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Everything posted by Slack83er
Boeroer is a genius in this game, but we have... opposing attitudes. He's a min-maxer, I'm not. He's very skilled in playing low-con character even in PotD, while I love enjoying the story without worrying too much of combats.. let alone low hit points. So now that I'm playing a very intelligent fighter I'm kinda ok... I'm in DB right now, poking around and making experience in order to slay the dragon at the waterfall or do Od-Nua.
Alright, I'm on my way to Caed Nua right now, so I'll have Kana in party soon. Right now I'm kinda tanky, it's difficult to put me down, and I've got three of the Fulvano pieces on me. I got a greatsword, it's not very fast for now, but it hurts, and it's fire-enchanted by me. I play easy, so everything is kinda...well...easy. Might retrain to follow your advices about per and dex...still thinking on it, I'll see how it goes in Caed. See ya tomorrow! (2 am here...he he)
Umm sorry to disturb you one more time... no way I can get all those stat to 15 right at the start... It will be something like: Mig 15 Con 10 Dex 10 Per 15 Int 15 Res 13 ... or I can exchange this with Per/Int but one stat has to be lowered to 13 or two stats to 14. I guess I can get any bg I like?
So, one at a time: Dual wielding is an option. Charisma doesn't exist, I know. Let's just say I'd like at least 2 stats which improve talking, the first being Res. I know I can't be extra speedy while tanking. Let's just say the 2 weapons can really help mitigate the armor penalty, and perhaps a high dexterity also helps.. For "non casting" I mean the traditional casting classes, those whose only increasing abilities each level are new spells. Everything else is ok.
Well..I know what I would like. Main points are: Very speedy-attacking character. General feel of a leader.. not necessarily a paladin. Excellent talking skills. Better if it's also quite tanky. Either deflecting or armored.. Generally oriented towards good alignment. Non casting class. And finally.. as you may have understood, I like unusual combinations.. so yes to strange characters like godlikes for example.
Belf, you haven't caught the meaning of my quoted post. First and foremost there's nothing wrong in wanting to get the most out of an experience. That doesn't mean I'm searching for the grail, but only that I want to interpret a character who is free to be who he wants. Nothing wrong in getting special options if you're a particular race such as a godlike. They're somewhat exotic and feared. But I'll give you an example of what I don't like. Stereotyped classes. Let's just think at Aufra, Calisca's sister. You get the option of helping her out in a particular way if you're a paladin. Why can't I act with chivalry even if I'm a rogue? Yes yes, I can help her nonetheless, but the dialogue is different. This is what I don't like. A proper rpg should give you the possibility of different attitudes...like angry, chivalrous, covetous or the like. (Dragon age comes to mind) But here the game states that if you're not a paladin you can't be chivalrous. That's sticking a label on a character. So, to sum it up, you are talking about races, which is something I can agree with you on. I'm talking about classes. The only thing that defines who you are, or what you do in this game.
Scythe, while what you say is undoubtedly true, I continue to prefer a system that doesn't stick a label on me. If you go just some posts up, you'll see my favorite game ever has been Divinity II. A game that lets you be who you want to be. Sure, you start off by picking some kind of class, but soon discover that your choice doesn't interfere at all with any choice you will make in the future, and that it was just a way to introduce you to the game. PoE wants to make me choose a career, to specialize in just ONE thing, and do it with the drawback that if you want to spread your abilities a little too thin, you'll become some sort of Jack-of-all-trades but utterly MASTER OF NONE AT ALL. I'm not discussing "balance" per se, which is good in fact, I'm just arguing that I (and that's only me, so I admit I'm just a little too picky perhaps) find this class system too restricting for my personal tastes. Imho the best result are achieved as follows: Class System: Every single class is adept at doing specific tasks. Rogues, this way, will be the ONLY ones that will be able to pick locks for example. This method clearly encourages you to build up a party of character that will complete one another. This is the base of the first editions of D&D. Classless system: There's no class. There's concept. You are who you want to be. No special need to look for a group or party as you, and you alone, choose which things you can do, and which you can't. If you don't choose to learn lockpicking, noone will do it for you. PoE... stands right in the middle of the two, imo. And doesn't excel in neither. You choose a class, but what you do can be accomplished by anyone, thus your choices have no particular weight in the overall big picture of the game. I've seen mages tank, and dwarves being powerful magicians. I'm quite sure this was done with the idea of ultimate freedom in mind, but to me, this is an overall failure.
Il also add, forgive my double post, that role-wise this also forces me to play as a specific class, and you may notice this from the fact that some dialogue options are available only to certain classes. Dialogue should follow my morale and not the fact that I'm a wizard and not a fighter.. for example. So what happens is..I don't feel I got my own character but a character who is on a precise rail, no matter what I do to customise him to my tastes.
The answer is rather easy. The classless system doesn't put a label on me about who I am. I can indeed be a wizard with mechanics, but I'm not defined by the wizard label. I could choose to have just 2 spells and be a fighter and that wouldn't make me a bad mage. Sure in PoE I can choose to be a mage with sword and board but I'll never be a tank because PoE wants me to stick on the mage label=squishy. This way I'll never be unique because who I am is defined by class and not by my own capabilities.
There's nothing that the class system forbids me to do. But I always get this awkward feeling that what I do with a class can also be done by another. I cannot be unique. There's a lack of proper roles. It's a hybrid... If you do a game with a class system, then stick to it. Don't make wizards experts in disarming traps! (they start with 1 in it) It's rogues' stuff! This way I get the feeling that with 6 fighters I can beat the game just right... as a fighter can scout, beat, disarm, be stealthy, talk, and with proper lore even cast spells.. By the way... I'd be more than happy if anyone can prove me I'm wrong and comes out with something unique, for I haven't found anything to date.
Thank you. But despite all of this...my problem remains: I can't really find the exact role I'm looking for. I don't like being confined to a precise class but this game won't let me create something unique... I don't really know how to better explain this... I have an idea in mind...but it's vague... I only know I want to be talkative and scouty... but I want to be a leader for the party.. do something special...
I also want to add a personal feeling: this game is awesome but animations are really crappy. There's no satisfaction at all in seeing you character in combat as it kinda seems a wood statue swinging a toothpick. The only exceptions are mages, who chant something and cast some visual spells..and monks that actually move the hands according to some kind of logical pattern. But then again.. while playing a monk I felt like I'm... opening my way with fists and all, no involvement in what happens in the game... Maybe ciphers are more into lore, and orlans too but... Well...dunno... I'm kinda baffled..
This is absolutely true. I find it very difficult to follow a precise and narrow route while interpreting my character. For me, a monk is a monk. A fighter is a fighter. In fact, while playing my first tabletop rpgs, I used to multiclass like hell, trying to adhere as much as I could to what I had in mind. Wanna know my favourite Pc game ever? Divinity II. Classless system.