Can't find the on button
If you are talking about the on button of the game system, he would have to own one in order to not find the on button.
As long as Bush keeps making a fool of himself, people will not stop bashing him. Seriously, the man went to an Ivy league school and most people can at least talk proper english better than he can.
Can speak better english.
I know we have discussed this before, but has Star Wars Galaxies gotten any better? I'm really bored and have run out of Star Wars games to play. The concept sounds great, but everyone always talks about how bad the game is. So, is it worth it yet?
Sorry, but I'm not going to be everybodies bitch around here....
Everybodies bitch, or nobodies bitch? I think you will find that question will haunt you for the rest of your life, it will eat away at your soul like so many canaries at a David Bowie concert.
Nobodies alt... Or everybodies alt? I think you will find that that question will haunt you for eternity, it will eat away at your soul like so many obese tourists at the Chinese buffet table.
Yes, but you would know all about that, wouldn't you Raph, or should I say, Jeff! Case closed ladies and gentlemen, another job well done thanks to ole' Lou Gutman, P.I.
Edit: Jynx Schmarth!