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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I think somewhere that it is actually an old surfer poem, I don't think he wrote that. But there are about 5 other songs that Frank uses acrostics on.
  2. I don't apreciate your stereotypes. Yar.
  3. The problem with Mothman is that a lot of his replies started with a "sigh", as if he knew all of the answers for a fact, and that we just dont understand. I don't try to pass my beliefs off as fact, I just give my opinion.
  4. You mean like religion? Thats not actually fair what I said, because religion has done good things as well as bad, but you fail to realize that the human race is the most intellegent on the face of the earth. Until Aliens come (if they aren't already here). And you say that as though you know of something more intellegent than humanity. Currently, the most intellegent beings I know of are humans. Relative concept.
  5. It's all relative, "a man is only headless when compared to a man with a head."
  6. Pixies - Is She Weird. The BBC version is pretty sweet.
  7. So God thinks we are too stupid to understand why? You are saying God is trying to protect us? From what? If the child does get burned, they will have learned a lesson and they will remember not to do it again, and they will have more knowlege because of the experience. And who is to say God know's what is better for us than we do? It is only better because God says it is better.
  8. You might want to get that checked out.
  9. *Sigh* By listen, do you mean listen as in hearing something/someone, or like, listening aa in obeying? There is a difference between listening and blind obedience. In the example you chose to show us, you want the child to do anything the parent says without question.
  10. So we are just slaves then? Not to question anything?
  11. I don't even know what Interplay is. Thats why I won't be joining.
  12. I will be part of the 10% that won't.
  13. So do you think they will turn Sandman into glass in this movie?
  14. Six or seven.
  15. You can lower the game level if you need to.
  16. Don't make it cry.
  17. You're creepy.
  18. We don't need that backsass from you.
  19. No, I listen to them all at the same time.
  20. That must get so confusing...unless you have some way to change round the sound on each T.V. so that there is sound on one at a time... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I turned the sound off of the other movies, how could I keep up with them? I need to hear what they are saying, and I can't read that fast.
  21. I watched the entire Star Wars series in one sitting, but I had all of them playing at the same time.
  22. She's my fave Undressing in the sun Return to sea, bye Forgetting everyone Eleven high Ride a wave
  23. I have to watch two to three movies at the same time on seperate televisions, you know, incase one movie starts to bore me.
  24. Didn't Czerka give you some sort of documents?
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