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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. That's a pretty jerk way of showing your love.

  2. Someone DOES care.

  3. I'm glad somebody took notice.

  4. Quail-man is an improvement. And Doug wasn't before his time.

  5. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch! bmpmch bmpch-ch!
  6. I'm serious, if you want some singing tips and lessons then PM me. ; )

  7. Shoot, I'm a Gazebos!
  8. Those first 45 minutes are so good though.
  9. Your's was special though.

  10. Someone I went to highschool with went to U of M, and said that like, white people really only hang out with white people, and asians only really hang out with other asians ans stuff like that. I don't know if it is really like that there, and this person who told me this is someone that I'm pretty sure is a racist, but she doesn't think she is, but she really acts like she is. I'm going to Western Michigan this fall, and when I went for orientation the drama department put on this skit about college life. It dealt with some pretty tough issues, like having a roomate of a different race, and having gay friends, amoung other things like doing laundry and having a facebook profile. It was all pretty stupid, but it makes me wonder if there is some sort of problem with race or something at Western, or if they are just being proactive or something.
  11. Something is amiss here! Quick, Eldarboy, to the ThePixiesRock cave!

  12. About eight of them maybe. The other 32 lines you'd have to find sifting through people's comment boxes!
  13. Ever since Enoch mentioned the spider-pig theme song, that's all I can listen to. It's really beautiful.
  14. I... I guess... Is that what you were doing?
  15. Wait, is that what it's called?!
  16. I wish! More like the first four or five times with you!
  17. I can neither confirm or deny. Tom Waits - Hoist that Rag.
  18. Can he swing From a web No he can't He's a pig LOOK OUT!
  19. I found the part where you said "Oh, how I'll love you" as a comment on my profile. I thought you were threatening me. To stay on topic, I am (appropriately) listening to: Pixies -- La La Love You That wasn't part of the scavenger hunt. Pixies Live at the BBC version of Hey.
  20. It's like a scavanger hunt! I've hidden all 40 lines of lyrics throughout the forum!
  21. Would only mean heartbreak for me (oooooooooh)
  22. To live without you
  23. Forever, and ever we never will part
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