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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. It looks like there is something wrong with that cat.
  2. "Hot" is a relative concept. This topic is flawed.
  3. If Jesus was real, he would have had a dark skin tone, becuase of the area he lived in and being out in the sun all the time.
  4. Bring on the babes Bring on the babes Bring on the babes
  5. When I first signed up for these message boards, I thought I was in for a good time, meeting new internet friends and having interesting discussions.
  6. I think I have just the girl for you, now, it might seem a little strange, considering neither of you have given me a profile yet, but judging from the infromation I have, this is your current match:
  7. You won't know until you try though. Don't be such a negative nancy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't get it did you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I got it. You still will never nkow until you try, maybe you will find out that you do like guys.
  8. Here at the OFVDS, we pride ourselves on making perfect matches, the kind that can only be done by a human, no computers used here. We add that personal touch, to ensure maximum satisfaction.
  9. You won't know until you try though. Don't be such a negative nancy.
  10. But you will never know for sure until you fill out the questionare... Am I right efllas? I mean, am I right?
  11. It's a trap! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, a love trap! Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  12. Eldar, thanks for answering, but could you PM me just so that I have everything on file? Thnaks in advance.
  13. I know, what, you don't think you could make a romantic connection with abother guy? Fine, I challenge you, fill out the questionare and see what happens.
  14. No, you fill put the questions and I match you with someone else. You said something about wanted different questions? What questions do you want added?
  15. Here is what is going to happen, you answer these easy questions, then I match them up with another forum member, then you two can have a virtual date right here in this thread, or for a more private date, via PM. Answer these and PM me with the answers to the questions. Come on, it will be fun to see who you are matched with, maybe meet some new forum friends, or an internet romance! 1. What is your age? 2. What is your favorite color? 3. List some interests. 4. What kind of music do you like? 5. What genre of movies do you like? 6. What genre of video games do you like? 7. What quality do you most admire in a person? 8. What quality do you least admire in a person? 9. Do you think of yourself as a negative or posative person?
  16. We need to get rid of all of the smilies.
  17. Well, I do know average IQ was something like 115. We had a few threads here about IQ tests, and we took it, and the average on the forums was like 130. I'm sure you could find the threads if you search for them.
  18. X-Box one.
  19. And I mean, just look at all of the fans he has too!
  20. But you liked role playing Star Wars right? I thought I remember from a while back you talking about something Star Wars like that, and how you used to like it and stuff and play it. And you had a droid pilot that helped Luke destroy the Death Star or something in one of your campaigns. You know, back in the good old days? Edit: That isn't Drakron I'm thinking of, is it?
  21. Hades, you are always flip-floppin' around, and thats what we love about you.
  22. Whiskey In Your Shoes
  23. 2006-2007 they will release the six together, five to ten years later they will be re-mastered and double the price.
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