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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Honestly I don't think I'm interested in any more of Shodan's antics. I like the game style though (Deus Ex being probably my favourite game ever).
  2. Is it? It's been so long I don't remember when I learned that. Seriously, it would have been better to just explain that you never stated your opinion as a fact rather than some weird example to try to prove a point, hoping he understand what point you're trying to make. I didn't learn that I had to be concise until post-secondary though And I still suck at it haha.
  3. I love Ultima (Ultima VII FTW!!!), but I'm not interested in an Ultima game that doesn't have Garriott at the helm. I also saw what EA did to the franchise back in the day so I'm not holding out much hope that it'll ever get revived.
  4. I agree. I also have no idea who that chap is or what he bases his numbers on.
  5. The thing is, if Mr. Spector hadn't been trying to design some a new IP, we would have never gotten any of the System Shocks. I don't mind a sequel, especially if it's still a good game. But my favourite games tend to be the ones that are something new and awesome, rather than a sequel and awesome. As you say, you want a new System Shock "in the right hands." But what happens if those hands don't make the game that you want? Do you just dismiss it as "not the right hands after all?"
  6. Yes, you've learned that opinions are not facts, good for you. Now take a short quiz: Betty wears a green dress. Betty is nice. Can you spot the fact? Very good girls and boys. Are you implying that your perspective of the quality of games today is fact?
  7. Okay PC it is. Thanks Pidesco!
  8. If I were to get Mirror's Edge, would you recommend PC or 360?
  9. The programmer in me always prefers to use !=
  10. I believe that exists by default in the PS3 one! (I think it's called something less abrasive though haha)
  11. A game that looks better doesn't have to be one that does not play better. One of the things I like about games looking better and having finer details, is that I no longer need a text description of "The guard looks at you scornfully" but rather, I can see right on his face that he's looking at me scornfully. I have found with improved animations and graphics have also come improved detail and versatility in how your characters can move and react. Not always, but I'm thinking Splinter Cell style games and whatnot. I think a large part of what makes those games good is the level of detail in the art design for the game.
  12. I think that that has a lot to do with the fact that the price of games has remained static ($60ish dollars and always have been), while the cost of developing games has gone up quite quickly.
  13. As far as I know there is no tangible reward for getting any achievements in the game.
  14. Haha, that reminds me, someone got caught doing 170 km/h in a 90 zone yesterday.
  15. If you already have an account on SWTOR, you should be able to get that account to sign up. Log in with your existing account, and go to "My Account" in the top right, and there should be a question asking if you want to take part in the testing. In hindsight, I really should have linked this article: http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20090929_001 It mentions it there.
  16. There are achievements in the PC version. I think more, given that XBOX Live and whatnot has a limit on how many gamer points you can get from achievements and whatnot.
  17. Hahaha. The Dwarf origins are probably among the best. I really liked the Dwarf Noble one.
  18. Sounds like there's some growing pains for the set up. How I did it was: Create your account, and say NO THANKS to testing. This should send you an email. After verifying your account via email, go into "My Account" and say you'd like to take part in testing. Then it should work. I had some activeX issues (when I clicked on it to allow it it'd reset) where it put me back to the start of this stage again, but since I had my account finally established (if you try to do it all it once, it doesn't seem to create any account whatsoever), it worked (and remembered most of my information too haha) the second time it made me go through. Kind of annoying but it seems someone was optimistic their procedure would work right from the start
  19. It is apparently a beta test so that does make sense.
  20. Large parts of the world that have a lower age of consent are also developed countries, and arguably among the most socially progressive.
  21. I think it depends on the area. Alistair is familiar with Redcliffe and IIRC, he's the one that tells you about the area. That has nothing to do with obtaining the achievement though.
  22. HAHA That was a Bethesda game? Crazy!!! I played that one hehehehe. It was "interesting" by today's standards Though the driving mechanic was neat....depending on which car you jacked you had to worry about automatic vs manual transmission. I remember shifting was a bitch though hehe.
  23. Note: I'm considering reloading and picking some different options at a particular point to be a different playthrough, because that still counts. However, my guess is you'd need to playthrough the entire game with each of the origin stories, through until completion, to get each ending. To be honest I'm not sure specifically what they refer to as "ending." IMO the endings seem to have a fair bit of permutations, but I figure that they don't mean "see every possible permutation" because that would just be reee-eee-eee-eeee-idiculous.
  24. It's funny because I don't consider Bethesda's FPSs to be a part of their legacy at all, but they were definitely making them.
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