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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Haha...getting that Sig can be a pain in the butt. The best way I found to do it was to take a briefcase so that you could smuggle it out.
  2. There's a skill called "Blood Buff" that makes it possible for you to get through pretty much any situation should you have to start throwing punches.
  3. alanschu


    Both of those would be cool! I'm pulling for him for the Masterson award.
  4. The manual is the only thing that I really miss. It can be an inconvenience if you need to refer to it a lot. Having said that, for the most part, even the paper manuals have sucked ass in the past few years.
  5. alanschu


    Not only that, but Ward makes a huge save to keep the lead just like Khabibulin did against Leopold. I thought the similarities were erie.
  6. It's probably part of the reason why I'm much more open minded to digital distribution now.
  7. alanschu


    I like the team as they displayed excellent chemistry. I'm also a fan which means I have a hard time making the hard decisions. Though I liked every decision Lowe made this year.
  8. There is a save feature. How many you get depends on the difficulty level. The highest difficulty you get, infinite, 7, 3, and zero based on the difficulty. EDIT: Per level that is.
  9. alanschu


    I could see Rem staying on the team as a 14th forward. I think he just wants to be part of the game after his injury. He played essentially for free this year because his paycheques went to the insurance companies.
  10. alanschu


    I'm hoping for some Hungry Hungry Hippos. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd actually consider writing a letter to the team thanking them for the season. I didn't mind the post game, until Rod lifted the cup. Then I felt sick and turned off the TV. Since I'd rather not think about what just happened, let's talk about something else.... Who's in and who's out? I've been a big Peca fan and would love to see him back, but I think he's gone.
  11. The only excuse I'll accept for not having the next part up is because you're bottling up your emotions to unleash on me like I am to you!
  12. I loved Little Mac. The dude could run as fast as a guy in a bike! And if he needed a boost, all his coach had to do was tap him on the shoulder a little harder.
  13. alanschu


    I'd be surprised if Patrick leaves New Jersey, but that's the word on the grapevine.
  14. The top of the South tower actually does tip when it falls.
  15. alanschu


    Time to don the rally caps! Come on Oilers!
  16. alanschu


    IT'S GAME TIME! ****ING W00T!
  17. Excellent point! What's with the eye roll?
  18. What did you expect? Them to cater to a non-existant group of clients? They are there to make money afterall. Though I admit, I remember seeing more PC games... now it's just a rack with only the newer titles (for some odd reason the one in my local mall still has the huge Vampire Bloodlines box on the shelf o.O). EDIT : Was Gamestop even "big" before console games? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Odd. My Vampire box is one of the newer, smaller ones. THey had been smaller ones for quite some time.
  19. Is the term sellout appropriate?
  20. The Toreador had the same problem with the trenchcoat also. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My first playthrough was as a toreador...I don't remember them having a free flowing trenchcoat like the Ventrue. Meh.
  21. I just messed around a bit on a different playthrough....and there is in fact a time limit to how long you have before figuring it out.
  22. I've never used my tears for manipulation. Oh, and I'm not crazy. Men are emotionally retarded... I learnt that at uni and from personal experience. It's a sad truth, so accept it. Crying is a form of release and is a good thing if it is required for the said purpose. Keeping things bottled up is unhealthy and leads to further emotional problems. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That assumes that crying is the only way to prevent things from bottling up.
  23. The WTC had been a victim of terrorist strikes before. Seriously, watch the Screw Loose Change video. Both movies are interesting, and the Screw Loose Change brings up a lot of questions about the Loose Change video as well. http://www.lolloosechange.co.nr/
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