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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I'd be surprised if it wasn't common in the English language long before today. I've never seen hate be used merely as a relative term. Yes there are degrees of love and hate, but I love my Mom and Dad, and love them more than I do my Aunt and Uncle. But to say that I hate my Aunt and Uncle would not in any way be true, even though, relatively speaking I love them less than I do my Mom and Dad. Hate is a very strong word. As for Khelgar, you disagree with him, he's bound to take it at least a bit negatively. And I'm not sure what your point is about how he disagrees with you sometimes. If you want, you can refer to him more negatively as well. In fact, I'm guessing that if Khelgar persitently disagreed with everything you said, you'd start to find him pretty annoying yourself. I agree with Tigranes that the influence messages shouldn't show up, at least not until the game is beaten. If you don't go through it naturally, and end up trying to do whatever you can to make everyone happy, then you'll start getting caught up on little -1 values that pop up.
  2. You mean like head-butting someone? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I already know how to do that!
  3. I was never able to pick it. I figured I couldn't get more than one prestige class, but it turns out I didn't have enough points in Intimidate. Whoops
  4. I'm pretty sure I found one this past time, but don't remember finding one my first playthrough (outside of the one at your keep). Maybe I did buy it and just forgot. I don't usually buy things though.
  5. I just made a Silver Longsword +5, with 2d6 Holy Damage and 1d6 fire damage.
  6. Yeah, I meant against your fighter, since he's the evil one. THis would be awesome (as in not, when we use HIPS), since it'd be Rogue on Rogue, and Fighter on Fighter! hahaha My Rogue seems to be nerfed against yours, since I barely touched on crafting my first playthrough. Having a blast with it this time, though I think it might make things even easier in the game. It's still cool and fun.
  7. Haha, that's awesome, because my Rogue is chaotic evil, and my fighter is lawful good. Your chars could probably beat up on mine, though my assassin's ability to hide in plain sight was remarkably useful. It basically let me get sneak attacks, even in one on one combat. And since he was a dual wielder, he'd actually get two sneak attacks. I dropped many guys in a single hit. Didn't bother with the poison stuff though (as at the time I didn't really know how to). I think my Paladin/Divine Champion will do better though, as I'm playing with crafting. I have an Alchemical Silver Long Sword that is currently Holy, with a +3 enchantment. Once I hit level 15, that thing will be a +5 enchantment, with probably 1d6 electrical damage as well. I also have mithril full plate, with a +3 enchantment on that as well, and a Duskwood Heavy Shield, with only a +1 enchantment. And all I need to do is get Grobnar/Sand Craft Wonderous Items, and I should be able to craft the Cloak of +8 Charisma (woo!). I bet my Paladin (when done) and your rogue would have a decent fight. Because my Paladin also happens to have blind fighting, which would help with your invisible trickery. Though if you have a significant amount of spells, you'll probably still wax me. Though I get both a Smite Evil and a Smite Infidel, which would help me in hitting and hurting you. EDIT: Whoops, I meant your fighter, since your rogue was a good guy, and my sword and skills would be useless against you!
  8. It only dictates the players actions if you decide to no longer roleplay the game, and decide instead to pick all the options so that they will talk to you. But it's still you influencing their opinions of you. Your actions and words, influence how they see you, and you can use that influence to get them to talk about things they might not otherwise have spoken about. I do agree that it'd be nice if you could actually make wholesale changes to their character, but as of now your influence is restricted to the NPC's opinion of you.
  9. I'd suggest saving and trying to construct a long sword or something, just to isolate it to the kukri. Oh, where did you find the crafting gloves? I haven't found them yet, but I remember finding them somewhere in my first playthrough.
  10. alanschu


    Nitpick (since he's one of my favourite players of all time), it's MacInnis. Al MacInnis. With a huge booming slapshot to boot!
  11. Hehe, I remember Fallout 2 being particularly buggy.
  12. Can you make a different weapon out of adamantine?
  13. We will clearly need to settle this in a Trial by Combat. Would you rather go up against my Rogue/Assassin, or my Paladin/Divine Champion?
  14. I don't think it exists in game. Though it really shouldn't be that big of a mystery if someone likes you or not.
  15. The dwarven waraxe is exotic. Seems as though the kukri is merely a martial weapon though.
  16. I was under the impression that it was the presence alone that was required, not the actual skills. The rituals of purification, while granting you additional powers, have affected you in such a way that your presence alone made all the difference. And this wasn't something that I thought of after the game either, but how I thought it was right from the beginning.
  17. Are they exotic weapons? You need 23 to craft adamantine exotic weapons.
  18. A simple -1 doesn't mean that they hate you. If you have 100 influence with someone, and then disagree with you, they'll still idol-worship you. Not true, you influence their opinion of you. It's only them influencing you if you decided to no longer roleplay, but to actively pick options simply because you want person X to like you more. As you accumulate influence, you can use this influence to get them to talk to you about things they might not otherwise have spoken to you about.
  19. That's bullcrap. I'm not sure what "actual real role-playing" has to do with anything. Sometimes circumstances mean that you cannot do everything yourself, no matter what you want to. Ammon Jerro performs the ritual on the final statue of purification, which is a good thing because YOU don't get there in time.
  20. He was the one that performed the ritual on the final statue, not you. And I don't think he will betray you. I never had him in my group, outside of having him chant the true names of the Reavers, so I didn't gain much influence on him. Which would make sense, because his entire life purpose has been to destroy the King of Shadows, I'd be very surprised if, now that you have finally tracked him down, he suddenly decides to turn on you and fight with Garius and the King of Shadows. If he were to betray you, I'd roll my eyes much more at Obsidian than forcing him to be an NPC party member. I think it may have been a bug, but he was the only one that could recite the true names of the reavers as well. I thought it said that the Githerzai Cleric could also do it, but I couldn't get her to use the scroll for some wierd reason.
  21. Well, just quit the game right then and there and go play something else, because it'd be essentially the same as if you had killed Ammon Jerro. I suppose you could have this epic, futile struggle, where eventually the King of Shadows wins because you killed the last piece that was required to kill him, but I'd wager that most people wouldn't be happy with an ending that was that anti-climactic.
  22. That is also true (though the only mail I had ever received to my personal address was a free updated CD). Money does talk, but perhaps the PC gamers themselves are partially to blame why something like DVD media took years to become popular in North America gaming. Though if it was specifically for advertising, wouldn't they be more careful about verifying the information. No problems with a@a.net email addresses, as well as Shelbyville, PA 00000 addresses. I wonder if people in Europe register their software more, or if casual gamers in North America register their software more than other people. Europe adopted DVDs much, much earlier, while casual gamers would be the ones least likely to have a DVD drive. Because to all of us it seemed so "obvious" that DVDs have been common for years, yet we were still getting games on 4, 5, even 6 CDs.
  23. Or you could provide additional votes (on top of what you paid for) for what type of games you'd like to have made. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seriously, you're like the funniest guy on this board <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you think they ask you what types of games you like to play for their own personal amusement?
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