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Everything posted by Leeuwenhart

  1. Josh has pretty much said that the limit of 5 people in a party is already set and that he has no intention of changing it. They also said in the second Q&A that they don't really have any intention of letting priests have more diversity than they did in POE1. In terms of a lore perspective paladin's don't serve specific gods but rather orders so having "all paladin options" does not really make much sense unless they are adding more orders. Additionally Godlike's are there own race and not a subrace so you won't be seeing and 4ft tall Orlan fire godlikes. Sorry to be such a bummer, more companions and subclasses are still quite possible though. What you talkin bout Mista Willes??? I never said anything bout paladins and gods. HOWEVER there are more orders ALREADY IN LORE then there are order OPTIONS available. Like Palleginas order or the Steel Garotte (which IS linked to Woedica btw) Godlike subraces are OBVIOUSLY fire moon death nature and avian. 11 gods (if you count woedica/still in effect or not)= 11 godlikes Missing Eothas (dawn?) Abydon (ore?) Skaen (dark?) Wael (dream?) Rymrgand (winter?) Woedica (if she still produces godlike or not) That being said... It was weird as Ffff that godlike had dex and intellect boosts... Since we ger to pick the parent race anyway just give that stat. That way it MEANS something when you make an Aumaua Nature Godlike vs an Elven Nature Godlike. Racial Attribute Boost=Parent Race Racial talent= Godlike Subrace
  2. Monk Priest= The Dalai Lama Fighter Monk= The UFC Champion Ranger Cipher= The Horsewhisperer Paldin Rogue= The Dark Knight Wizard Monk= The X Man Ranger Chanter= The Pokemon Trainer GOTTA SUMMON THEM ALL XD
  3. Well, at least, a small list of what you think their time should be spent on is kind of required after making that statement, yes?Nope.I have no preference on "what". But this kind of labor is frivolous to me. Btw whats up with the antagonistic pose?
  4. Oh yeah.... And a cute hot naked asian gamer chick to play the game together with on the computer next to me
  5. It's all but a certainty that we'll reach this goal now. I can't remember the exact figure, but there's somewhere in the region of $500k in investment backing that hasn't been confirmed.This! The 2 million cap of investers has already been reached. Waiting for process. Already 1.24 booked in. Means 750k still waiting to be added. Real sum total 3.25 million passed. So stretch goals 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 are 100% Even if we stopped getting a dollar today. Fair to say we will reach 4 million easily. My guess... 5.0. 3 subclasses 6 party size 8 companions All priest options All paladin options All godlike subraces Then im happy
  6. Well everybody can stop s****ing in their underoos about very narrow or niche subclasses taking up half the suboptions... since there gonna be 3 subclasses/class. So by all means. Be niche. Bz 3 means a lot more chance somebody will like 1.
  7. Kanas family is in Rauatai. He is island aumaua. But like so many others in Eora Race=/=Culture Not a 1 race 1 country world A good thing
  8. Everybody will find at least 5 dumb names... its preference. That why i say let it be x/y. Just put in possibility to edit the titel. Work saved 99% People happy with their own snowflake title: 99% Done. Move to story and gameplay haha
  9. Really? Wouldn't you think the names would depend on the dominant culture in the islands. For example, if this were a French archipelago I would expect l'Île Noire rather than Black Island. And do you think we or the developers would let that happen? Let's say just for arguments sake, that all the names of the islands were French indeed. Do you really think we or the developers would then name one island the "Black Isle"? If you really fear that, then I would like to assure you that I would talk to the developers how to adjust the name "Black Isle" to best fit in the game world of Deadfire.
  10. Stalker (druid/rogue) Slayer (ranger/barbarian) Hunter (ranger/ Warden (ranger/druid) Sentinel (ranger/fighter) Battlemage (wizard/priest) Warpriest (fighter/priest) Knight (paladin/fighter) Templar (paladin/priest) Guardian (fighter Shaman (priest/barbarian?/druid?) Shadow (rogue Flagelant (monk/priest) Ghost Theurge/Taumaturg (Priest/Wizard) Champion (paladin/barbarian) Striker Apostle Disciple Exemplar Harrier Inquisitor Oracle Seeker Warlock Sorcerer Seer Soulbow (Ranger+Cipher) Cavalier Dervish Justiciar Marauder (Barbarian+Fighter) Mauler (Barbarian+Druid) Shaper Trickster (Wizard Rogue) Wayfarer Duelist Walker Outrider Ravager Avenger Fang (Druid Virtuoso Raider Bane Hexer Hospitaler Anyhow... plundered through my 3.5 edition splatbooks for these. Best keep them as neutral as possible since the Subclasses are full of flavour. Like Ghostwatchamacallit of the ranger subclass. Then you dont need a Verdant Green Hunter as a combotitel when Hunter would just do... Imo
  11. Anybody got any idea what some of these races are called? Here's what I've found. Meadow Folk :Thyrtan Savannah Folk:Natlan Ocean Folk :Calbandra Wood Elf :Scelterfolc Pale Elf :Glamfellen Mountain Dwarf:Aptapo Boreal Dwarf :Enutanik Hearth Orlan :??? Wild Orlan :??? Island Aumaua : Huani Coastal Aumaua: ??? Anybody official can give us a snippet of lore? Just 3 words thats all haha
  12. Like Kana gave insight about Aumaua/Rauatai we need a Mountain Dwarf and a Pale Elf too. Highlighting cultures. Heck... we NEEDED that dwarf in White March!
  13. Just put in the option to name it. And leave it standard x/y. No need to "find" 55 names. Its a nice touch. But attention maybe better spend elsewhere.
  14. Arent traps skill related and drugs combat related? I get where you coming from. But drugs are combat only. And since they will damage and boost you (probably) a fit for the monk. (Only other character who needs dmg is barbarian i think. And hes got frenzy as a mechanic.) Weapons can also be used by anybody. And so can their foci. But the fighter still has the specialisations no?
  15. Arent traps skill related and drugs combat related? I get where you coming from. But drugs are combat only. And since they will damage and boost you (probably) a fit for the monk. (Only other character who needs dmg is barbarian i think. And hes got frenzy as a mechanic.) Weapons can also be used by anybody. And so can their foci. But the fighter still has the specialisations no?
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