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Everything posted by desel

  1. Two of a couple other things I hope the POE II dev team steers clear of. While highly flexible, I think Tyranny's spell system is incredibly bland and unappealing. Same for the cooldown mechanic which is like a vampire sucking the tactical finesse out of combat. As far as I'm concerned MMO-like gameplay mechanics have no place in a proper cRPG and it should stay that way.
  2. Yes im sure it will. But the point is, (just an example) that what if there was a limited offer/goodie or something like that, then all people without cc arent gonna get it. Its like people without cc are second class. And i dont understand how someone makes a campain to fund money, but then offers only cc while its known that in many parts of the world it doesnt work and/or its just not common. Why dont just also offer one of the most popular online payment solutions like paypal. I mean in EVERY single campain there are people asking about an alternative payment method like paypal, WHY dont you put it there since the beginning. And WHY if you dont offer it, you dont make a proper description about your future plans about it, from the start on. Why do we always have to ask. Imagine the amount of time it takes to overview and answer all the questions about payment methods, it could be avoided if you just give a proper info about it from the start of the campain. All the tiers up to the $500 one are unlimited, so unless you really want to shell out $500 (or more) there's nothing to worry about. BUT, you're right - it would have been cool to give everyone (including returning PayPal backers from the POE kickstarter) a fair chance right from the start by offering alternatives to pledging through fig. Maybe next time (POE III crowdfunding). Hopefully PayPal going live will coincide with the first update.
  3. Pretty sure it will be enabled once it's past 100%, like I think it was the case with POE's kickstarter campaign.
  4. So when entering combat and the game pauses it also slows down to "Slow", no matter the speed ("Normal" or "Fast") you had enabled prior to engagement? Hope they give us the option to adjust that to our liking instead of having to manually speed up things EVERY TIME you enter combat.
  5. Didn't Sawyer mention that proper modding support is something they're looking into for Deadfire? During one of the POE developers commentary Twitch streams? Maybe people could mod the sixth party member slot back in then? Unless the game is tailored specifically for a group of 5 I don't see why they couldn't still allow for an optional sixth party member. 5 could be the default, recommended size BUT you would still have the option for a sixth companion. The only advantage of 5 over 6 I can think of atm, would be the increase of difficulty on Hard, probably even more so on Path of the Damned.
  6. Obsidian is looking into it: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91169-confirmed-pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire/page-9?do=findComment&comment=1875592
  7. Asked. I'll let you know if/when I see an answer. You can also PM someone from Obsidian to ask directly. Thanks, Aarik D already got back to AndreaColombo who just confirmed that they're looking into it.
  8. I asked Aarik via DM on Twitter and he said they're looking into it. If they enable Paypal, I'll ask that my payment method be changed to that so I can use my Paypal balance and I'll even top my pledge with another 20 bucks for the soundtrack CD addon, as though the 240 bucks I've already dropped on it weren't enough XD Thank you, good sir!
  9. Could anyone ask the question for PayPal support in the fig comment section, please? Thanks in advance.
  10. Could anyone ask the question for PayPal support in the fig comment section, please? Thanks in advance.
  11. Steamspy shows 1M the other day? Now it shows 941K though. Not sure why the figure shrunk. Or was i mistaken? Hmm. 1M?! Even more than I expected then. @Aarik D or any other Obsidian representative: ETA on an alternative (PayPal) to pledging through fig? Pretty sure there are many Yurp-folks that want to chip in again.
  12. +1 for the option to pledge via PayPal. A.s.a.p., if possible.
  13. But you can't really leave out fog of war either, can you? That would render things like scouting ahead moot, not to mention spoil the surprise of encounters. Maybe they could add a clairvoyance kind of spell/scroll to the arsenal, but removing fog of war completely? I could imagine that there are quite a few people that wouldn't like that too much.
  14. PoE sold outstandingly well (700K-800K copies?) for a PC-exclusive niche title, so there'd be no reason to switch to multi-platform for PoE2, and likely sacrificing cRPG core aspects in the process. And then there's real-time-with-pause-combat, which is a really strong, almost bullet-proof argument against a console port. But yeah, what inXile did to TTON's backers was a pretty ****ty move, especially the "surprise MFers, we'll have one consolized version for all platforms" announcement. Glad I didn't back.
  15. Like mentioned in the other thread they maybe will have something similar to Wasteland 3's crowdOX in place. Right from the start as well.
  16. Oh, and I really hope that maps are at least of similar (or even bigger) size as in PoE again.
  17. Neither do I. You can do it with a debit card (if you have a bank account you should have one, normally) or a pre-paid card too. I hope so. Otherwise I'll just have to support the game by, well, buying it on release. They probably will have something similar to Wasteland 3's crowdOx in place (right from the start), that let's you pledge through PayPal as well.
  18. First one has the two paragraphs as pictured: However, after finishing the second (and seemingly last) paragraph, the VO carries on recounting events for which the slide has no accompanying text. The VO for the second and last of Zahua's slides actually just reads the first paragraph (as pictured) but leaves out the second one (which, according to the VO actually should be the closing paragraph on the previous slide) and just continues with the next set of slides (for Maneha). Thanks for fixing some of the other slides (Caed Nua) having no VO at all though.
  19. That's not -all- fixes that were listed in the other thread, right? Seems to be missing the fix for some of the ending slides either having or , for example?
  20. To my knowledge the issue with Torments Reach is just that is has a goofy int scale ratio? Am I missing something? - Sking Actually, it seems to be triggering recursively, with the Torment's Reach cone AOE effect being applied to the victims in the original cone AOE. I just tried it again with a newly minted 10 INT hireling monk, who hit a column of about 5 meters (there wasn't any target beyond that). Moreover, some targets were also hit multiple times. In a way it is similar to eg. the Consecrated Ground + Knockdown / Black Path + Envenomed Strike. A StatusEffect (TR cone, Knockdown, Envenomed Strike) is active to modify an initial attack, but is still active when subsequent (TR, BP) or concurrent AOE (CG) hits are processed so those get modified as well. Carnage actually has its own implementation and an explicit toggle to ensure it doesn't trigger recursively. Sorry for barging in but this footage I originally recorded for the audio-related issue involving Torment's Reach's sound FX causing the overall sound to cut out might be helpful with this particular issue as well(?):
  21. Minor (and very easily to fix?) bug with the scripted "grappling hook" interaction on the Abbey of the Fallen Moon map: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77064-translation-errors-missing-translations-english/?p=1789354 Another, probably very easily to fix bug with the scripted "panel puzzle" interaction on the Halls of Silence map: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77064-translation-errors-missing-translations-english/?p=1792705 Couple minor issues related to the ingame hyperlink system: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77064-translation-errors-missing-translations-english/?p=1797424 And if you maybe could spare a few minutes to correct some of the voice over-text mismatches (and other related minor issues) here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77064-translation-errors-missing-translations-english/page-7
  22. Fixing the overall sound cutting out when too many instances of Torment's Reach's sound FX are played simultaneously would be nice (might affect other abilities' sound FX as well?): http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88470-303-sound-issues-with-torments-reach-hitting-multiple-foes/ As would be a fix to some of the ending slides glitching out (discrepancies between what the VO says and what the text on certain slides reads), on me at least: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88504-303-ending-slides-issues/
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