upgrades, etc. It's on sale for $7.99 (from $9.99)... it's in early access so it will probably be around $19.99 when it's fully released. https://youtu.be/TOFMNI4Wh88
  24. Obviously the main character will be a babyfaced, inexperienced youth that will have his notions of the world challenged by a more charismatic villain. He will also chase collectibles endlessly across an open world for no reason whatsoever. I mean; this is an Ubisoft game, I know what to expect.Or you know... it could be an older man, still in the military, therefore has to keep a clean cut for service and his wife and has survival experience Did anyone expect Far Cry 5 to be in Montana and the enemies to be Duck Dynasty clones? I think not, either way, we'll find out soon enough. I'll laugh even harder if it's a female character. Im sure people would start whining about Ubisoft being feminists all over the net then lol Either way, I'm going to buy it regardless of what the SJW's and ubi haters say on Twitter and Ign, I'm thankful that Ubisoft is always pushing the envelope. That's what makes the Far Cry games so great (except Primal which did suck bad for alot of reasons) Edit: Here's something that was also interesting: https://youtu.be/BhWfIaVGlMk Oh man, here's comes the heat! :D
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