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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. 110!? Ya sicko. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't quite read the text because I wasn't zoomed in enough, but one actually survived. I blame the bad dudes. The ran into the common population and freaked everyone out. They all saw my face, so I had to ensure they did not survive.
  2. As for the second dude... Oh, and on the riverboat...someone saw me. Which lead from one thing to the next. No witnesses!
  3. Ultima VII was released a couple of months before EA bought Origin. I think that Elizabeth and Abraham are a coincidence. Especially seeing as you couldn't really say that EA was "backstabbing" them in 1992 anyways. You have to kind of stretch things to consider Elizabeth and Abraham to be backstabbers in the game anyways.
  4. Many of those games are absolute junk though. I did enjoy GoldenEye though. I pick Sam Fisher. Especially with Chaos Theory basically making him a modern day ninja.
  5. eh, except that it has already been established that the vendor-provided dev tools/environment for the 360 are second to none. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's a ton of hoopla about the tools for all the systems. I'm kind of lost in the good and the bad. I wonder what consumers really think when they talk about good tools/environment and whatnot. It's not like the games code themselves. I don't even know what the term "devtools" encompasses, outside of maybe a devkit. This is just a way for them to get you to give you money as soon as possible. It doesn't mean a whole lot really. Though you've essentially given them money for products you have yet to purchase.
  6. Fair enough. Sounds like something that needs fixing in the sequel
  7. It was very dramatic. I mean, what a horrible accident to have happen during a rehearsal. And when things go bad, it ALL goes bad, as his friend was the victim of an unfortunate accident too! Very sad......
  8. On the plus side, you don't need to worry about your CD-Key ever again. I didn't really notice it at the time, but I didn't need to reinput my CD-Key when I reinstalled Half-Life 2. For better or worse, it's all part of their copy protection scheme. I haven't tested it, but I actually think that, in the event you lose your Half-Life 2 CD, you can just download the game off of Steam again. If you don't like it...you shouldn't. The real question is why would you bother coming into a thread with people that are interested in the game just to comment how you felt it was a mediocre game.
  9. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/sony/sony-ref...umor-176461.php The wonderful thing about Google (and most search engines actually), is you can search for phrases. This was my search string: "PR manager Jennie Kong spoke out against the recent rumor" (including quotes).
  10. I was. As was my employer. I was a bit sloppy though. There was a witness. All because I wanted to recover my suit
  11. Somehow I just knew... I do Computer Assisted Design of living room furniture. Frames. It's even more boring than it sounds. And the pay sucks. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should have. I don't believe it's the first time I've mentioned it
  12. Battlefield: Vietnam wasn't. At least not that I know of. I think Wildfire was. I'm not sure what happened to those that played it prior though. It's a bizarre situation because when Wildfire was released, the company that made JA2 was already out of business for a few years.
  13. Working on this. It seems as though I have a webpage link that I did not know about (that goes to a 404 error naturally). Guess which name I am? "
  14. It's really nothing like Max Payne at all. Except maybe that the world goes bullet time speed when you get killed.... The second level was an opera, and man was that great! Nothing like putting the environment to good use :D
  15. A good place to start would pretty much be any quest already in your quest log.
  16. I didn't look into it, but the box does says Crossfire ready. All I need (according to the box) is another Crossfire card, and a crossfire mobo (which I have).
  17. Hahahaha. If I could guarantee that it wouldn't mess up my sewer system in the process, I'd consider doing it.
  18. With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one. And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working. I disagree. When I watched the Wii demo my eyes widened when I saw the the sword fighting demo with the person using the Wii. People were playing Golf, Tennis, and Baseball in a way never done before on a video game console. If it's never been done before, wouldn't it be revolutionary? Technology is actually being researched (and I've seen it in practice at my University) that lets me move a controller (that looks a bit like a pen), with the movements corresponding to a little ball in a VR world on a computer screen. The cool thing was that by bumping into objects (and the floor/walls/ceiling) I could actually feel the little ball bumping into the objects, and feel the resistance of moving those objects around, all in a 3D world. It's research applications include the possibilities of using it to help train surgeons so that they can practice surgery without needing a cadaver. Or to hook up a real surgeon perform a real, complex operation, and have the surgeon in training simply hold the pen and have it follow along with a sensor on the actual scalpel. I think Nintendo's controller is just starting to scrape the surface of what can be done to change how games are controlled. You'd be the first person I have ever seen not initially move the controller with them when playing a game console for the first time.
  19. If Sony isn't good enough of a source, I doubt you'd be convinced either way.
  20. Didn't the Dreamcast and Saturn have huge headstarts as well?
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