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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Can I join your goon squad?

  2. Yeah, but I'm not talking about dreaming of living in a different world were there is magic or the force and everyone runs around with swords or lightsabers, and running around as a counter terrorist shooting terrorists, I'm talking about me wanting to play in a completely different regular life taking place in a regular world. There is a distinction.
  3. If we were talking about how much time we've spent enjoying a game, I'd have to throw in The Sims or The Sims 2, but I don't know if it's enjoyment as much as a sick obsession with wanting to live a different life.
  4. Uhm.. this is a thread about unarmed combat, pixies. Not about revealing your personal sexual fantasies. If it's a sexual fantasy to be Sean Connery-era James Bond and grapple all of my enemies into submission, then I plead guilty as charged.
  5. Everyone should just wait until GTA4 comes out. The multiplayer is going to be so awesome.
  6. I mean just grappling the biggest burliest henchman right to his knees.
  7. No way man, if I was six I'd have put Leaf Green, Fire Red, and Diamond on the list. Actually, the only reason Diamond isn't on the list is bbecause me and my friends got too competative with it, and we all used Action Replay to hack our games and give us pokemon with max IV's and already EV trained, and sweet movesets. I mean, the pokemon are legit in that you can get pokemon that good, you would just need ridiculous luck and a ton of time. I mean, YOU're six years old!
  8. It was really a tough decision. If this was my top twenty games, then my ten copies of Mass Effect could have made the list.
  9. In no particular order: 2 Pokemon Red Versions 3 Pokemon Blue Versions 2 Pokemon Yellow Versions 2 Pokemon Gold Versions 1 Pokemon Silver version
  10. Well, sure, but still, poor thing.
  11. I want to be able to grapple the enemy. Grapple him right to the ground.
  12. Yeah, being deformed is an acceptable trade-off that I'm sure we would all make. And something about how that second part of what you said doesn't sit right with me either, but I'm not willing to look into what it is.
  13. Are you saying he crossed it or hasn't crossed it yet?
  14. John Zorn's Bar Kokhba - Gevurah
  15. Regina Spektor - Lady
  16. I wish you would have made a new thread for this, and not give away the game
  17. I play right
  18. Un bre ak my he art say you love me a gi an un do this pain that you ca use d when you walk ed out the do or un cry the se tears I cri ed so many nig hts un bre ak my he art my he art
  19. So, I didn't get a red ring just now, it was more like a red half circle, and this screen came up and said something about contacting customer support and something about an error, and then some japanese or chinese characters and other languages. I shut it off and turned it back on and it didn't do that this time. Should I be concerned?
  20. I'll have nothing to do with "Freedor" or it's peoples thank you. I'm leaving to form Jazzakhstan.
  21. Didn't ask for a lecture

  22. I forget the reference, but it had somethng to do with the Halo thing.

  23. It's def better than generic.
  24. What time do you and Jags usually play? I probably can't connect to you, but I might be able to connet to Jags.
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