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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. My first playthrough is always a roleplay playthrough, so my choices are a reflection of the evolution of my character. Basically this lets me playthrough as fullon Light Side and Full on Dark Side to see what's up there. And usually the 4th playthrough is my trying to find out how to twink my character the absolute mostest.
  2. I only found bendak really hard when I was level 2 fighting him. Same with Brejik, although Bastila was invincible so I just let her kill him. Aside from that, neither game was hard in any way shape or form IMO. I played both games probably about 4 times each.
  3. I mentioned that in a different thread. Especially given that Obsidian's best games as BIS (PS:T, Fallout series) were pretty verbose IMO. Especially PS:T, which is probably my favourite RPG of all time. The thing I hated about replaying KOTOR 1 was that I had to go through the tutorial again.
  4. I think I could easily work the Outcast villager into my beginning. Still waiting for Darque's middle "
  5. The conservative pro-Lifers will love that idea! (seriously )
  6. OOOOOO, Company of Heroes. Please please great RTS squad let this play like a Close Combat game!!
  7. Fortunately, if NWN2 turns out to be the suck (which I doubt), none of our ideas so far could stop it from being implemented in standard NWN, so it's the backup plan. We're planning for NWN2 as it'll have a more ripe market though.
  8. I noticed a video that showed reinforcements of some kind, so I wonder if you can keep units in a strategic reserve (especially if you're ground attacking, as they can just stay in space for example) for emergency situations and whatnot. Heroes can be hit-and-miss. They were neat in Battlefront, but getting killed because Vader is spawn camping is annoying (albeit funny in it's own way: "OMG, Vader is a spawn camper!"). Apparently 40 planets will exist in the game, with each one having their own sort sort of strengths and weaknesses, whether it be resources or perhaps a special ability. Also, I like building cool defensive structures. The game has a pretty engine, and I think it'd be neat to see a massive space station with a huge compliment of fighter patrols, and an Ion Cannon on the surface to help keep those pesky surface ships under control.
  9. What do you guys think about it? Home Page Gamespy Preview Interview with Associate Producer Even though I recognize Star Wars: Rebellion as a poor game, I really liked the idea behind it. It was just poorly implemented. I think the Star Wars Universe could work well in a situation like this, and big giant epic space battles just make me giddy!! Other things I like about it are removing resource management from the low-level playing field. You only need to bother yourself with the tactical decisions, and the units that you have in the vicinity (that were built on the galactic map) are the units you'll use to fight. I have high hopes for the game, but naturally will have a wait-and-see approach that I have for most games.
  10. The impression that I got, is that they can still preceive pleasurable sensations...it's just not on that deep "emotional" level. Certain things like sex and power serve as strong reinforcers for them. I if you were to dabble in Freud's conceptualization of the Brain, they have a whole lot of Id :D
  11. I told you to be wary of upsetting the big Green One. The wrath of Fionavar can be a scary thing. He's just misunderstood though....he's an ol' softy underneath I'm sure.
  12. Half-Orcs will be in the game, but in the world we're creating, it's going to be a very different world for them. By being borderline "monsters" the career of the Half-Orc is going to be a very challenging one, given the racist world. We'll likely have Dwarves hating Elves more than humans and some of those usual archetypes that exist in fantasy worlds, but right now the initial plan is going to be Half-Orcs at the bottom of the totem pole for all of the major factions/races. While at the beginning we'll try to guide the character based on a combination of race/class (i.e. go to Human region to find a Paladin mentor if you're a Human Paladin and stuff like that), but right now the Half-Orc race supercedes any class combination. Simply because you're a Half-Orc, regardless of class, you'll be facing an uphill battle almost everywhere. It's sort of a sociological experiement of sorts, where you'll have systemic discrimination against a particular race, and I'm curious if Half-Orc characters will end up siding more with the ideal of criminality simply because trying to persevere in the wake of extreme racism will make things difficult. Having said that, I'm hoping for the "good guy" Half-Orcs to ultimately have quite a neat adventure, where gaining the trust and faith of even a single person will be quite the sense of accomplishment. Naturally though, our concept of the Half-Orc is still far from etched in stone, because we still want to have the narrative relate to Half-Orcs in some way. At the moment, Elves are just Elves. No real plans for supporting the near infinite amount of "subclasses" of elves. One of the advantages of creating your own world
  13. It was neat when I watched a video about psychopathy in my criminology class. They indeed are very charismatic, and the one guy had a very convincing case that he had been rehabilitated and would be ready for society and whatnot. I was shocked when additional, more cryptic testing, indicated he was still displaying all symptoms of psychopathy. I actually felt sorry for them, because they seem unable to feel or even comprehend emotion. This is why they are able to do what they do with no remorse. I couldn't imagine going through life without emotion.....they miss out on the best parts of life
  14. Yup, it'll be a fantasy game, mostly because of the toolset provided. It'll be a racist world too, with the big three (humans, elves, dwarves) being the major races. To fit in the smaller races, we'll probably pair up Human-Halfings, Elves-Half Elves, Dwarves-Gnomes.
  15. Only in coop IMO. I didn't care for the single player, as it gets old killing hordes of badguys over and over. But with a friend, hordes of badguy killing NEVER gets old (w00t)
  16. Hence the wink at the end The PC won't be a Chosen One (we've considered the idea of a bogus Prophecy as a Red Herring for a more comedic effect), but there will be plenty of choosing. And often choosing between outcomes. Choosing to do one thing means that the other thing can't be completed. Two people to save? Who are you going to save, if you can only save one? I also liked Ender's idea of having the PC die. However, it's likely a lower level adventure, so I might keep the PC around for an expansion pack :D
  17. Neverwinter Nights 2 Simply for ease of creation and scripting with the toolset. It just uses the ruleset, but I wouldn't call it a D&D game, as it will be in a newly designed world and whatnot.
  18. i was just seeing who thought that when they eat food their not eating DNA, and therefore most likely believe that genetically altered food is bad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't get that idea from the poll. As for genetically altered food, considering the Green Revolution started back in 1944, I'm pretty sure that anyone saying they are on a purely "organic" diet probably isn't being 100% truthful...whether they know it or not.
  19. I recommend a wide-berth for the rest of Obsidian's games. When at BIS, their games were dialogue heavy, with the exception of their action RPGs perhaps. I found KOTOR to be too sparse on the dialogue personally.
  20. Unfortunately, people are content with what they *think* and "common sense" (an overvalued attribute) and make bizarro relationships between violent video games and violent people. Also unfortunately, the raving masses drown out the intelligent scientists.
  21. Ah yes I understand now. And yes, that would be cool. Just give me a moment to finish my mod and then you'll be happy
  22. We're still in pre-pre-pre-production, so we're still determining stuff like that. I mentioned it somewhere else what sort of concepts we would like to see, so I'll see if I can find the link to it....just give me a second. P.S. Avatar is working now! EDIT: Here is where you can find a brief write up of it. I'm still formalizing design documents (which are updated almost every time I meet with my friend), so few things are concrete. Here's a quick synopsis of game mechanics we're looking at: We want to have skills and attributes play a large role in the game, particularly in conversations but also in the game world. We're going to place a greater emphasis on skills rather than classes. We don't want any artifical scenarios where someone could be a better lockpick than a rogue, but that rogue can do the quest simply because he's a rogue. The advantage the rogue will have though, will be that his lockpick skill is a class skill. About the only real place we'll have more class related options is at the beginning of the game, when we plan on using it as a tool to get the narrative going. (This one's for you Darque) Evil will not just be "good for hire" Furthermore, gone will be the days when the evil option lets you keep the phat loot, but the good option still either lets you keep the lewt, or perhaps gets even fatter lewt. If you track down the Sword of r0x0r for someguy because it means so much to him, he's not going to give you Sword of r0x0r as a thank you We want real consequences for your actions, with some moral ambiguity. If you do a good deed and save a life, perhaps that will come back to haunt you as that guy becomes a thorn in your side on an ideological basis. However, it is possible that sparing him will make an area easier, as you now have an ally. No PC is the Chosen One Must Choose garbage I'll post more in a bit if you're interested. A lot of the stuff is covered decently in the link, and Ender and I have a brainstorming session and whatnot. We're just starting to get an idea for an exposition to the narrative, but not sure exactly where we want to take the narrative. Still running around with ideas. And I don't consider this brainstorming necessarily ( metadigital). If you think something's a bad idea, let me know. I'll consider it, but ultimately I still have veto power )
  23. I'll give consoles one thing...cost.
  24. I don't know how possible that is though. Fallout's gamestyle better suits game with less narrative. One thing I hate about games like Baldur's Gate is that a lot of the extra exploring has no relevancy to the plot. Sure the mines of Nashkel are all buggered up, but I think I'll go kill a few weeks wandering this forest area first. In my opinion, there's no motivation for the PC to do that random adventuring, but in Fallout there is. Even in Baldur's Gate 2 they provided ample reason, since one of the tasks is you collecting a farkload of money, so you have to do some random questing to make up that bling.
  25. Edit your UBB tags (turns out I'm dumb) There's supposed to be a "Why?" after the first quote, and then change that endquote to a start quote tag. However, making a claim that it affects some and not all in the same way is the very reason why you cannot really make that claim IMO. If it only seems to affect some and not all, then violent gaming is not the cause of the violent actions. Since it only happens it some, there is clearly some sort of confounding variable that we do not yet know (or actually do, like abused childhoods, poor socioeconomic upbrings, and whatnot) that would actually be the cause.
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