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Everything posted by Eelectrica

  1. Yep. It actually ran better for me in the 1.02 version. I've uploaded a few crash dumps to their tech support website. About all we can do I think.
  2. I finished Berkanna's Foley quest, did the dialogue in Arkemyr's basement, all was good. I saved the game there and quit out as I had things to do in the real world. Now when I re-load Arkemyr and his minions are all hostile. Steps to reproduce: Load save game and they'll most be hostile, they weren't when I saved the game, Also I have more CTD dumps. Link to save game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qnubqnyafjw4pc4/POE2%20Arkemyr%20hostile.zip?dl=0 POE2 Crash dumps and info.zip
  3. I've had several CTD's during the Nemnok the Devourer questline. Game had actually been running real smoothly until now. Steps to reproduce: Nothing in particular, I usually remain in stealth mode with the game on a a fast speed settings and it just happens at random intervals. I've attached the crash dump files if that helps.
  4. Now I to play as an Ogre chanter. Bob, the singing Ogre.
  5. Hope they include a way to roll it back to the current version. Just leave the current version in the Steam Beta's tab. Sure I'll need to update eventually for DLC's, but game is working fine for me. Happy to not install the nerf patch at the moment.
  6. Game is complete. Dlc is for those of us who want new adventures when we return to the game. Some of us do return to the game you know. Don't want new adventures and new stories? That's ok too. Play it, uninstall and move onto the next game if you prefer. You can also wait until all DLC is released and get the Obsidian edition then assuming you want all the extra's.
  7. I literally want an I win button for this absolutely horrible ship to ship combat section. Words can't describe how terrible it is. In the end my only escape was Alt-F4. Any chance this gets modded out or something. It makes no sense at all. A pointless interruption.
  8. Hi Aartz, I've found the log file and zipped it up. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9ruufywsg51bib/output_log.zip?dl=0 Thanks again
  9. Thanks for taking a look. Link to noreturn save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4p0aai2gsurw7ge/noreturnsave.zip?dl=0 Hope that helps, Cheers.
  10. Thanks for the tips. Eventually did it. The backstabbers in that fight need to be looked at though - 186 deflection seems a bit much I think.
  11. Managed to land and complete another legendary adventure and still no storied adventure achievement. All the other adventures below that have been done. At the end of the playthrough I unlocked the POTD achievement, so I hadn't done anything to kill achievements like mods or console. 3.02 version.
  12. Brynlod. I've beaten Adra dragon, concelhaut, Llengrath, Alpine dragon, radiant spore, but Brynlod has my number.
  13. Maybe you don't look at the right place... It's near the place with the white bears. Yeah that's the area I've been looking.... I'll try again with even higher mechanics. 22 mechanics ain't enough either apparently. Either they've done something to it, or need an insane amount of mechanics. Either way time to leave well enough alone.
  14. Maybe you don't look at the right place... It's near the place with the white bears. Yeah that's the area I've been looking.... I'll try again with even higher mechanics.
  15. What level of mechanics is needed to get the ingots at the Iron flail fort? I've just scouted the area with 16 mechanics (14 + 2 resting bonus) and got nothing. Even boosted it to 19 with rite of wonders scrolls and still nothing.
  16. Hi, Not sure why, but Mowrgheck ien isn't unlocking - I've finished Siege of Cragholdt - Defeated Concelhaut - Rested at Caed Nua - Rested outside of Caed Nua - Spoken to the Steward (Several times). - Unlocked Durgans forge Not sure what else their is to do. I've continued on and am in the abbey at the moment.
  17. Hi guys, I've finally managed to land a legendary adventure (Liminal spaces - 50% XP) but upon getting it completed I still don't have the achievement unlocked. I completed it a couple of ways - first handing in a bounty, when that didn't work, I reloaded before that and completed the Stalwart mines quest. The quest completes ok, but still no achievement unlock. Also tried quitting and re-loading Steam to no avail. Thanks.
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