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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Well, then you won't be paying for it months on end.
  2. The Assassin can Hide in Plain Sight though! One thing I noticed about the Neverwinter Nine PrC is that I'm not going to be able to get it until long after I have passed level 15. I'm already able to reach level 16, but I'm still in Act 2!
  3. Vhailor would seem to validate that point of view, at least in CRPGs. He was absolutely gung-ho about justice, and he was Lawful Neutral. He was so in for justice that he didn't care about the ramifications of good nor evil. Hence, he slaughters Trias the Betrayer after he repents for his actions and plans on trying to make things right (which was one of the coolest parts in recent video gaming memory).
  4. Ah interesting, that's definitely a consideration that I didn't think of. My module is for single player purposes as well.
  5. And in that thread, it seems like a large chunk of the people state that despite the few flaws (such as Wail of the Banshee), on the whole, they prefer NWN2's spell animations over NWN1's. It wasn't really the best source you could find for how damning the spell animations were. As an aside, am I the only person that can look at the icons next to my portraits and tell what buffs and penalties I have on? I'm not really sure how this is much different than the huge row of markers that went across the top of the screen in NWN1, with the exception of the fact that it is now easy to see what buffs my NPCs also happen to have on. Maria: Thanks, that's what I thought. It's just I have done a lot of work with AI in the past, so when I think of pathfinding, I typically think of the algorithms that go into pathfinding, rather than the creation of the walkmesh that is utilized for the pathfinding
  6. NWN runs fine on my computer, but for some reason it has issues on one of the lab computers at school/work. THe game looks nice, but there's a stutter to the entire game. About ever second too. And it doesn't go away if you reduce the game to minimum details. I wonder if it might be a dual core processor issue (which I just thought of now). I don't know if his computer is a dual core Pentium or not, but it might be.
  7. I'm not too familiar with the online persistent worlds, but what exactly are you guys talking about when you say "pathfinding?" EDIT: Also: Some people in that very same thread have stated that they feel that the spell effects are "FAR better" on the whole. Not exactly the best link. Yes there will be people disappointed about things, because that's the way people are. Be careful using internet message boards as a tool though. Not many people bother going to a game forum just to talk about how they don't have issues with a game. If you were to just use internet message boards as a source, it would seem that pretty much every game is rife with horrible design decisions, game breaking poor design, and for the most part just plain sucks. For a while that is. Then games eventually get elevated to immacculate when the new stuff starts coming out.
  8. If someone really wanted elevation (and elevation that is infinitely more customizable than the 45 degree immersion killing ramps of NWN), then that's not an issue. Furthermore, if you were to make ALL of your cave maps in a similar style, you wouldn't even notice any sort of disjunction between cave maps. Couldn't you just paint the textures of the "exterior" map with those of the Cave and Cavern? To be honest, it looks like you're just trying to nitpick simply for the sake of nitpicking. Someone has presented a solution that could offer an even better improvement over the 45 degree mountains of NWN1, yet you still insist on bashing it. It'd allow for caves with uneven terrain (because lets face it, how many caves out there have perfectly flat terrain in them), walls with slopes, deep crevices and cliffs, rather than mere caves with right angle walls, flat ground, and 45 degree ramps in them. I don't know, but I'm skeptical that people would take a look at a "cave" that has the sloped hills, uneven ground, and just immediately discount it (despite having way more flavour than any strict tileset can have) simply because it doesn't look exactly the same as the Cave and Cavern Tilesets. In fact, I think the only people that would, would be the people looking to nitpick things about the game simply for the sake of nitpicking.
  9. I'd personally prefer it if you didn't start tossing out racist accusations to people that disagree with you (including the ones that were actually part of that race) while you were on that high horse. Same goes with stereotyping people into "mobs" (again, your words) because they disagree with you. Enjoy your "high horse," as I wouldn't want anything to do with it. I prefer to associate myself with people that aren't gigantic hypocrites, and that also think they know better about a person than that person themselves. In case it isn't to painfully clear, I'm talking about you when I say this. This will undoubtedly be reported as a flame, and probably even be deleted. But if you think the right place to be is in a position where you feel so enlightened that you are more capable of making interpretations and decisions for an entire race of people that you don't belong to, then I pity you. When you then accuse other people of using similar arguments and getting all up in a huff about it, going on the defensive, then I just loathe you. Perhaps you could say that I am disgusted (to again use your words). It's a farce because Colrom, yet again, feels that someone else's opinion and interpretation of reality are wrong. These views do not coincide with his, and make an extrapolation that his (in)actions could be seen as support for something that is wrong (the supporting of insurgents that is). Since these views do not coincide with how he sees the world, this thread is naturally a farce. To save metadigital the link, you could probably make a stretch to this. Enjoy this post while you can
  10. THen you make the cave link to a transition to an "exterior" area that looks like a cave. As an experienced modder, I'd think that this solution would have been obvious for you. Make the cave entrance just like you always would, but instead of having it link to an interior cave tileset, link it to the "exterior" cave map. What are the telltale earmark signs that you're in a cave or a cavern tileset? The sky can be completely blacked out, so you wouldn't see a sky. As for the lack of a roof, I can't imagine it being too hard to suspend disbelief in this one (unless you're nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking because you just want to bash a game), given that most people play the game from a more isometric viewpoint and rooftops don't actually exist.
  11. I'm curious how much of a contention this really is. And I agree with Maria and Darque that if you can make something with the exterior terrain that looks and behaves and feels like an interior, continuing to gripe about the lack of ramps in the interior seems to more just be griping for the sake of griping. One could even argue that something is wrong if you absolutely need a mountain inside of a game to give you the feeling of an epic climb up to a boss. But if you can make a suitable looking dungeon map with the exterior terrain creator, the point becomes moot, because the exterior terrain design is infinitely better than anything NWN1 has, and better than what NWN2 interior has. Thanks for looking into that Maria, I'll make sure to take a look into further. I imagine for most scenes the standard interior will work fine for me (especially for buildings and whatnot), but it's nice to have that bit of flexibility. I think you can even set the area to "underground" (or whatever it's called) so that the racial feats that work in those areas still work and whatnot. Now if only I was less addicted to Madden 07 (I don't know why, but I find this game goofy fun, and I'm not even a huge sports gamer any more ) I could get more work done on my module
  12. Points for that. I thought they looked awkward because he would return to the pose animation between attacks, so he'd quickly be hopping back and forth for his extra attacks. The thing is, with the Great Cleave, they should all die at the same time, but it's possible for the zombies around you to stlll hit you as your Great Cleave goes around killing them one at a time. But given that I would probably be content with static, unanimated sprites, I am probably atypical.
  13. Keep in mind there are no expansions and no box sets, of which there are numerous NWN incarnations. So a comparison might not be apt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That wasn't really what I meant. I wasn't trying to compare it to the original. It was a genuine question, how is NWN2 selling?
  14. These kinda matter RPGamer PC RPG of the Year RPG Vault Product of the Year Gamespot Editor's Choice RPGDot Gold Award E3 Game Critics Award Best Role Playing Game E3 2002 (Third year in a row!) Gamers.com Top 10 PC Games of 2002 - #1 Electric Playground Best RPG For PC <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heh, I just realized that they count "finalists" as being awards on that list. Who and what were they competing against?
  15. First of all, I feel I must point out that when you say "Some claim it was to support the ultra-fast movements," you should realise that when you are referring to "some" you are referring to Obsidian directly. Second, given you could theoretically kill an infinite number of badguys with great cleave, even then this solution wouldn't work, outside of speeding things up and making something look a little silly, because of how fast they'd be moving. It's always nice to sit back and decide to add stuff while on a limited budget with finite time. But its something that is superficial enough that I won't miss it. It looked a little awkward at first, but I think that that was more because I was used to it from NWN. And the multiple bashing people with Great Cleave in NWN looked plenty awkward at first too.
  16. Heh, I just realized that they count "finalists" as being awards on that list. Black and White won a lot of awards too.
  17. This sounds like a cool idea at first, until you factor in the double cleave that the Frenzied Beserker gets. Couple that with Great Cleave, and if you're strong enough, it's entirely possible to kill every one around you in a single attack, and you'd end up having people watch half of the fights in slow motion matrix style. It would get old, very quick.
  18. Err, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying "when the draft comes for an evil war" I took "evil" as being a war worth fighting, such as some actual "evil" is threatening your country.
  19. Off the top of my head, the map has points at the corners which show you in which direction certain landmarks are. However, these points are useless because the direction they are in doesnt necessarily reflect the path you need to take to get there. That's a problem with pretty much ANY minimap though. To bitch at NWN2 for not showing you the paths is to pretty much bitch at any game's minimap. Meh, I never noticed an issue. Though to be quite honest, I don't really use it because I don't really find the maps large nor complex.
  20. But the ramps! The ramps! Major boondoggle. A game ender really. EDIT: Anyone else suddenly suspicious of an alt-account? <_<
  21. Why would you need to wait for the draft?
  22. Because Keen Edge adds the Keen trait to the weapon. So if Keen Edge isn't working, it's because Keen isn't working. I just tested this with three different weapons, and after casting the spell, if I check out the information on the weapon, they now have "Keen" listed. So if it isn't working based on looking at the attack rolls, then I wonder if the Keen trait itself isn't working. Because I'm not trying to convince you that Casavir isn't killing Grobnar. You actually think I'm bold enough to tell you what's happening on your screen isn't actually happening? If Casavir is killing Grobnar, I wonder if there is something actually wrong with your game. Because Casavir (nor anyone else) has ever started to melee attack anyone in my game, regardless of what friendly fire spells may or may not have hit him, on any difficulty level. And yours is the very first instance I have seen of NPC players actually targetting their own allies and attacking them with melee attacks.
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