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Everything posted by MimeTactics

  1. Thanks for the awnswers! Well, for the early game: ​First I needed to get experience items and money without combat, this way I could have some spells equipment and the figurine at hand wich make the fights bearable. The point to remember is that the early level (lvl. 2 specially) spells of the priest are really good. Divine Mark do a lot of damage and does a massive debuff to deflection. Iconic Projection is almost broken at chokepoints (doing a lot of damage that ignores DR, in a line, and Healing my figurine on top of that? Sign me up!) In fact Iconic projection was possibly my most used spell in this playthough, even at late game fights. Also, for farming a little of exp, Holy Radiance melts almost any vessel at the beggining of the game, this way Raederic catacombs, for instance, are a cakewalk. ​Basically my strategy was creating chokepoints, blocking the way with the figurines, and spamming Iconic Projection. Sometimes I used repulsing seal on individuals (and on the bear cave) If any enemy survived the iconic projection spam I used stilettos to finish them off. Also a good one is to start the battle with an Arquebuss shot. (Sorry Kana). Once you get the level three spells Pillar of Faith give you a good advantage on the battle by giving you that sweet prone effect that lasts forever. If fact wounding and envenomed strike aren't even necessary. Three scrolls of Insect swarm + Cleansing Flame + the Symbol (Wael or Skaen) do the job. Just land that Pillar of Faith prone on her to ensure you are safe and everything you go fine. It was a very easy fight. ​Still, I was surprised on how hard the Radiant Spore was. I am not happy with my result on that fight. But hey, I finished it without freeing the Vithraks. The problem on that fight is that you have no time to cast any spell before getting hit by the Vithrak Brutes, so the only way I managed to get over that was to make them give me a lot of Defences by wearing two preservation items.
  2. First of all I would like to thank MaxQuest for inspiring me to try this run by posting his Fire Priest build. ​That inpired me to try my own priest build, wich worked vey well and was able to solo the game. CHARACTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Priest ​Deity: ​Skaen/Wael Background: ​Old Valia - Drifter Race: Wood Elf Solo: ​Yes PoTD:​ Yes​ Trial of Iron:​ If you avoid the Luminescent Caves ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS -------------------------- ​Pre - Level 09: Mig: ​18 Con: 05 Dex: 18 Per: 13 ​Int: 18 Res: 03 Post - Level 09: Mig: ​18 Con: 03 Dex: 18 Per: 15 ​Int: 18 Res: 03 ------------------------ ​SKILLS ---------------------- Stealth: 02 Athletics: 03 Lore: 04 Mechanics: 11 Survival: 02 ---------------------- TALENTS ----------------------------------- (?) = Can be replaced. Base Weapon and Shield Style Scion of Flame Inspiring Radiance Interdiction Aggrandizing Radiance Painful Interdiction Deep Pockets Envenomed Strike (?) Event Based The Merciless Hand Gift from the Machine Song of the Heavens Blooded Hunter Dungeon Delver Hylea's Boon (?) Flick of the Wrist Dozen's Luck Sever the Soul Scale Breaker ----------------------------------- MASTERED SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbs of Condemnation / Blessing/Holy Meditation Repulsing Seal / Iconic Projection Pillar of Faith / Dire Blessing Shinning Beacon / Devotions for the Faithful ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Game Head: Maegfolk Skull Torso: Angio's Gambesson ​Arms: Gauntlets of Swift Action ​Legs: Viettro's Formal Footwear Neck: Mantle of the Excavator Waist: Girdle of Eoten Constitution ​Ring I: Gwin's Band of Union Ring II: Ring of Changing Heart Weapon Set I: Bittercut if they fix the Infestation of Maggots bug, otherwise: Drawn in Spring/Steadfast and Little Savior / Aila Braccia ​Weapon Set II: St. Ydwen's Redeemer / Abydon's Hammer Pet: ​Concelhaut's Skull Potions: Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Llngrath displaced Image and War Paint Scrolls: Paralysis, Moonwel and Insect Swarm Early-Mid Game Head: Hermit's Hat Torso: Angio's Gambesson ​Arms: Gauntlets of Accuracy ​Legs: Malina's Boots / Shod In Faith Neck: Lilith's Shawn / Finrhea's Grace Waist: Blunting Belt ​Ring I: Ring of Defflection (Ring of Thorns if you are able to rush it) Ring II: Ring of Prottection Weapon Set I: Whispers of Yenwood and Small Shield ​Weapon Set II: Blunderbuss / Arquebus Pet: ​Tiny Spider (You will fail the game with other pet) Item Slots: Figurines, Potions of Wizard's Double and Eldritch Aim P.S. Aways carry a set of Gloves of Manipulation around ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRATEGIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (remove the space from the word youtube in the link) Dragons Sky: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=54cwqbB-kwk Adra: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9R8UvKjtZ-4 ​Alpine: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=yPuvUjX5dJw ​Gafonercos: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Turisulfus: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Mages Concelhaut: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=kZ0LnKGlynA ​Llengrath: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Thaos: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=3fhRirQZ3BQ Monsters Kraken: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=yCYgNGdD-74 ​Radiant Spore: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=G7NNgaF2560 Bounties Nalrend the Wise: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=KUhQ86iJDWU ​Brynlod: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=7ZYUguAISfI Magran's Faithful: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=i4X6Zlxufh0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Hello, i just found a bug related to the wall of draining spell. ​When the enemies cast that on you, ist effects will not stay on the place of the wall, but follow you like a debuff, making it way more powerful than iot should, since running away from the wall will not get you out of the effect and you basically cannot buff yourself for the entire Duration of the spell. (​I can't paste the link for a savefile for some reason, must be something with my browser, no paste Options are allowing me to do so)
  4. Holy Radiance at full power demo. ​ (minor spoilers in the Video. Solo PoTD - Upscaled) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecL5N7SzHfw
  5. I finished this quest, got the rewards, but the quest in the journal did not update. ​The journal still telling me to give the amulet to Orkun, wich I already did. ​(no save file because I finished this quest some time ago and just realized the issue recently). ​(I skipped the step of retrieving the chest with rocks from the Pond (no constitution for that, and apparently potions of bulwark against the Elements do not work, only the spell, even if they have the same effect) and just murdered the giftbearers, if that's relevant). Thanks in advance​.
  6. Since priests are my favorite class i will be a little biased. They are better as the main character, but still a great class Overall. ​So the 1st Level spells are great for the thougher Encounters early games, the Blessing spell actually gives a pretty big Bonus to accuracy, and it stacks with the inspiring radiance Talent (can be taken at Level 2 and is also amazing in therms of accuracy) giving everyone a huge boost in damage because of the extra crits and less frequent gazes and misses. On Level 1 barbs of condemnation is also good, since it deals reasonable damage and reduces all enemies defences. ​(withdraw can save your life sometimes too) On Level 2 spells, try to cast Divine Mark (huge damage and huge deflection debuff [wich means even more damage]) and Iconic Projection on Groups of enemies (it ignores damage reductions it's one of the most spammed spells for me, even in high Levels). ​Pre battle, try out repulsing seal, this spell is a game changer ​But he will really start to shine at Level 7. There the really good stuff Comes in. ​But at low Levels,cast repulsing seal pre battle, then try to buff your acc. After that cast Divine Mark, Iconic Projection and Barbs of Condemnation (not in that order), that and see if that fits your playstyle.
  7. Ah, ok. Makes sense since this save came from the version 3.02. ​Glad to know that it is fixed ​Thanks and Keep up the good work!
  8. Hello 1st part: I am playing the beta patch and i've encountered a pretty big bug relating the quest The old queen and the new king.​I accepted the quest from Galawain and gone to the temple where i took the key to reach Sul and Orenos. ​Then instead of continuing the quest, I took the quest to free the Fangs woman from noomfrost. When I returned with the woman and took the reward, I noticed that there was a Fight going on. My combat Log showed that Sul was fighting the other lions (and she died). You can see from the savefile bellow that she is already dead and i never explored that part of Glawain's maw. After that I decided to kill Orenos too. I went where Sul should be, just to find her dead and Orenos fighting a Group of lions and the npc who take care of Sul. When I reached them the npc responsible for Sul started talking to me, wich lead to a broken cutscene where Orenos should Show up, but he didn't (because he was fighting near me). After that I killed everyone and the quest proceeded normally. 2nd: This is more of a sugestion, I don't think it's a bug. Secrets of Rime could afffect Iconic Projection and Symbol of Wael, Those spells really could use that bous from the Talent. Also this Talent would stop to be almos useless if that was the case. 3rd: This is a minor bug, sometimes the halt spell causes the nemy to leave and return combat like crazy, making a very annoying noise from him reentering combat 3 times each second (thi bug is not consistent and is hard to reproduce. 4th: The quest to kill fampyr Raedric gave me 7k exp (in a solo game), wich is weird if you think on how easy this quest is for a priest main character. Is that correct or is another minor bug? 5th: Is infestation of maggots fixed? (Edit: Text correction) Thanks in advance Save for the first case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7f06xzbblcsaq46/abf5e19557104da4b23b4f9fede5598e%2022471039%20GalawainsMaw.zip?dl=0
  9. Well... 1 - Deleterious Alacrity of Motion + Eldrich Aim + Merciless Gaze + Infuse With Vital Essence + Llengrath Displace Image + Mirrored Image + Bulwark Against the Elements + Citzal Sipirit Lance + Citzal Martial Power. Pop Arcane veil and go to the front line, he will do more damage than any other class in the game probably. Even at level 1, cast Wizards Double and Concelhaut Parasitic Staff, his damage output will be pretty high for the level. 2 - Yeah... That sucks a bit, but you can rest at any time you want, also, the good thing about that is that it forces you to be economic with your spells, making you to plan your fights a bit more. 3 - It's a risk, but I prefer that than my party members staying at the middle of a explosion or being hit by a flamming boulder and simply ignore it as if nothing happened. I mean, fire hurts, even the ones that you lit yourself. (It's a fantasy game, but that kind of detail matter to me). 4 - Wizards have way more usefull spells than what you find in scrolls, specially after the White March, also usually a wizard is a better option than scrolls, since in theory your other character are busy doing things from their own classes. If it's just a preference thing, fine. I personally like priests more than any other class in the game, (ciphers come in second and wizards in third) but there is no "worst class". As for Wizards, it takes some time to get used to their form of playstyle, I struggled with then in my first playthrough (Partially because I went to PoTD with like no knowledge of the game at all), but wizards are beasts!
  10. Do you have the 4th level spells? ​If so you could sneak around the enemies and open the fight with your druid casting Overwhelming Wave or Calling the World's Maw, wich would start the fight with some enemies disabled, probably giving you enough time to Focus your attacks and kill some of then quickly.
  11. Ok. ​I hope that the next patch will fix it. Sorry if it was already reported, I just looked up the recent threads before reporting and found no sign of this. I should have done a more in depth search.
  12. I don't know if it is just my game, but the Shod in faith Consecrated Ground one time per Encounter proc is ocurring more than one time, as stated. ​Also, it's stacking with itself, (up to three times, i think). Causing massive Regeneration if I get hit by a crit mora than one time in sequence. Latest game Version. Save file: ​ https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhti4u50gwru9ca/abf5e195-5710-4da4-b23b-4f9fede5598e%20quicksave.zip?dl=0 Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks for the answers! It doesn't actually, but until you are able to get the first spell mastery it's a solid pick (or if you just want to ignore Blessing, since it's just +1 acc difference (sure, you will miss the damage Bonus if you decide to do that)). I also think that Aggrandizing Radiance is a must for every Priest, that +2 stat and move Bonus stacks with everything in the game. ​Once you get Minor Avatar that is +10 to every Status, or +12 might and perc. for Champions boon. ​The only Problem is that it's more of a mid-late game Talent, since you really need that healing in the early game. (At least for a solo play)
  14. I decided to give this build a try in a solo PoTD play playthrough. I have to say it's a lot of fun! Its perfectly viable for solo if you can get past the beginning. Once you get the level 4 spells it's just a matter of pulling the spells of without dying. Just a question, why interdiction? Dazed and Weakened are great debuffs, but isn't it better just knocking everything prone with Pillar of Faith and then killing everyone with shining beacon (after you buffed yourself of course), i did that agains Cail the Silent at least, worked pretty well, even after I messed up with the Adra Beetle and ended up with the drake at my face. Also, I was really tempted to take the Secrets of Rime talent just to spam Iconic Projection, such a great spell. Last, instead of the weapon focus wouldn't be better to take Galant Focus since it also applies to spells? (Sorry about my bad English, rs)
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