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This looks like a fun party, @omgFIREBALLS! Thanks for sharing this, and also for your excellent Waukeen's Berth mod, which made the game much less frustrating.
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Ah, you're right. And if you were going with Spirit Frenzy you'd stagger yourself, too. So, if you want to go with rooting pain and spirit frenzy (for even more FORT debuffing) you'd need to mitigate confusion with DoC breastplate, drugs or food. Or you could skip Rooting Pain and go with Blood Frenzy/Blood Storm. I think the latter would be better, for faster wound regeneration and healing as well as the nice raw DoT from Blood Frenzy/Blood Storm. Do you agree, @Boeroer?
For tough single targets like megabosses I think I would go with a tankier berserker/forbidden fist build. You wouldn't get the automatic wound generation from frenzy raw damage. Rather, the high RES of a FF build would mean you'd get very little self-damage from frenzy. Instead, you could alternate FF attacks (which would proc attacks from Sara Sichr due to swift flurry/heart beat drumming) with Efficient Anguish attacks, and you'd get back your wound when the FF curse expires after a few seconds. You could throw in rooting pain for constant interrupts as a bonus. I think I'm going to try this, as I have yet to play a Ravager with Sara Sichr.
I personally prefer Bellowers. You feel the impact of the their +PLs in the first fights on the ship and on the beach, in that you're much more likely to crit and one shot foes with the Thrice/Her Revenge invocation. Personally, I prefer bellowers with a melee multi class; when you're up on the front line the smaller chant radius doesn't matter much. And my favorite chants with this sort of build, Thick Grew their Tongues and The Long Night's Drink, don't work well with Brisk Recitation.
The nice thing about the troubadour/psion mix is that you can rapidly generate resources on both sides, and pretty much alternate casting between the classes. Bellowers regenerate phrases more slowly, but hit with greater oomph. Personally, I prefer multi classing bellower with melee classes, such as barbarian or monk. Probably the best combo is a bellower/barbarian (berserker, mage slayer or fury shaper), wielding Blightheart, which gives you +1 phrase per kill, dramatically increasing your phrase regeneration, while the Barbarian gives you faster speed due to Bloodlust and Bloodthirst. You can really crank out devastating invocations with this build.
I'd recommend making #5 a cantor, and specifically a Forbidden Fist cantor, such as @Not So Clever Hound's FF cantor build. Cantors are fun in general as you noted, but the reason I recommend this is the Forbidden Fist attack, which you can spam with the right build and afflict your foes with the enfeebled affliction. This is, by the way, the very best way IMO to eliminate the tankiest fighters you'll encounter, since it shuts down all their incredible healing from unbending trunk, which can otherwise pretty much out heal the damage you inflict. Alternately, you could do something else with #5 and make #4 a steel garrote/FF.
To add to the paralysis, @Constentin LĂ©vine's suggestion of a monk + chanter is an excellent idea. I have really enjoyed playing cantors. If you're interested, I'd suggest you check out @Powerotti's Rumbling Boar build. One cure for the paralysis is to replay the game multiple times, something I've been doing for the past few years.
You might consider poison/blood mage, so that you'll have renewable resources for both classes. As for the helwalker/ancient, you'll want high PER and DEX to facilitate spell casting. You can keep STR and INT flat since you'll get the nice +10 from helwalker. You can dump RES if you want, but I'd personally keep it flat too. You might want to boost CON a bit too so that you're not one-shotted by crits. As for streetfighter, it is a rather fiddly class and is not my favorite to play. The easiest way to do streetfighter is to use the blunderbuss modal to get flanked. You might consider the streetfighter/priest of wael build that @thelee included in their excellent guide.
Alternately, you can use an axe in the main hand, and Tuotilio's Palm in the off hand, with both modals on. The idea is that you won't really be auto attacking, but will mainly be attacking with the FF attack, alternating with other attacks if you multi-class (soul annihilation, etc.). When you crit with these attacks, with swift flurry and heartbeat drumming there's a good chance you'll get a full attack with your weapon sets without the recovery penalty from the modals. When you do, the axe modal will apply a DoT. With the small shield modal, you'll get +15 ACC to your next attack whenever you're missed in combat, which will happen often, since you'll have the shield, the shield weapon style plus the bonus to DEF from balanced shield, which will be +10 most of the time, since using the FF attack costs no wounds so long as you wait for the FF curse to expire, which happens very quickly with max RES and Clarity of Agony.