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Raymond Luxury-Yacht

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About Raymond Luxury-Yacht

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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    a very silly place
  1. I have a related question here: There's a chance that I'll move to the States later this year, for graduate study. Now I have this obsession that any original cd or dvd has to stay in the cupboard, and that if I have to carry them anywhere, I should take my backups with me----and I painstakingly backup almost every cd and dvd I get. Right now I've got about 70 dvds full of music and film, and this I want to take with me to the US in case my graduate study plans materialize. Obviously with the originals sitting in my room back in Turkey I won't be able to prove that I'm not indulging in piracy, should the need arise----what I'd like to ask is: Would that need arise to prove at all?
  2. To prove my lamentable geekiness: Eric the Viking is more accurately a Terry Jones-John Cleese flick. A more apt example from Python would be the series of sketches that appeared on the first episode of season 3, under the name Nj
  3. ME, GTA IV and hopes for a Kotor 3 will eventually get me an Xbox360
  4. Great game Vice City. The 80's tracks are timeless stuff <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Absolutely; besides for me it brings back memories of childhood, having grown up in the 80s----what a nice touch that Commodore 64 loading screen was, at the beginning! For all its enhancements, San Andreas doesn't quite capture Vice City's distinctive 'aura', I believe; and Tommy Vercetti has to be the greatest anti-game-hero around. But then, a few minutes ago I uninstalled all versions of GTA, Civilization and Kotor from my hard drive----I had to act before they sapped all my wits; I'm supposed to be writing an MA thesis nowadays! So I'll have to be content with Turrican on the Amiga emulator for the coming few months....
  5. I'm playing GTA: SA the second time through; I can't wait to finish this so that I may start Vice City over again.
  6. Then the Amiga entered the scene and settled the score up until the mid-90's. The biggest frustration of my childhood was that I never had an Amiga, which meant more than not being able to play the *vastly* superior games on that system; practically any other kid at school socialized around Amiga-talk, and an 64'er quite literally, was 'looked on with disdain'. Perhaps there should be a seperate "Favorite Computer Games while Growing Up" thread?
  7. I tend to think that the appeal such computer games as Kotor or GTA have on me is due to the fact that they deliver action-figure gameplay the way I imagined it should be as a kid.
  8. I don't think it was Pythonesque.....but wait; maybe in the manner of the equally frustrating 4th season of the Flying Circus, it was.
  9. LEGO, He-Man action figures
  10. GTA and GTA2, free official downloads http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/
  11. How is it possible to pick individual an 'memory' to forget? How does the medicine 'know' where those 'bad memories' are, of which the effect it is supposed to alleviate, if not completely erase them? It seems a drug like this would act on the entire nervous system; the question should be, whether you want *that*.
  12. I got an average of 0.1706; one of the sheep got zapped at 0.000 though, that should be a bug.
  13. I would believe; please tell.
  14. That's a true classic; but let me add also that while it either steals, or shamelessly plagiarises a few scenes from ANH, this film is *not* a Turkish remake of Star Wars. It's an independent 'space adventure'. What's truly insane about this picture, furthermore, is not the unbelievably silly props, costumes, 'special effects' (?!), and other visual absurdities, but the script. It might be worth learning Turkish just to get a bit of the surrealistic flavor of the story. It heeds no logic, consistency, or coherence of any sort, and there's quite a bit of space-humor thrown in which is downright revolting----not to mention that they've managed to sneak in their nationalistic chauvinism in a crappy space adventure. I wish I had the time or the energy to give a few examples; but you'll have to stay content with the visuals, for now. Let me just say that the evil guy of this film seeks 'human brains', for that is the mightiest weapon in the galaxy. It's not clear whether he's after regular brains or the one golden brain our protagonists redeem towards the end of the film----a sheep's brain, dyed in golden paint that has cracked at places, revealing the rotting pink flesh beneath. The hero (btw, he's the one who wrote the script) melts that brain. Dips his hands in the molten-brain-liquid. When he takes his hands out they're clad in golden gloves; with which he's later able to slice the evil sorcerer in half. Are you still with me?
  15. "His surgeon is fairly confident -- they think they've got it early enough." Let's hope that's indeed the case.
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