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Everything posted by Slack83er

  1. Is that so strong? I mean... +10 for 20 seconds on a single target? Goes on the tank?
  2. No, no. My dwarf is a paladin that burps politely. Seriously though... there's no warhammer except abydon that does something good to my cause. Well I could enchant them, of course... But maybe battle axes are more in tune with the flavor. I started yesterday with the pala. I went darcozzi, but I'm not sure... What would you pick to slay undead?
  3. Gentlemen please... I have a dwarf... I'm not that well educated or subtle to use such weapons... I need to bash skulls!
  4. Yeah, Blades knows I'm into RP Gwisk Glas is marvellous anyway... and strong also! I'll take a look Blades, thank you!
  5. Jerek, I agree with you. In fact, I was thinking with fantasy lore in mind. I like Ravenwing, it's one of my favourite weapons. And also agree with dual battle axes, that would perfectly suit my grumpy, stubborn, beardy dwarf.
  6. Well.. to be honest... dagger is not a dueling weapon. Sword, Rapier, or even sabres are. Even in modern fencing, those are the weapons of choice. I see dagger as a sort of "scoundrel" weapon or a mage/necromancer ritual weapon. That's my opinion...
  7. Well, the weapon focus was just to reach a high level of ACC... not something particularly fancy. I thought that putting wfocus along with the paladin abilities should work just fine... @Moss.. Steadfast could be viable, but Unlabored... mm I don't see a dagger on a paladin...
  8. I've taken a look at different weapons that I could dual wield. I've come out with: Whispers of yenwood + wodewys. Both the two belong to knight focus. Second slot reserved for two handed morning star: daybreak against spirits. Still knight focus. This way I can maximize acc and get a remarkable attack speed as well as have fairly decent defense due to paladin. Whaddaya think?
  9. 2 Weapon Fighting aka Dual Wielding. Dammit, I keep forgetting that here's not D&D
  10. I don't want 2 handed weapons, I want 2 weapon fighting! so 2 one handed weapons! That's why I asked for raven and whisper. They just aren't in the same Weapon Focus... but that's it... Bringing 2 Hammers will yield Weapon Focus instead.
  11. Yes, Two Weapon Fighting. Abydon is quite good I'll admit, but it's 2handed...
  12. Hail! I need your advices as to which weapon best complement my paladin with 2wf. First one will probably be the raven mace, still unsure on the other.. Knowing that I will be a spirit/undead hunter, what can fit? (I know, the big hammer... I know..) Thanks!
  13. Mmm I'll try the different combinations... I usually play with con 10 and it's enough on most chars.. I'll try going a bit up, see what happens.
  14. I know that res is not that important for monk, but it's the main attribute for talking... this thing really gets on my nerves... resolve has a much larger input on dialogues than int or per...
  15. With the monk, am I forced to put points into CON? Let's say at least 14?
  16. Well.. at 5th level I found endless path really tough... dragons and ogres especially... so I won't try WM before 9 if you say so
  17. I'm sorry I forgot to mention that I never finished the game and that I'm only level 5, beginning of act 2. This is the reason I'd like to make it all over again
  18. The cc thing is sadly true. You only boost your comrades, but nothing you can do vs mobs... you leave it to others.... but whether you like it or not is a matter of playstyle.
  19. I thought so... I really like the powerful bonus against races... And I like the White that wends "mystic" background" which can be related to monks...
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