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About Khagmas

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  1. Hey @Kvellen, I am Gwynrick. I had to create a second account when I could not remember which e-mail the main account was registered to. It's very unfortunate to hear that you have no plans to release the mod. But at the same time, I understand that this is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task. It would be great to see a version of the mod where Durance not only use his voice set for commenting basic actions (attack, etc.), because his banter with Aloth, Eder and Pallegina while traveling is very cool and atmospheric - but it's just wishlist. The personal quest of Durance and other dialogues (available when use item from inventory) are not such an important thing, as it seems to me. I will be glad if you release the "Sidekick Durance" mod in any form.
  2. Hello! Have some questions about POE2 modding and want to get help. 1. I'm working on a mod regarding the ship theme (another one < lol), nothing complicated - just a little rebalancing. However, these "quicksands" are pulling me deeper and deeper. I think that without some more in-depth improvements, it is simply impossible to make a balanced system of naval combat. What do I mean? For Junk need decrease maximum available slots for cannons from 10 to 8. (i think need edit "NameplateFBX": "art/ships_new/props/name_plates/name_plate_junk.fbx", who know how do that? [edit .fbx-files ofc]) Or need create new "ShipType" ? How do that? Also when a weapon is installed in an available slot, 2 cannon models also appear in the ship model in 2 of the 20 (10 for every side) available cannon's windows. Is it possible to make one weapon responsible for 3 or 4 cannons on the visual model of Junk? 2. Winking Audr - Character from Pale Elf race, but portrait - from Ocean Folk (Human). I think need change "Portrait": "gui/portraits/player/female/female_human_f_sm.png" to something related to "gui/portraits/player/female/female_elf_f_sm.png", but have problem - 2nd portrait from "IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/crew/crew_female_human_f_s.png" - portraits from "gui/icons/items/crew/" - the folder does not have a file (gui/icons/items/crew/crew_female_human_f_s.png) inside. What are the sizes of the portraits inside this folder? Why isn't all the portraits stored in it? How extract that portraits from in-game archives? 3. Also want create some small mod with editing the Wintertide Bulwark, wanna add ability for that large shield like Burning Bash (but with frost damage, lol). Wanna this additional stats for Bulwark: Damage: 11-15 (Crush/Frost) Penetration: 7 Chance to Hit: Accuracy vs. Deflection Attack Time: 0.7 sec Recovery Time: 4.0 sec Also with scaling from shield quality for damage and penetration to attack stats. How do that? Any hints?
  3. "The Final Patch", where are you?
  4. This decision is up to you. I think you're right, should not add them or their weakened duplicate. Just rings are not enough now, and other options do not come to mind... Snerf's Folly - does not look interesting. Yeah? Sigil of the Arcane - Maybe this? Silver Lover's Ring and Copper Lover's Ring - these last. In categories of other things(belts, cloaks, hats, gloves, boots and amulets) a lot of good items too, but they are not as necessary as the rings. P.S: And about Hood: the model of this item is different from the Blackbladess Hood. That is why I asked about the Footpad's Hood earlier.
  5. Its old... but very funny video. In Warcraft and Witcher series localization sometimes was so very impressive that the cause goosebumps. Yes, I fully agree about your power-tiers of items. Gwyn's Band of Union is so strong, I never took it off after receiving it. Maybe these abilities needs some nerfs in your mod? Minor Spellbind: Blessing: Grants Blessing (1 per encounter) Spellstamina: Instill Doubt: Grants Instill Doubt when drops below 80% (1 per encounter) Decrease time duration from 20 sec to 10 sec? Blessing can work only 1 per rest, not per encounter? Or is it a matter of "+4 INT"? Perhaps one of the goals of this mod to cause nostalgia? In addition, in Deadfire there are much stronger items. And what with Ring of Changing Heart, Wyrwood Ring, Iron Circle and Glittering Gauntlets? You don't want add this, because this totally OP? Yes, someone already tried to change some things. But some of these items is never reworked. Crimson Plate Helm Hazanui's Crested Hat Light Leather Arena Helm Cloak of Berath Arkemyr's Old Robe Serafen's Padded Mail Vestments of Gaun Kana`s Hat
  6. Great mod. Wonderful Idea. Perfect Russian Localization. 10/10 More Rings from POE1, please. In the Deadfire they are not enough. I hope that the author will not abandon this mod and create most rings / amulets / gloves / boots / belts and some cloaks and hats that possible competently implement. For Example: 1. Crossed Patch to Eyepatch from Deadfire (All Icons from POE1 is here); 2. Footpads Hood to Hood from Deadfire 3. Executioner's Hood to Harbinger's Hood from Deadfire and etc. I can also express the idea of refinement Kana`s Hat to Kana's Turban And idea to create any bonuses for some other unique items without any bonuses: Crimson Plate Helm Hazanui's Crested Hat Light Leather Arena Helm Cloak of Berath Arkemyr's Old Robe Serafen's Padded Mail Vestments of Gaun I'm sorry to ask you about this request. But it seems that the developers of the game with similar problems do not get through. Ready try to help you with the translation into other languages, if the description of the subjects will be taken directly from the first POE. (All this is very funny, especially the fact that I don't even speak English well. ); P.S: And about this: There were some logical mistakes in the translation of Witcher series and Warcraft 3+TFT, but undoubtedly they could be assessed at 99/100 due to the good playing of actors with properly chosen timbres(as part of the personality) for most characters. Russian localization were good in Oblivion and in the Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening... Yeah! Skyrim with Gothic 1-3 had good translations too, i think.
  7. Inquisitor Lödwyn must somehow comment on the attitude of the player's subclasses to Woedica (Even if only by textual dialogue, i think). It is especially strange that there is a special dialogue for the Bleak Walkers subclass but not for The Steel Garrote Paladins or Priests of Woedica...
  8. It's great that many of the forum attendants are ready to defend the position of developers, whatever it may be. But this is probably the only moment in the game where a special dialogue for these subclasses is really necessary. Do not consider my statement rude.
  9. Totally agree! High stakes = epic fails.
  10. Phenomenum, can i beg you create 'convo' for this images? If you like it...
  11. That is what I meant, in fact, because the main plot and everything else should not revolve around this Gods - because they stories is not the main story, it is only knowledge about the world of Eora. I hope that without The Wheel they will have to go into the background and they will not get into the Eora's life without serious necessary. Where is Naasitaq? Is it not on the Archipelago? Instead of the next quest about the Gods could tell us about the life of this region. That's the problem. Naasitaq is a remote southern island nation, located in the Deadfire Archipelago. Many boreal dwarves and aumaua share the rocky tundra and snow-covered forests with far-roaming caravan elves who drift near the shoreline. Naasitaq is the biggest and most stable nation around. Various nations and empires fight over the islands, to the east of which are sea monsters that invariably annihilate any ships that attempt to go exploring (many of them dwarven). Where is it in game? The gods have to go into the background, because of this, there is small place in the story for really important things. That is why Metaphysics in this game should sink into oblivion. Metaphysics destroys resources for more mundane and interesting stories, inflates empty stories about gods to the Epic level, they really mean nothing. The foundation of these stories is a Engwithans lie, it's no more does not cause awe. Need make Pillars of Eternity Great Again!
  12. lolwhat? Speaking about of metaphysics, I mean its definition from the game: "A young field of knowledge, Metaphysics deals with animancy, adra, the Wheel, the In-Between, the Beyond, and all mysteries of the soul." The Gods and this Metaphysics too often began appear in the plot in order to inflate the importance of everything and everyone. Most of these stories are actually empty and do not carry any meaning = real influence on the game world. Pillars of Eternity is good without it. And all this pouting importance about the gods only harms the universe. It is better go through the quests about pirate's battles, castle sieges, sweeps dungeon and other local conflicts - where decisions will lead to consequences. It is better to do something more simple and understandable, where the player will be pleased that the game world has begun to change in proportion to the importance of the completed tasks. In short, down with the water in the stories. Down with the Wheel! About these Gods need to forget. They cannot be made so involved in everything. This game should not be about them, but about decisions and their consequences for the main character and maybe for some local part of the Eora-world? Or not?
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