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About Staehrminator

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  1. I picked the paranoid flaw, went into crouch mode so the flaw triggered, and sniped a few enemies. After combat my attributes were permanently reduced by 1, sneaking again would reduce them further.
  2. I think it's a terrible idea for anyone to enter in a romantic relationship with their boss. And the walls in those cabins are thin, man. That said, Vicar Max is welcome to enlighten me any day.
  3. Not very high level at all myself yet, but I'll apply some wisdom from Fallout 2: Using whatever few drugs, dinky old guns, sticks of dynamite and lockpick skills you have at your disposal in order to kill Metzger as soon as you meet him feels better than coming back 15 levels later and wasting his entire crew with a pull of the trigger on your Vindicator. What I'm saying is, if you splurge on building an uberpowered shock revolver that lets you wipe out all the robots in the Geothermal plant, that's gonna be a better use of those mods than having them gather dust and eventually selling them. Sure that revolver might become obsolete soon enough, but then you can store it in the bin in your cabin, or give it to a new party member and explain to them how ol' Zappy here helped you get your ship off the ground. You will eventually be able to buy all the mods you want, but you can't buy those sort of experiences.
  4. Why hello there. The name's Gaylor Stonks. Let me introduce myself: Very High Charm Very High Intelligence High Perception Average Dexterity Low Strength Low Temperament Tier 1 Perks: The Negotiator, High Maintenance, Strider, Cheetah, Slow the World, Quick and the Dead. Tier 2 Perks: Snake Oil Salesman, Soliloquy, Scanner, The Reaper. Tier 3 Perk: Revenge. Flaw: Far-sighted. Main skills: Dialogue, Science. Secondary skills: Long Guns, Lockpick, Hack, Determination. Not a single point in those awfully primitive Melee or Defense skills, thank you very much. Gaylor is a man of class, and a shameless opportunist to boot. He speaks with the refined elegance of a bohemian who's never had to work a day in his life, instead having spent his time lazily attending university lectures on particle physics and economic theory while talking his fellow students' ear off. Knowledge and wealth, the two facets of power. That's not to say Gaylor can't get his hands a little dirty now and then. He is a fair hand with a lockpick and knows his way around computers. It's just that he prefers to finger-wag and ass-cover his way out of any unpleasantries, letting his loyal companions pick up the slack instead. And if push does comes to shove, Gaylor's honeyed words are backed with nuclear weapons. It started out as a regular Plasma Rifle that he reappropriated from a cupboard in the Cannery. The astute observer may note that instead of superheated plasma it launches globs of concentrated acid, thanks to a Mag2Melt modification he bought at a huge discount. The weapon's high base damage lends itself well to the armor-piercing qualities of the Corrosive effect, and to top it off it has been outfitted with an ExactoSight which makes this synergy even more potent. The result is a reliable big iron that blows a large, smoking hole in whatever you point it at. In Gaylor's hands it becomes even more formidable due to his beefy Science skill, his keen eye for critical hits and weak spots, and his borderline supernatural time dilation ability. This removes the need for unbecoming sneak attacks or fancy tactical positioning. Even on Supernova difficulty Gaylor can just stand still and vaporize his enemies one by one, and run like the wind to recharge his meter while his companions mop up any remaining stragglers. Sure, the lack of regenerating health hurts his economy, and his gun is neither cheap to reload nor tinker with, but money is as air to Gaylor. He can rub two bit cartridges together and create a third. This lets him deck out his posse in the best gear available, keeping them safe as he slithers and slips his way around the galaxy to make even more money for himself. If only he could romance that absolute daddy of a Vicar his life would be perfect, but that's what DLCs are for. When you think quality of life, think Stonks. Gaylor Stonks.
  5. Thank you very much for the effects list, this is a godsend. Looking up all these values is very tedious.
  6. The tooltip will not change I believe, you'll need to edit the text files for that. But the ability itself should be changed. Do your stats on the C screen change accordingly when you're using the chant?
  7. You need to follow the recipe very carefully. I haven't done this myself in a long while, but as long as you do it exactly the way I've outlined it should work fine. Remember to have the correct index on your added effect, and to increase the array's size to 2.
  8. Good job on buffing Rogues and Barbarians in the last patch! This was very much needed and thank you for doing it! Below is my wishlist for the next one. I second the idea that combat should not end if you've charmed all enemies. It does make the Ringleader ability very useless. The Druid has similar problems with his animal-taming skills. For that same reason, a solo Chanter cannot let his enemies lose focus on him by kiting them outside their aggro range (which is normally the only way to get through PotD solo), because that will make him lose all his Phrases. I wish that combat would last a few seconds longer than it normally does, or alternatively, that Ciphers and Chanters retain their Focus and Phrases for a few seconds after combat has ended. The dialogue popup in the main hall of Caed Nua, where the Steward greets you, will immediately break your stealth. This makes it impossible to sneak past the lethal Phantoms that spawn there, and makes that area a nightmare for solo characters, requiring use of the the Bronze Horn, exploiting dodgy enemy pathfinding, having a ranged weapon and an incredible amount of luck. Could you make it so that dialogue does not break your stealth? Alternatively, could you reduce the trigger zone for that dialogue so that it does not appear unless you approach the throne? Similarly, the dialogue popup with Tenfrith where he drops his spoon will appear as soon as you enter combat with his captors, and break your Stealth. This will whiff any Backstabs you would normally have got on them as a Rogue, even if you managed to sneak up on them undetected. Could you make the dialogue only pop up if you approach them in an unstealthy manner? When you first come to the Valewood, if you aggro the Outlaw and subsequently Tenfrith's captors, and then kill them all, Tenfrith will greet you as usual. But, when you later visit Pasca in the Black Hound inn, she will never thank you for rescuing Tenfrith. You do get the quest experience though. This does not happen if you get the pop-up dialogue where Tenfrith drops his spoon, in that case Pasca will recognize that you saved him. Please let us place more than one trap at a time, or make traps stronger based on your Mechanics skill. Traps are currently vendor trash, and have practically no effect in PotD. Let us drink Beer in combat, and drink potions out of combat. I understand that letting you cast spells and read scrolls out of combat makes the enemies too easy to kite, but I really don't see the harm in letting you drink, say, a potion of Bulwark against the Elements to survive a trap-infested corridor. Currently that's not possible unless you're in combat. The two villagers in Anslög's Compass are not marked as Allies, so for example Aloth will happily skewer them with his Ghost Blades, whereupon they will aggro you. Usually in these cases (Tenfrith, the villager who gets attacked by wolves in Magran's Fork, etc) the innocents are Allies and the aggressors are Enemies, and there is nothing in their dialogue that would indicate they are not friendly to you. Make Bloody Slaughter activate when enemies are <20% health (when their tooltip says "Almost Dead"), up from the current <10% health.
  9. 3. Probably it's the animations then. Good luck changing those. Try opening the Gunner talent and see what stat it modifies. Find the corresponding stat in CharacterStats, then look where it's used. ModifiedStat won't show any usages, probably because it's an enum, so you have to look at CharacterStats.
  10. 1. These values are overwritten by game assets. Look for an asset for the one-handed bonus. 2. This is an enum, I believe it is in StatusEffect or StatusEffectParams. They correspond to a stat in CharacterStats. 3. These are probably saved in the asset files for each weapon, including fists. Or try checking the AttackBase class.
  11. Read this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86074-tutorial-editing-abilities-talents-and-items/ There should be a value in the ability that says what level this skill becomes available.
  12. In my other tutorial (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86034-tutorial-making-potions-usable-outside-of-combat/) I explained how to edit the game files by using UABE and a hex editor. But, a hex editor will only get us so far. It will work fine for just changing values and setting properties, but if we want to do more advanced stuff we need a better way to edit these files. Let's say we want to edit the Rogue's Dirty Fighting ability to give it a bonus to Interrupt as well as hit-to-crit conversion. How do we do that? Read on. Step 1: The file Read my other tutorial to figure out how to find Dirty Fighting's .unity3d file and open it with UABE (Disunity will not work). Again, find the biggest MonoBehaviour and look at it. This is a GeneralAbility, and it has a StatusEffects array which is interesting. Open it, and you'll see a StatusEffect that modifies one stat by 1.1. This is the 10% extra hit-to-crit chance. Ideally, we would have a second StatusEffect in this array, for the extra Interrupt. But since this is too tedious to do with a hex editor, let's do it the proper way! Step 2: Exporting Close down all the UABE windows except the first one, where it says CAB-xxxxetc. Click the Export button. It will prompt you for a location and a file name, let's call it Export.assets (the file type doesn't matter). Use UABE to open the file you just exported. It will take you straight to the assets info screen, with one important difference that we'll come back to later. For now, just highlight the largest MonoBehaviour and click Export Dump. Save it as Dump.txt. Step 3: Editing Now, open the Dump.txt you just saved. Here is our ability, in a nice readable format. And, what's more, we can now edit this text file, import it back into the asset and our changes will be applied! So, scroll down and find the StatusEffects array. Inside it is an item, starting with a [0] line. Now, we could just copy that whole item (from [0] down to and including m_deserializeInitiated), then go in and change the extra stat, but then we would need to figure out what value represents Interrupt in the ModifiedStat property, which requires opening up the game code in ILSpy. A much easier way is to find the Interrupting Blows' .unity3d file, export it to a dump in the same way we did earlier, and copy that item's StatusEffect into this file, changing the Value for the interrupt bonus from 15 to whatever you like. Whichever way you do it, remember to change the second [0] to [1], and set the array's Size to 2. Now you're done editing, so let's reimport the file. Step 4: Importing Open up Export.assets again, and select the largest MonoBehaviour. Now, click the Import Dump button (this one only appears when you open assets files, hence why I mentioned that it's an important difference) and select your dump.txt. Nothing much will happen, but it has now imported your changes. In the current window, press File->Save. It won't let you save as the file you have opened, so call it Import.assets. All right, now open the Dirty Fighting .unity3d, and choose Import. Select Import.assets. Again, no confirmation, but it has imported the asset file back into the bundle. Save this file (from the window where it says CAB-xxxxx), as DirtyFighting2.unity3d. If you want, you can open the file you just saved, go in and look at the info, and the StatusEffects array should now have a second item which modifies Interrupt. You're done! Rename the edited .unity3d file to the same name as the one in the game's directory, and put it there (back up the old one first). Then enjoy your new ability in-game.
  13. It is not difficult at all. All Unity games have the code wide open, you can go right in and and edit it. I've mentioned some important parameters in this post: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85315-modifying-soulbound-weapons/?do=findComment&comment=1800466 Use a program called ILSpy to look at the code to figure out where in the disassembly you need to make changes. You can export the C# code with ILSpy too, but it won't compile, you need to use IL(D)ASM. Or, you could try to hex edit the .unity3d file for the monk's Transcendent Suffering ability and add the +DR there, but that *is* actually difficult.
  14. Cool! Skills I feel is a bit too much, but I would love to have scrolls and potions usable outside combat. Any chance it will also let you place more than one trap?
  15. Okay guys, listen. OP almost had the correct approach with the IL(D)ASM routine, you just need to remember a few things: ILDASM must be called with the /quo parameter: ildasm.exe assembly-csharp.dll /out="code.il" /quo /typ The /quo is very important, as it will ensure that variable names are 'quoted', if they are not then the assembly code will not recompile. You should also add a /typ parameter after /quo to preserve type list and sorting. This will let your mod work with other mods, and is just a generally nice thing to do. If you're planning on making a program that edits the assembly automatically then you can add a /utf parameter so you know what encoding to use. Now, as for ILASM you need these parameters: ilasm.exe "code.il" /dll /res="code.res" /out="Assembly-CSharp.dll" As for editing the disassembled code, well, sorry to burst your bathtub bubbles, but you'll have to learn the CIL language. I don't know of any tool that can convert disassembled CIL to C#. Fear not - it's easy once you get the hang of it, and is much better to work with than actual assembly code, as we had to do in the past. Here is a good starting point: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/362076/Understanding-Common-Intermediate-Language-CIL If you want you can also "cheat" by writing code in C# that looks like what you see in ILSpy when you open the game code, then make whatever changes you want in that code, and decompile your DLL and study the CIL to figure out how to make those changes in the actual code. Best to stick to simple stuff, like changing constants and possibly adding breaks to skip if-checks.
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