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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Wake up San Fransisco

  2. Whoever locks this thread better end it with something cool, like "Class dismissed." or something. You hear me?
  3. Walked right into it

  4. That's what she said

  5. So... Does this mean we don't have to show up for class tomorrow?
  6. The cop didn't give me a ticket for speeding the other day. I apologized and said I was in a hurry. He let me go. Speeding isn't illegal in Michigan anymore I guess.
  7. Where the hell did I say I wanted a perfect solution. There is no such thing as a perfect solution to anything. Humans, being imperfect beings, can never come up with a perfect solution to anything. I am just here to have a disccussion on the issues here. If that is beyond your grasp to understand then that is your problem. Not mine. I'm sorry, I wasn't clear on our assignment. I assume you want us to come to a solution that we all agree on, or that you at least agree on. How close to perfect of a solution do you want us to come to? Do you have some sort of syllabus or something for us to go on of what you want in the solution? How much of our final grade will this be worth?
  8. Zing!
  9. The joke was that the Obsidian forum community was capable of pulling together and come up with a solution. The joke was that you expect everyone to have a good enough grasp on the situation, or at least, everyone combined, to come up with some perfect solution. The joke here, is you.
  10. Hey guys, I'm sure if we all pull together we will come up with the end all perfect solution to illegal immigrants. Illegal immirgration is a serious problem in Hades' home town, and needs to be solved ASAP!
  11. I'm pretty sure you can get both. I think the kid I know got it on the uh, upper part I guess.
  12. A friend of mine got one. Not a super good friend, but a buddy of mine. He offered to show it to us. I declined.
  13. Second'd
  14. Those are exceptions to the law. He isn't wrong about it being illegal.
  15. ...yeah, too bad there weren't any laws to stop all those white people with their guns and cannons.
  16. Oooh Mr. Todd (kiss) I'm so happy (kiss) I could (Kiss) Eat you up I really could You know what I'd like to do Mr. Todd (kiss) What I dream (kiss) If the business stays this good Where I'd like to go In a year or so Don't you want to know Do you rally want to know?
  17. I prefer to use the term criminal because that is what they are, criminals. Using the word "immigrant" gives them a level of legitimacy since we do allow immigration. If people actually called them for what the are this wouldn't be such a grey issue. They are called "illegal immigrants" for the same reason we reffer to murderers as murderers, and rapists as rapists, and bank robbers as bank robbers. Rather than just grouping them all into one catagory, and only reffering to them in such a way, we reffer to them by what crime they have committed. Using the word illegal immigrants IS what they are, because they are immigrants here illegally. Calling them illegal immigrants isn't mucking up the issue, it's doing the opposite.
  18. That's not what she meant. She's a lady!
  19. I'm your friend too Mr. Todd If you only knew Mr. Todd oooohhh Mr. Todd You're warm in my hand
  20. Really? The ending completely ruined it for me. The book's ending was so much better in my opinion.
  21. Sweeny Todd was great. Romantic, tragic, disturbing, beautiful. Music and acting. I hadn't seen the original musical or anything, so I can't compare it. Depp was great, and I was really pleasently suprised at how well his singing turned out. It fit perfect. I'm in love with Helena Carter. Sacha Baron Cohen was also a really pleasent suprise, I don't know what I expected, but what I got was wonderful. I love Helena Carter. All the songs were great, and I went out and bought the soundtrack afterwards. Great movie. I love Helena Carter.
  22. You mean like Alanis Morissette? Another example that parallels what Krezack posted is the Scarey Movie series. Basically, a parody of something that was already meant as a joke/parody in the first place. It's a terrible form of humor.
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