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Everything posted by Bajie

  1. You find which blessing will be copied by Blessing of the Gods inside the circle that countdowns as turn per character. Remember that there are different blessings for combat and non-combat checks eventhough they use the same stat ( Erastil and Calastria? ) Also, if you discards a Blessing that is the same as the one on the top on the blessing deck..you'll get two bonus dice instead of one.
  2. Everyone is allowed their opinions here. Don't force others to take YOUR stance either. It is possible to LIKE the game, and still be disappointed in it. It is possible to look at how companies are doing it RIGHT, and then look at this and see how Obsidian might be doing it WRONG It is possible to predict, or at least, be fearful of the success in something based on the evidence we have (time delays, bugs, number of google/apple reviews, etc) The longer the game exists, with bugs, and missing content, the longer people will walk away from it. Period. Most of the people here, concerned or no, want to see the developers succeed. That doesn't change facts though. The 10% of hardcore players who "love" the state of the game doesn't represent the thousands of others who tried the game, and either were disappointed in it's buggy launch, missing features, and/or missing content. New players who never even heard of content noticed bugs, and experienced players notice missing content. The app itself is beautiful, almost masterful in it's art and design, but it leaves so much promise unfulfilled in actual game content and bugs, and based on the progress so far, it will for longer than it should, and IMO, will eventually kill any hope of long-term success. It also leaves TOO much time for F2P players to not feel inclined to spend a dime. And as I always point out, I believe that the roll-out plan for the CONTENT of the game was way too short-sided, and will ultimately lead to it being a financial flop, and then sadly lead to never getting the content that I really hope for, extra characters and later Adventure Paths. Hence, why there is a post, less than 3 months after launch, talking about the "state of the game". Thats the reason for the delay..to sort out the bugs and the missing contents so that people won't walk away from it. You want the developers to succeed yet you keep predicting its demise. The 10% hardcore gamer who loves the game who don't represent the thousands that tried, are the ones who will tell them to their buddies and explain to them the current situation. The 10% harcore gamer who loves the game who don't represent the thousand that tried, are ones who will tell the those who walked away of dissapointment that the game is better now than before. The 10% hardcore gamer who loves the game who don't represent the thousand that tried,are the ones who will make the buzz so that another thousand new players, whether they will like it or not, will try to play the game. Do not worry about F2P players who have TOO much time to play. Its them that keeps the game alive by spending time with the games' nooks and cranny that is often overlooked by other players who zipped thru games. Most games nowadays need a healthy coexistence of whalers and free players to survive long term. So how would you plan to fix this doomed game? How would you go about the implementation and logistic of your plan? You said it yourself, less than three months..I think thats a short time to cry that the sky is falling when there is no alternative game like this. And if by these thread alone, i think the yey posts are still ahead of the nay.
  3. IMO, the game is great. F2P players such as me, feels the game is high quality ( compared to other F2P out there ) so can't complain much there. Those who brought it though feels a bit different to a point of being of (admittedly or not) bashing the game. Truth is the current bugs doesn't make the game unplayable or unenjoyable..whats gets people angtsy is them wanting new content and blaming the bugs for not having it but releasing a buggy content on time, most probably get those angtsy people react the same way anyway. Its a lose-lose for the developers..when all they are trying to do is to do right by you. 25$ is a boon for avoiding any setup and table-cleaning after every gaming session.Option to play it for free, even more so. What am rambling is..chill..relax..if a game becomes unplayable for you or not fun anymore, stop playing it..move into something else..but don't force others to take your same stance. AD4 will be ready when its ready. Walk away for now. You'll be back soon.
  4. In the card game you are actually supposed to roll for every card you encounter and cannot automatically fail. http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1h4#v5748eaic9tfj Hallelujah
  5. Essentials to a scenario win/farming/grinding should make up your category (top of my head) How fast can you locate what you want in a location deck (e.g. Chest / Henchmen / Boss ) - Scouting ability with repositioning to top or bottom cards should get 2pt (safe explore) - Ability to extra explore (sans allies/spells/blessing) should get 1pt (risky explore) - Scouting power without repositioning should get 1/2 pt (safe setup) - Access to minimum 4 allies should get 1/2 (risky exploration and cost 1 card) - Access to scouting spell with repositioning is 1pt (safe explore but cost 1card) - Access to extra explore spell (detects, haste) is 1/2pt ( optional explore except for haste which is risky but still cost a card.) - Access to minimum 4 blessing would be 1/2 ( risky and cost a card ) - Access to minimum 4 item ( scouting items ) would be 1/2 (risky and cost a card) Example: Seelah - Crusades is a 2pts for scout repositioning - I considered Crusade an extra explore power (beginning) so 1pt - her access to Augury/ Scrying is 1pt - her access to Detect Evil is 1/2pt - with 4 Blessings to discard for exploration is 1/2 pt For a total of 5 points for Seelah the Explorer Ditch Cycle,Sustain, Support, Boost Its should just be Heal ( combine self recharging, self heal, heal others ..its all the same..putting cards back from the discard to your deck ) and Assist ( ability to add dice to others dice pool or give a +"number modifier" in order to succeed in their checks, move them , top decking a location ) So Characters should be rated by Kill (ability to eliminate Monster) Close ( characters with at least 3 stats rolling d8 or higher should be ranked high) Heal Assist Explore My two zeni..
  6. AD4 cards can be acquired in Quest Mode. I got +3 shortsword. Also Cold Resistance Armor is AD4 also but i got it way earlier than before unlocking AD4 cards..weird. Sucky armor though And oh to answer the OP questions..your vault cards are cards you can possibly encounter in your scenario (campaign) ...but you have to unlock them first. In quest mode, level 10 unlocks cards with "1" in their portrait..which means they're cards from Adventure1. In story mode those cards are unlock in 1-somethings scenario. Ditto, AD2 cards on level 2 for quest and in story 2-..and so on and so forth. Rarity effects chances of encountering them but its ok, its easy to bump into legendaries..specially if you have duplicate or multiples.
  7. Use a quija board or if you really really having a hard time in deciding.. ..consult the Necronomicron.
  8. King of Dragon Pass. It ain't free..i have it and its an acquired taste.
  9. He also said foolproof ^^. He probably is just being funny but he did put some effort into it and that still counts eh? He's open to revision and opinions is a positive too even if he comes across as something else with the title.
  10. I played Ezren through the entire Rise of the Runelords path. I wouldn't rate his ability to explore a 5. Ezren is an inconsistent, and often slow, explorer. He's great at spell-heavy locations, but these are few, and, as the adventure number gets higher, he has less chance of acquiring Divine spells. It's true more boons are magic as you progress, but the weapons and armors become out of his reach, leaving magic items and Arcane spells, and their just aren't enough to make him a 5. The category is current content..
  11. Had this once..when my connection in a hotel was clunky. Lost 5 levels..the game was warning me back and forth between good and bad connection but always they tally and add my gold so i thought my connection was good every scenario end. Travelled a couple days without playing and when i logged back in..its as if ididnt farm..gold ntact but levels gone
  12. Personally, coz I'm whacked outtamahmind..bugs are the only ones keeping me play. Granted I kinda played the hell outta it till i get to current end game. But been playing less nowadays and more to crash the system or find bugs than win scenarios. Whatever gets me off right? ^^ PVP might be a good idea but I wouldn't know how to pull it off as it would stray from the original boardgame.. How about extra/alternate portrait for heroes? animated cutscenes? ^^
  13. I don't know where you got that idea. *Anyone* can close two locations by spending a 'move' card (Giant Badger or the currently bugged Cape of Escape) but besides that Amiri has no particular advantage. Her Move power triggers at end of turn, which is too late for new closings (unless the game is bugged and gives you a Close opportunity when you move to an empty location?).Also, her Move ability seems to be generally underrated, but I dont see how that should be reflected in the given rating system. Also, the 'Sustain' category does nothing for me. It seems a bit vague and neglects the fact that if a character will win a game with 10 or 0 cards in his deck makes no difference at all. I'd prefer a 'Cycle' category which reflects how fast/easy a charcter can get to a particular card, if it turned out to be at the bottom of their deck (so, Harsk, Sajan, Lem.. would rate high on it). Amiri closes a location then move into an open location. On subsequent turn for your partymates if they encounter a boss, Amiri can close a location it landed on as compared to other characters that once they close their location they're stuck there till their next turn. Pretty handy when your low on location deck or rushing a scenario when grinding. 2 man scenario/3 location left -Amiri closes a location and moves out to an open location w/o yer partner. End turn - partner encounters boss, Amiri temp closes her current location. Partners kills boss, Scenario won. In contrast to - character closes a locations and end turn -partner encounters boss. Partner defeat boss but boss runs away. -character moves to last location and hopes he draws boss rightaway. Get it? Happens more than you'd think it wouldn't.
  14. Few things: Amiri - Close should be higher as she is the only one who can close two location on one party turn. Ezren - Sustain should be higher, if you can't recharge your spells, you should rethink your build. Explore should be 5..he has free explore on drawn spells/arcane cards. He can full explore most of the time > Thass Dungeon, Academy, Apothecacy and that big rock location on Sandpoint..not to mention most location aside from them have at least 2 spells in them. Kyra - you yourself said she is the best healer in the game and have decent blessing but is 1/5 in support? Very odd..you should add ability to keep someone alive as something to consider when rating support rather than sustain..Val is higher in support for you when Kyra with assorted spells aside from Aid can help any location. Lini - Support should be 5/5. Lini should be able to handle basic monster by herself with just Animal Trick, which leaves her blessings good to support other characters. Access to divine spells like Kyra should also boost her support capability. Recharging BOTH allies and spells with ease (via animal trick) should have a higher sustain. Sajan - hmmm, Kill should be higher..his blessings should be mostly Erastil if not all, and that should solve your explore problem with him. High ( i think highest ) number of blessing should at least give him a minimum rating of 3 (at worst 2) on all your categories. Recharging more than half his deck should account for something in sustain, right? Seelah - seems about right. A Powerhouse early to mid game but I find her slowing down at around AD3 (level 30-40). Definitely Top 3 (which is Lini, Seelah, Ezren for me)
  15. Ok..my high level Seoni got scrapped because of the Black Magga bug. Sentimental me didn't delete her in the experienced list of heroes. Devastated..didn't play for a couple of days. Logged back in and she is alive and well. Actually, it happened earlier when I just started in game. Played permadeath, merisiel died in clocktower and after I slept, she's alive. Dunno if its a matter of restarting my ipad or changing connection. Oh..is it normal that when a character dies all her cards get carried over if you reform a party?
  16. The Boa does not give you ability to,trigger location closure. I thought it was like a regular henchmen too until someone pointed it out to me. Basically you need to explore all the cards if you want to close the location or much easier hunt for the boss to trigger location temporary closures. Team up on a location so you can deplete the location deck till you get to a number which your party can cover everything.
  17. IOS Ipad Permadeath, Legendary, Quest Sajan on Apothecracy Scenario Power - Giants deals 1 damage after defeat, After Monster is defeated roll d6 on a 1 deal 2 damage..forgot the last one aside from adjacent location movement only. encountered the Golem Boss ( one who discards and reset hand on 2nd combat check) on the said location ( one where you roll d6 heal if you don't explore on the turn ) Defeated him on both checks..the giant damage scenario kicks in as he runs away to another location (map view) then as he is running AI rolls a 1 on the d6 scenario power..i can't discard now coz of map view Then view reshifts to location, AI ask to discard 1 ( defeated a giant), i discard Then AI asks again to discard 1 (should be discard 2..but what the heck ) i discard ThenAI ask againto discard 1 (now the number of discard should be right), i discard my last card in hand..the ally that heals when buried or give + to divine checks. Game freezes for a bit then crashes. I reload..continue quest..it reloads me to the last discard before i crash..i discard again as asked..then crashed.. Try again..same result. Might be forfeiting.
  18. On Legendary, Quest Mode, Permadeath Does it not let you close the location when you defeat it? Encountered her 3x and everytime I fought her per scenario she just dies and doesn't run even if not cornered. Then you go on as if she's a normal monster..no option to close. Everytime I encounter her she is paired up with Nightbelly Boa..which also does not let me close location ( normal) so I stuck with depleting all the location deck to win the scenario..sadly, its too hard that I lost all 3 instances she shows up with those damn boas. RIP Seoni. Huhuhu.
  19. This is a bug. The Magga is a villain so it HAS to close its location, unless its powers or scenario power don't say otherwise (which they dont). Also, by the same logic, you should win when you have defeated and cornered the Magga. The Magga don't get cornered. It just is defeated the first time you encountered it. 3 x scenario I fought it and i win the fight with her but lost the scnario by running out of time.
  20. In Quest Mode, I've come up with these 3x already..I dunno if its built-in but they always pair up. Black Magga can be kill once but once killed it won't close your location ( besides almost auto discarding your hand post fight ) it doest run into open location. Nightbelly Boa is the same..kill it but it won't let you close the location So your basically down to deplete all the location deck to win the scenario..and I tell you even with a Candle at 6 blessing is not enough..maybe redesign Black Magga encounter in Quest Mode that lets you close the location when you beat it..Even if it runs to open locations. PS cost me Seoni..all traps in the scenario rolls 1 for 2 damage. T_T
  21. Ok..encountered this again. Ogrekin + this scenario power and the Ogrekin just rolls 2d4..it then rolls 1d4 for its ability but get stuck. Vault > Back and the Ogrekin is immediate vanquished but then the game immediately makes you encounter the next card on the location deck instead of making you close the location.
  22. Almost at Level Cap now for two parties and I haven't encountered it in Quest Mode. Ezren really wants it.
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