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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Haha, they delayed the toolset so that it gets out a month before the delayed release date :ph34r:
  2. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...d=3858&Itemid=2
  3. Hey, that was the gist of the party interaction you'd get. Beggars can't be choosers.
  4. I just got Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. There's a reissue this week. Also, I've been playing Megaman ZX for the past week. Awesome game.
  5. No, you just need an account on the nwn2.com site. They haven't asked for my code yet. BTW, go to nwn2.com instead of nwn2.com/presell. Click on the link that brings you to atari.com/something/presell
  6. It says 6 hrs for me.
  7. 1 day left until the toolset gets unlocked
  8. Tee hee. I thought it was already confirmed on PS3. I guess those are still rumors. But yeah, looks awesome.
  9. http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/793/793105/vids_1.html Get it now. FYI: the second video (Scary Stuff) contains some extreme imagery.
  10. Wasn't Troika already 'dead' before Bloodlines even shipped?
  11. Okay, I think this is where I got the numbers from. I got them a bit off. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6155650.html
  12. Yeah. It was a nice diversion.
  13. Mind you, that was the average cost, so it balances out high production games against the cheap ones. I'll dig up my source. In the meantime, here's a Bioware interview http://ds.ign.com/articles/733/733754p1.ht...00&RSSid=733754 Yeah, standard PR.
  14. I've been convinced to buy many-a games after trying out demos. There hasn't been a game that I didn't buy after trying the demo/beta that I would have bought without trying first.
  15. Yeah, they cost about 800,000$US each. DS is about half that. Needless to say, you don't need to sell that many copies to turn a profit comparatively.
  16. IIRC, development costs for the DS is on average 400,000, while 800,000 on the PSP. Given how a big-name PC game can go in the millions (which I guess NWN2 goes into, or any would-be CRPG with high production values), or tens of millions (what was the estimate for next-gen titles, 10-30 mill?), that's quite a difference. You can only hire so many designers and writers with all that money. I'd rather devs spend time focusing more on design/gameplay/story more than in the technical aspects of a game. In that sense, doing some handheld on the side can be quite beneficial for both parties.
  17. Modern CRPGers aren't nerds
  18. Obsidian better support the DS! Or will once I become CEO.
  19. Bioware is hiring for their handheld team. http://www.bioware.com/bioware_info/jobs/p...t_director.html I don't see anything in that description hinting at what type of game/setting it'll be. http://www.bioware.com/bioware_info/jobs/p...held_group.html Hmm, a JRPG? Given how the DS is breaking all kinds of sales records in Japan, it makes economic sense to target that area. I wonder how Bioware's style of pseudomultibranching storytelling would be received over there. Perhaps this could be the boost the JRPG genre needs in terms of sticking out of their strictly linear mindset ( I generalize lol).
  20. I can appreciate good graphics, particularly in the artistic or animation sense. That doesn't mean that a game that has those qualities but lacks fun is fun, or a game that lacks them but is fun isn't. Same with good music. Give me a stellar soundtrack and I'll be all over it, but that doesn't mean I'd care if a game didn't have any music if it were able to stand on its own.
  21. I don't think that'll be a problem.
  22. Actually, a Wii port would seem to work pretty well.
  23. Okami is the most beautiful game ever made. I don't even need a PS2 to see that.
  24. FFXII is sp only. PS2 only.
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