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Everything posted by Tootzo
This is not true at all. "You" refers only to the player who is making the check, encountering the card, etc. They would not have changed this in the digital version from the tabletop version. Goblin Warchanter says "Before the encounter, succeed at a Wisdom 8 check or you may not play spells with the attack trait or weapons." Other players who are not encountering this card can help the player who is, but helping cards are not weapons or attack spells. Weapons and attack spells say "for YOUR combat check" which means other players cannot play those to help attack a monster anyway. Why would anyone at the location besides the player encountering this card need to make the Wisdom 8 check? Well, you actually can discard some ranged weapons to add 1d4 to a combat check elsewhere, so the roll might still apply to all characters in the party.Then there was this clarification by Paizo a few years ago: when a bane you are encountering has a power that limits what YOU can do, that limit applies to any character who wants to do those things. So I think that Obsidian went the conservative way or the game just needs to know each character's limitations before taking any action, so it make you roll the Wisdom check for ALL characters, so that the game knows what cards each of them can play during that encounter.
Hi guys. I've just run into another little bug. I was doing scenario 3 in the Burnt Offerings Adventure. I had Seoni, Harsk and Kyra at the Village House and Merisiel at another location I can't quite remember now. Harsk turn: Erylium is drawn from location deck, Merisiel temporarily close her location, every other location has been already closed. The Wrathful Sinspawn from Erylium card appears and I choose Seoni to encounter the sinspawn. The game lets me attempt the wisdom check before acting. I succeed at the check, but when it comes to attempt the combat check, the screen goes back to Harsk (who is effectively the active character) and the game wants Harsk to encounter the sinspawn, even if I choose Seoni. The game had Seoni only attempt the wisdom check, but the rest of the encounter is in Harsk's hands :/ I chose Seoni because she had many spells to use for the combat, so that Harsk could save cards for the Erylium encounter, but I must fight both enemies with Harsk now. Please Obsidian check this out and fix it ASAP, thanks.
Hi guys. I was running Attack on Sandpoint scenario on normal difficulty with Kyra and Merisiel. I had both at city gates, all other locations closed. I encounter a bugbear with Merisiel, reveal a spiked chain, unfortunately fail the check and the weapon gets stuck in revealed position :/ The bugbear gets reshuffled, it's Kyra's turn and the bugbear is drawn again. Still the spiked chain is in reveal position :/ Kyra reveals a fire mace +1 and gets rid of the bugbear. Back to Merisiel (the chain is still there and Merisiel has no weapon to use). Ripnugget and stickfoot is drawn. I choose Kyra to take the first check and reveal the fire mace, passing the check. When the game goes back to Merisiel , I'm stuck to using a d4 to attempt the second combat check. I think the game thinks I have to use the same skill used in the first check (melee) and since Merisiel doesn't have that skill, it gives me the d4; but Merisiel should be able to choose Strength for her check! iPad 3 on iOS 9.3.1, even though I think this bug is not hardware or operating system related, just a flawed mechanic in game.
Unarmed combat bug
Tootzo replied to thetang22's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
@developers: I think that the way the soldier card is working at the moment is confusing. The game lets you play it even if your check is neither using the Melee skill nor has the Melee trait; in such cases, playing the soldier will force the Melee skill to be used in the check. But things should work out in a precise order. First I can choose which skill to use to attempt the check, according to the skills on the bane or boon card I'm encountering. If it is a combat check, I can choose my strength or melee skill. Alternatively, I can play one and only one card that let me change the skill used for the check: for example I can play a Bow which lets me use my dexterity skill for a combat check, or a mace which lets me use my strength or melee skill for the combat. This card also adds ALL its traits to the check. Then you determine the difficulty for the check, according to the skill and you are using and the traits added to the check. Finally, you can play cards and powers that add to the check. At this time you should be prevented from playing the soldier if the skill you are using is not melee OR the check doesn't have the Melee trait; instead the game lets you play him and automatically changes the skill you are using to Melee if the check doesn't have the Melee trait (for example if you are using your STRENGHT for an unarmed combat check or you played a ranged weapon). Only cards that let you replace the skill you use for a check should be able to actually change that skill, while cards REQUIRING certain skills or traits in order to be played should be simply prevented from being played. -
Thank you for your reply Hannibal, but I don't think I understand it quite right. I only have two parties currently active in story mode: Lini & Lem and Merisiel & Kyra. I'm expecting to have multiple copies of experienced characters if the same character is present in different story mode save slots, but how can I have double Lini and Lem if they only star in ONE saved game? If it's right, why do I only have one copy of Merisiel and Kyra in the experienced characters roster?
Hi guys. I have two parties currently running the story: Merisiel & Kyra which just beat adventure 0.2 (Poison Pill) and Lini & Lem which are in the middle of a Poison Pill session. Yesterday I updated the game. When I loaded the Merisiel & Kyra save (I was in the adventure selection screen) and opened the party manager, in the upper side of the screen, where available (experienced) characters are listed, duplicates for Lini and Lem had been created. I have no intention of adding those two characters to the current party, but is this a sign the save got corrupted? Is it safe for me to keep on playing with Merisiel and Kyra or I'd better start off with a fresh save? Let's say I want to add Lem to the party. Which Lem should I choose? How can I tell the original from the clone? If I add the clone, will I corrupt my save somehow? Running on iPad 3 iOS 9.3.1
UPDATE: Patch 1.0.2 Submitted
Tootzo replied to Flounder's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I just misunderstood they saying they didn't intend to lock out phones. I thought they meant they inadvertently flagged phones out while they probably intended that Apple's policies forced them to block installation on iPhones, while they were able to allow it on android phones, even though a proper phone interface is in the works for a later update. -
UPDATE: Patch 1.0.2 Submitted
Tootzo replied to Flounder's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Same old story and dance ... Apple, Apple... you're costing us so many lost game hours... XD -
UPDATE: Patch 1.0.2 Submitted
Tootzo replied to Flounder's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I see that the game is still unavailable on iPhone. I thought you said you didn't mean to lock out phones and in fact the game is available for download on android phones, but not on iPhones. i thought this first bugs-fixing patch could be a chance to allow game installation on iPhones too. i know the UI isn't optimized for phones, but some of us that know the game well and don't have iPads would really love to start playing even with a not-ideal UI. I've seen it on a 5" Android phone and it's not that bad. It surely is better than not being able to play. -
Mending and Kyra's Heal ability
Tootzo replied to luxionmk2's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
That's the strange: you shouldn't be given the choice to discard a card from Marisiel's hand. Seems like the game thinks you are playin Mending instead of discarding it as payment to activate Heal :/ -
Father Zantus + Heal interaction
Tootzo replied to Marginal0's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Codepoets is right: if you are at the farmhouse, discarded allies are buried. -
90% of those things can be easily learnt reading the card game rulebook (available on Paizo website) and watch it played videos of the card game. What I always suggest when trying to learn how to play a tabletop game in digital form is look for the original tabletop game rules and videos. As good as a tutorial in the digital game can be, nothing can beat understanding the original game. That's because then you can take that knowledge to the digital game and you know what the game is expecting from you, instead of cluelessly roaming the interface...
Unarmed combat bug
Tootzo replied to thetang22's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
The only difference between a skill and a trait is that adding a trait to a check doesn't give you that skill (I.e: if you use a Divine spell without having the skill, you can't then try to recharge it, even if the check you made using that spell had the divine trait). Other than that, having a skill let you add some bonus to the base die tied to that skill, but using a mace to attack a monster means you are attempting a COMBAT, STRENGTH, MELEE, BLUDGEONING check. it doesn't give you the skill "melee", but it counts as a melee check because the trait was added. The soldier doesn't say "when you use your melee skill", but "when you attempt a melee check". A combat strength based check using a melee weapon counts as a combat melee check too. In other words: using a skill, inherently gives that trait to the check, while adding a trait to a check doesn't give you that skill. If I use my Melee skill for a combat check, it counts as a melee combat check and a strength combat check (since Melee skill is a subset of the strength skill); if I choose to use strength for my combat check (for example because I don't have the Melee skill) and I reveal a weapon with the Melee trait, this too will be a strength combat check and a melee combat check, in the very same way a combat check using a spell is a magic combat check and also a divine and/or arcane combat check, even if I don't have the Arcane, Divine or Magic skill (which, besides, doesn't exist as a skill) -
Unarmed combat bug
Tootzo replied to thetang22's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Precisely what I've said: you may do a combat check using your strength and revealing a weapon that woul become a combat strength check with melee trait (and all other traits given by the revealed weapon) -
Some are good suggestions, others I think are just "helping tips" that are only useful as you try to learn how to play the game, like pointing out how modifiers are calculated and applied to rolls and checks difficulty or telling which effect each different way of playing a card will have (dude, you have a close-up view of the card when you see the discard/bury/banish buttons; just read the card text. In a few games, you'll certainly remember what discarding caltrops does instead of banishing them). Other suggestions, I think, are simply wrong: in the physical game, you don't get the chance to look at the bottom of your deck to see which cards you have recharged and in what order, nor you can look in the middle of a location deck because you once scryed it and then it got shuffled. Those are things you have to memorize by yourself. Having a videogames that automatically calculates checks and card interactions is great, but it shouldn't give you advantages that you don't have in the physical game.
Unarmed combat bug
Tootzo replied to thetang22's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I agree on the soldier behavior: if you just use your strength but want to use the soldier, you have to use the melee skill, so the base die used is d4 (and the game automatically switches to melee skill instead of strength). But if you play a weapon (alright, I didn't want to take proficiencies into account by saying "scimitar"; anyway, the not-proficient penalty is +4 to check difficulty, not -4 to check roll, which has the same effect, but it's technically two different things), you still can use either your strength or your melee skill, whichever is most favorable to your character. The weapon will add the MELEE trait to your roll, so you can use the soldier without losing your (better) strength die. -
Unarmed combat bug
Tootzo replied to thetang22's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
When you use a card that lets you change the skill for a check, you ADD that card's traits to the check. If you are using a skill that refers to another skill (like MELEE: STRENGTH + 2, for example), the check counts as both a strength check and a melee check. Merisiel doesn't have the MELEE skill, but any melee weapon says you can use your STRENGTH or MELEE die for the combat check. So, if I encounter a monster (which has both STRENGTH and MELEE type of checks to be encountered), I should be able to choose strength as the skill I want to use for the check and if I play a weapon, the check should gain the MELEE trait, but still be a STRENGTH check, since the weapon still gives you choice of which skill to use. If you use the Soldier ally, your base die should still be 1d8, since the check you are attempting is both a STRENGTH and a MELEE check. The "strength or melee" choice for encounter checks shouldn't be read as an obstacle; the choice is given because certain characters may have a melee training thus giving them a bonus when using close combat weapons, but those weapons base skill is strength. It's the same for ranged weapons: they are based off dexterity, so any character with high dexterity should be able to effectively use them, but if a character has the ranged skill, it means that using a dexterity based weapon that character has more bonuses than those using only their (still high) dexterity. Merisiel is a rogue; I can't imagine her being able to punch a bandit in the face using her bare fists more efficiently than using a rapier or a scimitar. The choice between strength or melee in a combat check (as in any other check) is given to be able to choose the best die in every situation, not to penalize the character. It should go like this: - characters with d4 strength die: they are poor at fighting in close quarters and also at strength based non-combat checks; - characters with d6-d8 strength die, no melee skill: they are quite good at non-combat strength checks and can sustain a close combat fight with bare hands or weapons; - characters with d10-d12 die + melee skill: they are very good in brute force situations (non combat strength checks) and are particularly deadly in close combat since they can always use their melee skill (even bare handedly) in fights, granting them +1/2/3 in addition to their already high strength die. If a character with of without the melee skill wants to fight bare handedly using his/her strength die, he/she can do so. If you don't play a card with melee trait, the fight is only a strength combat check. It is stupid not to use the melee skill if you have it, because you won't use the bonus it gives. This is no different to using the melee skill when you don't have it in a combat check where you can use strength and play cards that let you use your strength die. Those cards may also ADD the melee trait to the check, but don't change the check type to be just that, when the encountered card clearly states you can choose either skill. In the same manner, the game automatically uses the blessings in the most favorable way to the player: it doesn't ask me if I want to add 1 die to the check if I'm playing a blessings of the gods and the blessing at the top of the discard pile can give me two dice on that check, so I can't understand why the game gives Merisiel a d4 die in a close combat when she can definitely use her strength to brandish weapons and hit the enemy. -
Thank you guys for pointing out this one. I don't want to sound rude, but how could you ever think that icon would suggest choosing other characters to attempt the check? That icon is already used for a specific action (giving a card to another character). There's no way a player could think the same icon would be used for a completely different choice (where you're not even handing someone a card).i presume that's some sort of placeholder because the correct icon wasn't ready at release. I'm loving the game and I know that the bugs will eventually be fixed, but all the reports in this forum seem to indicate the game wasn't quite ready for release this week. Maybe another month of polishing things out would have been appreciated, but the game had to be released for marketing reasons.
Holy Water and Shadows
Tootzo replied to PinkRose's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
The requirement for the magic trait you are referring to is for a combat check. If you try to defeat it with a combat check, you need to use a card which gives the magic trait to the combat check. Using the holy water isn't a combat check and as Longshot pointed out, the shadow is too strong to be defeated by holy water. -
This is the World Map
Tootzo replied to PinkRose's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
You're right, but then at that point it would overlap with the tooltip about the heroic version of Brigandoom. -
Tootzo replied to LiouKen's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I used mending only once but I had some difficulty trying to drag the card out of the discard pile. It just couldn't move from the discard pile area. After a few tries, the card finally followed my finger's movement and I could drag it where I was supposed to. I also had some troubles dragging Merisiel and Kyra into my party when first starting the adventure and sometimes I have to double try for the roll animation to start. Definitely something about UI responsiveness. I'm on iPad 3 with iOS 9.3.1