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Everything posted by 269Hawkmoon

  1. Here is a link to it, it is just called Pathfinder Adventures. https://store.steampowered.com/app/480640/Pathfinder_Adventures/
  2. Pathfinder Kingmaker is a CRPG fro Owlcat games. Owlcat is a separate company from Obsidian. You should post your message to their forums: https://owlcatgames.com/forums/forum.php
  3. Platform: PC Scenario: The Black Tower Difficulty: Normal Party: Harsk, Kyra, Lem, Amiri, Seelah Amiri encountered a Harpy Monk at the Guard Tower. Lem (among others) failed the BYA check and was brought to the Guard Tower. Amiri passed her check. Amiri played Bastard Sword +1 for the combat check. For some reason, Amiri could not user her "Rage" power. Lem could not use his "Bardic Song" power. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fur4cj1zehz9m8x/Screenshot%202018-04-02%2012.59.15.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx8csfb1l1rpnk6/Screenshot%202018-04-02%2012.59.31.png?dl=0
  4. Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner 9699 Scenario: Into the Eye Difficulty: Heroic Wildcards: Blood in the Sand Party: Ezren, Valeros, Lini, Seoni, Sajan, Merisiel I'm attempting to complete the heroic and legendary plays of Sins of the Saviors. In my heroic attempt at Into the Eye, I managed to work around Scrying, Brodert Quink, and Revelation Quill breaking progression by not playing them. And I managed to get it down so Karzoug was the last card in the location deck. Valeros explored. Seoni played Staff of Hungry Shadows. Valeros crushed the first check. And Karzoug just sat there. The second check did not begin. I quit to the main menu can continued. Seoni was rolling for Staff of Hungry Shadows again. The outcome was the same. I tried switching the check off to Sajan. Same outcome. I tried switching to Sajan and have Seoni play Wand of Enervation. Same outcome, only now I'm stuck with Karzoug on the screen when I quit and continue instead of being stuck with Seoni rolling Staff of Hungry Shadows. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dciu0jpw5edwc73/Screenshot%202018-04-02%2011.52.49.png?dl=0 I supposed I'll just forfeit soon. I'm not sure what broke everything, so I'm not sure if it is worth trying to complete or not.
  5. For me, sometimes my purchases don't show up as available until I restart the app. I play mostly on PC via the app on Steam. Not sure if that will solve your problem or not.
  6. I finally got Farmer's Daughter with some help from support. Now I'm noticing that Valeros seems to be the only one capable of having the card in his deck. If I drag the card to another character, it just drops back in to Valero's allies. Maybe this is intentional? But if so, it isn't stated anywhere. It does say that Valeros is the owner of the card, but nothing in the rules (of the physical game) require the owner to be the only one that can have the card. And her power isn't really all that great for Valeros.
  7. Dang it. This was supposed to be in the technical forum. Didn't realize i was in the wrong place. My apologies.
  8. user: atwarner #9699 platform: PC (Windows 10) scenario: Retribution difficulty: Heroic wildcard: An Ill Wind Characters: Armored Alt Valeros (Mercenary Den), Sajan (Catacombs of Wrath), Amiri (Woods), Tontelizi (The Rusty Dragon), Seelah (Farm House) Valeros and Tontelizi started out at the Mercenary Den together. Valeros closed it on his first turn, so Tontelizi moved to the Rusty Dragon Inn on his turn. That left Valeros to start at the closed Mercenary Den alone on his second turn. The Mercenary Appeared for a moment, but after Valeros discarded a card for the heroic scenario power, the Orc Prisoner super imposed over him. Valeros defeated the Orc Prisoner, then the Mercenary was no where to be seen. Instead, the location deck had 1 card. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h0htukd6ry9of01/Screenshot%202018-01-05%2013.02.46.png?dl=0 Also, the "open" at this location power on the Mercenary Den continues to activate even when it is closed. Based on the location it shouldn't. The button only appears briefly, but if you click it quickly you'll draw a card after the Mercenary (assuming you are a fighter).
  9. I reported a bug that Summon Monster isn't properly calculating the "highest difficulty of the check to defeat" from the card you draw. If you draw a Veteran, for example, it should add the adventure deck number to the difficulty of the card you draw. I tend to keep this for a while with Ezren. Not only does it lack the Attack trait, but if you fail it deals no damage. If you run into a summoned monster where defeating it doesn't matter, Summon Monster means you don't take damage for the check (after you act and "if undefeated" can still get you though).
  10. I believe the loot spell Summon Monster doesn't get banished if you lack Arcane or Divine. So, you can always keep that one.
  11. I've got the same issue. Complete Haunted Past on Legendary, didn't get Farmer's Daughter. But how do I contact support. If I go to options in the game and click support, I just end up in this forum.
  12. User: atwarner #9699 Platform: PC (Windows 10) Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Heroic Wild Card: Bandit Raiders Characters: Armored Alt Valeros, Sajan, Amiri, Tontelizi, Seelah The heroic version of Drunken Brawl says you should discard a random card at the end of your turn if you don't have a weapon to discard. Instead of being random, it simply let Sajan choose which card to discard when he had no weapon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wz25mwm5u5zsck3/Screenshot%202018-01-05%2011.19.49.png?dl=0
  13. Interestingly, I was able to use it today against Trapped Passageway. But it incorrectly changed the skill of the check to "Strength" instead of just swapping the die to a d12. Not how in the image I'm able to bury a card as Amiri to add 1d10 because it is now a Strength check. https://www.dropbox.com/s/og1p2rxb5efi1r0/Screenshot%202018-01-04%2016.25.04.png?dl=0
  14. Except, Mirror Image (and Arcane Armor) says you may play it even if you already played another spell on the check. It's power let's you break the 1 card of each type rule.
  15. User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Characters: Valeros [Armored Alt], Sajan, Amiri, Tontelizi, Seelah During Drunken Brawl, Amiri acquired a Topaz of Strength. Later, she encountered a henchman. She defeated it. When she went to make the Constitution check to close, she couldn't use the Topaz of Strength to roll her d12 Strength die instead of her d10 Constitution die on the Constitution check. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek0rcm2i30bxpro/Screenshot%202018-01-02%2016.11.03.png?dl=0
  16. The screenshot shows Mirror Image, which can reduce any type of damage, as long as it is dealt by a monster and also can be played even if you already played a spell. So, something is definitely off.
  17. Have you tried restarting the app or even the device? For some reason, sometimes purchased content doesn't unlock until you restart the app.
  18. Maybe. I don't really know what causes it. Just that the above sequence happened.
  19. Platform: PC User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Haunted Past Party: Valeros [Armored Alt] (Farmhouse), Sajan (City Gate), Amiri (Town Square), Tontelizi (Mercenary Den), Seelah (City Gate) Difficulty: Normal Not sure if this has to do with the Armored Alt or not, but Valeros encountered Spurned Farmer's Daughter at the Farmhouse. He should have had a +4 to his check to defeat her, but he didn't. He just had his +2 from Diplomacy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqc8jiyeoi0c6cr/Screenshot%202017-12-26%2017.24.33.png?dl=0
  20. I did not. It did say difficulty -9 or whatever. But I didn't click to see why.
  21. I play the card. The deck glows. I click it and a red tray appears across the screen. The cards are fanned out in the tray face down. The top card is turned over. If it is a monster, there is a box to click to encounter it.
  22. Hmm... Detect Evil just worked for me. Which platform are you on? I'm on PC.
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