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Everything posted by Leeuwenhart

  1. Ash has encountered a new creature! A flying wicht! It uses flapping descend... It isnt super effective...
  2. Are moon godlike always wet? Pun only half intended. So half serious question. Still would like an answer haha
  3. Mountain Dwarf Animancer from Old Vaillia Boom... 12th class revealed! Omggggg say whuuuuuttttt
  4. Orlans are the elves of half-lings. No game. Say whuut hahaha. Dwarves are the gnomes of giants yes!
  5. Actually... no No more snowflakes. Lol. Give us just good characters. Its tge story around them not the make up.
  6. How about a unique companion. They already had a construct. How about a wilder? That 1 xaurip from Ranga in Anslög Compass Or a Big Ass Ogre haha (hard for doors) Or a vithrak mindbending facecloaking cipher Or a sporeling lol. Obsidian has a record for these. Okku. Zhaejeve. Devil of Caroc. Could even be a new race introduction. Like palegina subrace.
  7. Because the entire point of doing good is not expecting a tangible reward for it? The Buddha approves and share some of his veggies with you +1 karma
  8. Old Vaillia Dwarf Whatever the class But considering Naasitaq is in Deadfire... Mountain dwarf in poe1 with white march Sagani in poe2 naastiq Wouldve made more sense. Hell... travel half the world on a wild goosechase... weird sagani story anyway Would make sense in the same archipelago She talk about culture all game Then get dlc Naasitaq
  9. Hahaha that's a funny joke. NB people are the best. Seriously though I read Pallegina as demi or perhaps agender. She (in the absence of Pallegina speaking up on pronouns, I'll gonna use the same ones the game uses) seems to wear femininity grudingly, like an old mask she's never bothered, or dared, to try taking off. Bz she is a woman in a brotherhood and its out of place in that day and age. Shes only inside that group on a technical loophole in their laws. Imagine how that feels. From the start her superiors talk about her as a someone going against the grain. Ofc she wants to cast her genderrole aside. Btw whats NB ... im a non native speaker.
  10. Huana are Island Aumaua. Or a culture or the name of the subrace. Like rauatai culture Or scelterfolk glamfellen subracial name Its in an update
  11. "Is that a horn in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" Hahaha
  12. I dont think death godlike got weird growth in their pants too hahaha
  13. Legally in her republics. But just bz youre not fertile doesnt mean your not female or male. A lot of people on earth are infertile. But always still man or woman. I'm not sure she'd find it productive or relevant to think about herself in those terms, though.If SHE thinks or not. SHE is. I don't think one's professed gender identity is irrelevant specifically in the context of a romance, even if you personally think that the dangling fleshy bits are all there is to the issue and everything else is fiction or delusion. I tell my sheep the same thing
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