Turning that on its head, does the fact that only a small percentage of the human population is gay not support the idea that homosexuality is normal? Our species is operating within acceptable parameters. Society can get rid of its intolerance of homosexuality and the survival of the species is not in jeopardy.
Well, for this type of discussion, we shouldn't use the word normal, because it's all relative. There isn't one uniform normal way to be attracted to a sex. There is a certain attraction that we are supposed to have as animals though. And that is to be attracted to the opposite sex. Now, the thing that we have to look at now, is that we generally like to think of ourselves as being more than animals. Most people don't think of ourselves as animals at all. I think that's why we could say that an animal being gay, is a disorder, but humans being gay, that's just a different life style. In our current condition, you're right Steve, we shouldn't call being gay wrong, because of how we live. It's perfectly fine.