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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. It was.
  2. I am allowed to insult myself.
  3. No, he already has them all.
  4. No, he stayed home all alone.
  5. Yeah, and I meant that it metaphorically snowed... And my emotional roads were blocked...
  6. I was going to have sex, but then it got snowed-out. And by snowed-out, I mean everyone hates me.
  7. Marc Ribot - Fiesta en el Solar
  8. I'm flattered.
  9. Pick the first one! The first one!
  10. I sort of think of "the Baron" as the anti Atomic-Lad. So, he isn't witty, or topical, just lame. Zing!
  11. Los Cubano Postizos.
  12. You mean the ol' vertical mambo?
  13. yhguuyhj7j Truly.
  14. Competition? No, she said she wasn't allowed to date guys, it was against her religion. And that she was moving away, to San Antonio, Russia. Hey, wait a minute...
  15. I don't understand your complex sentance structure.
  16. Llyranors pants.
  17. Surely you jest kind sir.
  18. I like this name better, i don't think I would like League.
  21. Marvel aren't the only ones making comics and movies you know. I vote Mystery Men.
  22. The Atomic Danger Force? Or should it be Squad?
  23. ... !!! !!! !!!
  24. I'm changing our name.
  25. Beware The Flying Menaces' hypno-ray!
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