Ah, the PS3, right? How is everything?
edit: erm...wait, maybe that's the Wii title...same question if it is.
Yes, I picked up my PlayStation 3 on November 17th. Everything is great so far. I currently own Resistance: Fall of Man and Ridge Racer 7. The User Interface is elegant and simple to use. Resistance: Fall of Man and Ridge Racer 7 look fantastic in 1080i/1080p. There is one thing I have to say to anyone that does not own a PlayStation 3: It is a great system, and you will not understand that completely until you own one for yourself. To all the fanboys out there: Quoting biased and partial reviews will never make the Xbox 360 better than the PlayStation 3. To be completely honest, I own an Xbox 360 as well, and besides Gears of War, it has nothing on my PS3.
Except that the PS3 doesn't have Gears of War. "
Gears of War is good, but definitely not worth all of hype that pushed it's release.