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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Is damage really proportional to energy? I guess the energy must be transfered somewhere. Take a musket round of equivalent mass with the same speed as a rifle bullet, and I guarantee you that musket round is going to mess you up a lot more because it's not going to have as clean of an entry or path through you.
  2. Huh? You really should know this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle_velocity Barrel length can affect the kinetic energy transmitted to the bullet. Thankyou for the wikipedia page. I never knew what muzzle velocity was until you linked a wiki page for me. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. Love it when people try to act smart by being condescending.. Yeah, I'm sure you know much more than the people writing the articles on Wikipedia, you just don't want anyone to know that by asking questions even an idiot wouldn't. Clever move. What would do more damage, a faster bullet or a slower bullet? Aram asked why a .223 pistol would do more damage than a .223 rifle, and you posted about muzzle_velocity. Which would make me think you feel that a slower bullet would do more damage, since the .223 pistol would undoubtedly have a slower muzzle velocity. Is this the case? If so, why? My ignorant assumption would be that a faster bullet would do more damage as it'd have more velocity, and therefore more momentum (p=mv). So, my question is still the same as Aram's...why would a .2239 pistol do more damage than a .223 rifle? Especially since the context of Aram's post was in response to poo-guy talking about how damage is related to mass and velocity (i.e. momentum). Personally I found your linking to muzzle velocity to be a pretty poor answer, as it wasn't particularly an answer, especially in context of Aram's post. If damage is a function of mass and velocity, then damage is related to momentum. In what way? Simply stating that muzzle velocity explains a faster moving bullet doesn't answer Aram's question. Is it simply more momentum = more damage? Because I'd imagine a bullet that is 1g going 10,000 m/s would not necessarily do as much damage as a bullet that was 100g moving at 100 m/s (I picked extreme values for a reason).
  3. Haha, I do enjoy the "screw you you're on your own" parts as well hahaha
  4. I do hate them because they are dead! And still moving. And eating my face.
  5. Speaking of Zoloft, an Arts option I am taking is about the Sociology of Health and Illness, and I just had to write a paper about how we as a society have blurred the lines between what we consider to be "normal sadness" and what we consider to be clinical depression. As an interesting fact, in 2000 antidepressants constituted just over 58% of all prescription medication revenue, up like 20% from 1990. Crazy stuff. The two articles I read were pretty interesting about the ideas.
  6. It's like getting in to see Coaxmetal in Planescape: Torment. The only way to become a mod, is to not want to become a mod.
  7. I'll say that Wall-E does look pretty adorable haha. It's the damn puppy dogish eyes I saw Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I laughed.
  8. And here I was hoping leapfrogging was some how a euphemism for sex!!!
  9. I prefer my games to actually be done, available, and a ton of fun anyways!
  10. Would a slower bullet be more damaging than a faster one though? I could see "yes" because it'll less easily penetrate a target and hence have a more erratic path through the target, causing residual damage. By the same token, I would guess (in my ignorance) that a faster bullet would likely have better armor penetrating qualities. At the same time, wouldn't a really fast bullet with a small mass have a chance of shattering after penetration, causing a copious amount of tissue damage than a clean penetration?
  11. Good point it sucks It's like Wolf3D with zombie hordes
  12. Zing to Aram. Is that any more fun than pushing them over and jumping over them though? There's been plenty of distraction due to the zombie apocalypse, which is a boon.
  13. Of course that would only apply if I wanted to HURT The Girl...which I don't. Alas, no kinky hawt best friend sex for me
  14. Haha that'd be interesting. Her best friend is quite attractive as well, and if I take a step back, I bet she'd be a pleasurable romp in the sack haha. Never really thought of that though...as we're sort of quasi friends, given that she happens to be married to a really good friend of mine. Maybe if I get her really drunk HAHA. She's a flirty person in general, and has flirted with me in the past haha. Of course she is totally NOT the type of person I'd really be attracted to because of her personality...which makes it perfect for angry hate revenge sex, right??? HAHA.
  15. My condolences Gorth. I hope they informed you that all Global Moderators get spammed via PM to hell and back from me being a whiny baby. In fact that's probably why they promoted you... If you say you aren't afraid.....you will be. You will be.
  16. I am disputing the tank weakspot of legs haha. In other news, the versus mode of the game is a ton of fun! Was playing online with a friend and though we ended up on opposite teams, it was fun to play around as the infected with a group of people so you could work together and try to mess up the survivors. Good times for sure.
  17. My favourite was We've Got Hostiles and the Diabolical Guitar music that played when I got into the elevator during the first contact with the surface. It was awesome. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=HO43gtqLAdQ
  18. I figured few felt Dalton was the best Bond.
  19. Agreed that the Xen parts of the level had waaaay too much jumping.
  20. That's nice. Surprisingly people out there have different tastes.
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