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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Makes short work of the Tzimisce. Though did you even really need high ranged attack to use it effectively? It was insanely strong for me, though I do have a natural ranged value of 9, 10 with Auspex.
  2. I have considered the Nosferatu. I remember I tried playing as one earlier, but got distracted somehow. I was a bit let down with how generous they were with the Masquerade Violations. I was still able to run around pretty freely in the Santa Monica area.
  3. Yeah, devastating Critical is insane, and too easy to get with all of the strength buffs that the RDD gets.
  4. I agree. If you could put up with playing through something that literally takes away hours and hours of your time, it's clear you don't feel the game is subpar.
  5. Errr, I thought all the Charisma did was increase your force points (which does help).
  6. I imagine they get limitations on their vampire abilities?
  7. The great thing about Bioware D&D games, is that you can still blow people up with swords! I typically gibbed 90% of the people I fought against. Good fun!
  8. I did enjoy my Sorceror/Fighter/RDD. The Devastating Critical or whatever which is "save or die" was too damned funny, especially with my greater cleave.
  9. Wacko is Malkavian, which I'm about to finish up tonight. Ugly is the Nosferatu.
  10. OOOOOOO. Tremere was one that I was considering too. Actually, it was between Tremere and Brujah, with Nosferatu being third.
  11. I typically prefer the melee fighters. Paladins and monks were my most commonly played NWN characters.
  12. I typically just blood buff my way through everything with a katana that I procur on the scene. Beserk made things interesting with my Malk, and I was able to use Obfuscate at times as well, and finish off some people with the katana silent kill (which is pretty cool, especially against vampires as they disintigrate in your hands).
  13. Couldn't druids also cast summoning spells, and get a small army following them?
  14. I'll ad-lib. Something to the effect of: "If I can do it, any person of moderate intelligence should be able to do it." As a result, I consider that a compliment to us for being able to do the werewolf part :D
  15. I'd recommend Splinter Cell 3 still. It's much more forgiving for you going through and being a gun-wielding bad ass. Alarms are less fatal too. Though there are some levels where you are not allowed to kill anyone (it makes sense given the situation too), I was able to successfully play the game racking up an insane body count.
  16. I found many people used the pixie. Weren't they invisible as well? And damned near impossible to hit, with mad thieving skills?
  17. Nooo, just add. If you change your sig, my previous post will make no sense!
  18. GoA does have mad skillz....I can sense it. In the context of this situation, I get a good chuckle when reading his sig.
  19. And very effectively ELIMINATING actual roleplaying right there. I knew it! I HATE BETHESDA!!!! :angry: Explanation: Roleplaying on the computer depends on giving the player the opportunity to express his character through dialouge options. The player must be able to be friendly, rude, arrogant, humorous etc. through choosing dialouge options. If you replace real lines like "Yes, sweet beautiful Ravel. I came back for you, my love" with keywords "Ask about: magic weapons" or simple yes/no options. Youre not playing anyone else but yourself, sitting at the computer, playing a game. Youre not roleplaying anymore than if youre playing Super Mario Bros. for the NES <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't there a "mood" circle that lets you pick the tone that you would like to speak with them in? I'd also argue whether it's needed for "roleplaying" as one of the arguably greatest RPG franchises utilized the one word dialogue options to an excellent effect, with Ultima VII being it's pinnacle. In fact, you could probably argue that full on sentences involve less "roleplaying" as your words are already chosen for you.
  20. Yar har har. Though the main issue I had was the description of events, that just don't occur in the game. Back to on topic, what should I play as my next playthrough? My two front runners are problably Brujah and Nosferatu. I've played through as Ventrue, Toreador, and soon Malkavian, so they are out. Play styles and other suggestions also appreciated.
  21. I don't know if "utterly useless" is just "semi hyperbole" Wouldn't the use of hyperbole be pretty boolean anyways?
  22. I am still baffled he was even able to get there. Would have enjoyed watching a video of it. Still not sure how it killed him in two hits, as it had to pummel me pretty good before I had final death. It's kind of funny because he complained about only have 1 dexterity, which can easiliy be set to 5 with a single blood buff. Maybe it just scares him too much. I'll admit, it makes me jump while I run around the observatory and I can hear it running around in the adjacent room.
  23. I don't know if familiars would become "utterly useless" just because they can no longer attack.
  24. I disagree. Why would AI be a RAM hog? The two big concerns are always time and space, and many algorithms have been created that can store AI searches in linear space. They still have the exponential factor with respect to time though. There are many ways to trim branches of trees so that they are not stored in memory, but you'll still eventually need to traverse them, so the time consideration comes into play. I'll admit I'm no expert, but algorithms such as IDA* were created because running out of memory is much, much worse than running out of time. A standard DFS will keep things linear in terms of memory usage, but runs the potential of hitting a black hole to which it goes on forever without finding a solution. IDA* ensures that other branches get checked, but has a drawback of going over nodes multiple times. For most useful algorithms, it seems as though the time explodes much faster than space requirements. Space requirements can also be reduced by an appropriate heuristic. However, depending on the type of heuristic, that calculation could be expensive, time wise. I actually emailed a professor at my University, Jonathan Schaeffer (A quick bio). According to him, he feels that AI will continue to be pushed to the back burner unless someone makes an add on card for AI purposes.
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